Browse Items (316 total)

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of people in the Beirut International Airport. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: 1963 July 18
A photo of Mrs. Betar of El Mina and Mrs. Rottle of Baskinta "on their way to Lebanon with Mrs. Mary Saloum" of El Mina.

Date: 1965 July 7
Yemna Mokarzel's old passport, in which she obtained a visa to visit Lebanon.

Date: 1955
A journal kept by Mary Mokarzel during her trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. She writes about gifts received, cities visited, and conversations had with people such as President Camille Chamoun and a Patriarch.

Date: undated
A photo of a mountainous landscape in Lebanon. The caption on the back reads "The road to Saint Charbel."

Date: circa 1920s
A large album of the Mokarzel family's photos and other memorabilia. The majority of the photos were taken in the 1920's.

Date: 1899 Aug 19
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897 June 15
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

An article about Anthony El-Khouri's visit to the States for an operation.

Date: 1967 March 2
A follow-up article about Anthony El -Khouri's surgery and visit to the United States.

A letter from the resident manager of Fontana Village offering Joseph El-Khouri and his family accommodations during the annual meeting of the Western North Carolina Associated Communities.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon. Included in this paper is an article written about Theresa El-Khouri, George's sister.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

Date: 1972
An envelope containing receipts from the Hotel Sir Walter and The Holiday Motel. Included is a newspaper clipping concerning Irwin Belk and a note in Arabic.

Date: circa 1973
One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

Date: 1963
Two variations of photographs taken of Joseph El-Khouri with his seven children in a swimming pool during the El-Khouri family vacation to Miami, Florida. The trip was taken in part so that Joseph El-Khouri could attend the 1963 Lions Convention.

Date: 1963
A snapshot taken of a band on a float in a parade during the El-Khouri family vacation to Miami, Florida. The trip was taken in part so that Joseph El-Khouri could attend the 1963 Lions Convention.

Date: 1963
A snapshot taken of a parade during the El-Khouri family vacation to Miami, Florida. The trip was taken in part so that Joseph El-Khouri could attend the 1963 Lions Convention.

Date: 1963
A photograph of the seven El-Khouri children at the Seaquarium in Miami, Florida. The trip was taken in part so that Joseph El-Khouri could attend the 1963 Lions Convention.

Date: 1963
A snapshot taken of the El-Khouri family vacation to Miami, Florida. The trip was taken in part so that Joseph El-Khouri could attend the 1963 Lions Convention.

Date: 1966
A photograph of unknown individuals outside of a train, taken during a 1966 El-Khouri family trip to ride the Bear Creek Junction Railroad in western North Carolina.

Date: 1966
Two alternate photographs of the El-Khouri children taken during a 1966 El-Khouri family trip to ride the Bear Creek Junction Railroad in western North Carolina.

Date: 1966
A photograph taken during a 1966 El-Khouri family trip to ride the Bear Creek Junction Railroad in western North Carolina.

Date: 1966
A photograph taken during a 1966 El-Khouri family trip to ride the Bear Creek Junction Railroad in western North Carolina.

Date: undated
What looks to be a luggage tag listing Joe's name and address.


Date: 1930 June 12
A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated June 12, 1930.

Date: 1930 May 21
A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated May 21, 1930.

A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated October 10, 1930.

A letter from Grace M. Cunningham of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated March 21, 1931.

Date: 1931 May 11
A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated May 11, 1931.

Date: 1934 June 15
A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated June 15, 1934.

A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated December 10, 1937.

A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated February 24, 1937.

A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated January 25, 1938.

A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated April 17, 1939.

A letter from the Managing Editor of Travel at the Robert M. McBride & Company, dated October 1, 1919.

A letter to A.F. Kindersley from the American Consular Service, dated August 21, 1922. The letter addresses introducing and his desire to obtain an interview with Sir George Lloyd while travelling with the New York Times.

A letter from A.F. Kindersley to the Commissioner of Police in Bombay (now Mumbai), dated August 22, 1922. The letter addresses 's proposed travel plans to visit Bahrain and Nejd.

Date: 1929 May 15
Houghton Mifflin Company Book Newsletter, dated January 9, 1929. is mentioned part way down as the author of "The Maker of Modern Arabia," a biography of Ibn Sa'oud and has just returned to America after seven years in Mt. Lebanon.

A letter to Mrs. Zelda Stewart Charters from Albert F. Rihani, dated March 18, 1933. The letter addresses that Zelda's letter to Ameen was forward to Albert at International House since Ameen was in Syria travelling. He gives her Ameen's address in…

Itinerary of from February 12, 1937 in Minneapolis. The document is dated February 2, 1937. It lists the activities and travel plans for the day.

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Date: 1937
Itinerary of from February-May 1937. The document lists all of Ameen Rihani's speaking engagements and the travel plans involved in each.

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Date: 1939 March
Itinerary for form March 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12 of 1939. The document lists Rihani's engagements as well as travel information.

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Date: 1939 May 23
Travel Authorization for Ameen Rihani, dated May 23, 1939.

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Date: undated
Florida Forum Itinerary. Document includes travel information and schedule.


رسالة من جرجي دمتري سرسق الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 10 نيسان 1906. فيها يشكر جرجي الريحاني على رسالة الاخير، ويخبره بالسفر الى حمص وحما ودعوته للريحاني اللحاق بهم. كما يخبره بوصول بعض المطبوعات الماسونية من مصر اليه وانه سيرسل اليه عددا منها.

Date: اب 1906
رسالة من جرجي دمتري سرسق الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 7 اب 1906. جرجي يخبر الريحاني بقدوم الكونت مولنيان وتوجه مع القنصل الجنرال (لم يذكر الاسم) الى برمانا، ويطلب منه اي الريحاني التوجه ايضا الى برمانا للقاء الكونت ومن ثم يكتب اليه ما تم الاتفاق عليه.…

رسالة من جرجي دمتري سرسق الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 30 تموز 1906. فيها يرسل جرجي الى الريحاني نسخة من قصيدة الخواجا بشور، ويخبره بحضور الكونت مولينان (الاسم غير مؤكد) الى بيروت. ويرسل له السلام والتحية
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