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Date: 1927 January
Vol . 1 Issue 07 of The Syrian World published January 1927. The issue opens with a travel journal entry by Ameen Rihani. This is followed by an article by the editor that discusses Christianity in the near east (Syria), and a treaty that was signed…

The index for The Syrian World vol. II, numbers 1-12.

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Vol . 1 Issue 06 of The Syrian World published December 1926. The issue is focused around Christmas. It opens with an article discussing "The Spirit of Christmas" and is followed by a poem by Kahlil Gibran. Overall, this issue focuses on what…

Volume 1 Issue 05 of The Syrian World published November 1926. The issue opens with a story discussing Syrians and how they have established themselves as successful traders and merchants. In further discussion of Syrian history, there is an article…

Date: 1926 October
Volume 1 Issue 04 of The Syrian World, published October 1926. The issue opens with an article about "Near East Relief in Syria" by Charles V. Vickrey. Many of the articles in this issue focus on how the West (specifically France and the United…

Volume 1 Issue 03 of The Syrian World, published September 1926. The issue opens with an article by Prof. Philip K. Hitti of Princeton detailing the historic significance of Nahr Al-Kalb (Dog River), a river in Lebanon. This issue includes several…

Date: 1926 August
Volume 1 Issue 02 of The Syrian World, published August 1926. This issue begins with an article by Dr. Bayard Dodge discussing the importance of education for uniting Syria, building up its economy, and reforming the living conditions. The next two…

Date: 1926 July
Volume 1 Issue 01 of The Syrian World, published July 1926. This first issue begins with a foreword by Salloum Mokarzel and a poem by Kahlil Gibran stating the purpose of the journal to educate both Syrian-Americans and a broader American public…

The index for The Syrian World vol. I, numbers 1-12.

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Date: 1950 Oct 19
A copy of a letter from Salloum Mokarzel to Mary Mokarzel concerning her travels and his health.


Date: 1929 July
A postcard from Salloum Mokarzel to his daughter Yemna Mokarzel. The lake depicted on the card is located in Portugal. The postcard is damaged, missing a corner.

Date: 1908-1909
A digital version of the first edition of The Syrian Business Directory written and compiled by Salloum Mokarzel and H.F. Otash in the early 1900s. The directory was a voluntary register of Lebanese American business owners in the United States. A…
Syrian-American Business Directory 1908-1909_ocr_wm.pdf

A letter from Salloum Mokarzel to Ameen Rihani, dated September 19, 1930.

A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated November 23, 1926, Salloum is pleased to hear from Alice and that she is reading every single word in the issue of "The Syrian World" he sent her.…

A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated October 30, 1926, Salloum has been busy with the publication of "The Syrian World," but made a point to "find" time to write to Alice. Earlier that…

Date: 1926 June 21
A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated June 21, 1926, Salloum expects that Alice must be very busy because she hasn't written to him as frequently as she used to. This is because as the…

Date: 1926 May 25
A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated May 25, 1926, Salloum is pleased to witness Alice's academic growth in Arabic and French and artistic growth in painting. In some previous letters,…

Date: 1926 March 3
A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated March 3, 1926, Salloum explains that he has been writing to Alice as often as he can and hopes that his letters aren't going astray. He responds to…

A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated February 25, 1926, Salloum explains that his letters must have been lost because he is always writing her back. He wants her to know that he will…

A letter from Salloum to his daughter, Alice Mokarzel, written in New York City. In this letter, dated February 4, 1926, Salloum finally writes Alice back explaining that how endearing her letters are and how much comfort he finds in reading her…

A postcard from Salloum to his daughter Alice Mokarzel Jaoudi sent from Brooklyn, New York dated November 24, 1925. This postcard expresses concern for Alice's health and happiness that he's received a letter from her.

Date: 1925 Aug 3
A letter from Salloum to his daughter Alice Mokarzel Jaoudi, written in his home in Brooklyn, New York. In this letter, dated August 3, 1925, Salloum writes back to Alice and describes how happy he was reading the letters she sent him. He is…

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Date: 1923
Al-Nasamāt, النسمات [Breezes], is a collection of essays written by Salma Sa'igh and published in Beirut in 1923.
Salma Sa'igh al-Nasamat_o.pdf

Date: 1916 July 12
A letter from Salvador Alvarado to Ameen Rihani, dated July 12, 1916.

Date: 1923
Al-Kalimāt Al-Khālida, الكلمات الخالدة [Sincere Words] is a collection of speeches and writings written by Salwá Salāmah Aṭlas. It was published in 1923 in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Salma Salaama Atlas, Jurj Atlas - al-Kalimat al-Khalida_o.pdf

A radiogram from Salwa Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1968 August 31.

Date: 1990
A photograph of Mazarat al Toufah, where Moussa and Cecilia Domit grew up, taken from some distance in 1990.

Date: 1990
A photograph of a public square in Mazarat al Toufah, Lebanon, where Cecilia and Moussa Domit grew up.

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A letter from Samuel Zwemer to Ameen Rihani, dated February 19, 1929.

Date: circa 1991
Choreography notes written by Sandra Koskoff for Bedia of Bellydancing by Bedia.


Date: undated
A photograph of a gravestone of an infant child of Nola George Romey and Hasna "Fannie" Romey located in the Moses family plot at Oak Lawn Cemetery in Lake City, Florida. Additional research by the Khayrallah Center suggests that this is the grave of…

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Article about the 2005 retirement of George Maron El-Khouri from his job of 30 years teaching law enforcement in Andrews, North Carolina. Upon his retirement, George was awarded the Order of the Long Leaf Pine in honor of his service to North…

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Date: undated
A letter from Sarah Nash to Ameen Rihani dated June 26, (no year).

Date: 1922 Aug
A typed document created in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and signed by the notary public in August, 1922. It contains the testimony of Sarah Sofeir of 384 Elm St. that her daughter, Deebey Sofeir, was born on August 17, 1906. It states that Deebey was…

A letter from Father Sassin Zeidan to Angele Kmeid Ellis, dated 20 December 1957.

Date: 1914 May 06
A letter from Sassine Asaad Butrus, who reassures his father about his life and discusses the wait for his sister's arrival. He sends greetings to his family and friends.

Date: 1994 Mar
Event program for the Schenectady Light Opera Company's performance of "Man of La Mancha," a musical based on Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote. Includes cast list and biographies, list of music numbers, production staff, benefactors, and…

A letter from H.A.R. Gibb at the School of Oriental Studies to Ameen Rihani, dated August 22, 1928.

A letter from H.A.R. Gibb of the School of Oriental Studies to Ameen Rihani, dated February 12, 1929.

A letter from H.A.R. Gibb of the School of Oriental Studies to Ameen Rihani, dated October 18, 1928.

A letter from H.A.R. Gibb of the School of Oriental Studies to Ameen Rihani, dated October 10, 1928.

Date: 1928 June 21
A letter from H.A.R. Gibb of the School of Oriental Studies to Ameen Rihani, dated June 21, 1928.

A letter from H.A.R. Gibb of the School of Oriental Studies to Ameen Rihani, dated December 10, 1928.

Date: 1988 Oct 25
A letter from an unidentified Sean to an unidentified Ethel about his negative experiences in Belize. The letter was passed from Ethel to Mary Mokarzel

Date: 1974
A card memorializing Leonard Oussani, born 1917 and died 1974, printed by Seaside Mortuary, Seaside, California.

A letter of thanks written to Tobia Attallah for his well wishes to the Queen for the wellbeing of her son, written by the Queen of Spain's secretary on October 10, 1896.

A letter from Selim Totah to Ameen Rihani, dated March 13, 1933.

A letter from Selim Totah to Ameen Rihani, dated January 6, 1930.

A letter from Selim Totah to Ameen Rihani, dated December 23, 1929.

Date: circa 2002
Prayer card for Joe N. Joseph (1929-2002).
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