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  • Tags: Journals

Date: 1901
الكتابات او الملاحظات الاولى لامين ريحاني على شكل يوميات، جاءت بسيطة في الطرح وعميقة في الفكرة - كتبها بخط يده، بتاريخ الحادي عشر من تموز 1901 وحتى الثاني والعشرون من تشرين الثاني 1901. حوت هذه الملاحظات ما كان يخالج نفسه من هموم وافكار شخصية او تخص…

A daily journal written by Angele Ellis, dated February 1982-1983.

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Date: 1935
A journal from Angele Ellis, dated 1935. Journal is from Eagle Ellay Store, 88 Public Square, Watertown, New York.

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Date: 2006 July 06
A diary written by Kail Ellis during the Israeli Hezbollah war of 2006 in Lebanon from 6 July 2006 to 25 July 2006.

Date: undated
An envelope and black booklet given by Alfreda M. Ellis to Kail Ellis. Half of the booklet is written in Arabic while the other half is blank. There is also a photograph of Al Ellis and Paul Kamide. Al Ellis is smiling and wearing a black jacket and…

Date: undated
An envelope, Arabic note, and journal from Alfreda M. Ellis to Kail C. Ellis. The note is dated 1982 and seems to have been ripped at the bottom. The spiral notebook contains notes from Thursday through Saturday which detail Alfreda Ellis's meetings…

Date: 1893
An Arabic travel journal written by Joseph Oussani detailing his journey from Baghdad, Iraq, to the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exposition in Illinois. A translation by Leon Bushara is also included.
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