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مذكرة مقدمة من امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز تحتوي على ستة عشر بنداً تتمحور اغلبها حول الحجاز واستقلاله والمعاهدة النجدية الحجازية، والشريف حسين بن علي واولاده، والسيطرة الاجنبية على البلدان العربية خاصة سوريا وفلسطين؛ والسياسة البريطانية…

رسالة من سليمان علي المشيكح الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 9 حزيران 1924. يجيب فيها سليمان على رسالة سابقة من الريحاني يسأله فيها عن احوال نجد. الاسماء الاخرى المذكورة: الشيخ فوزان،

رسالة من سليمان المشيكح الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 2 نيسان 1925. يخير المشيكح الريحاني انه ارسل خطابه الى الملك عبد العزيز.

رسالة من محمد (الاسم الاخير غير واضح)، معتمد الملك عبد العزيز بن سعود في سوريا ولبنان؛ الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 30 كانون الاول 1928. يخبر محمد الريحاني بانه اطلع على مقالة الاخير في "جريد التيمس" بتاريخ 11 كانون الاول 1928، وانه طلب ترجمتها الى…

رسالة من عبد العزيز بن سعود الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 7 تشرين الثاني 1931. يؤكد الملك للريحاني استلامة لمكتوب الاخير "بشأن القضية السورية"، ويعبر عن سروره بوصول الخيل الى الريحاني

رسالة من شكيب ارسلان الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 22 تشرين الثاني 1931. يشكر شكيب الريحاني على ما فعله الاخير مع عادل ارسلان - لم يذكر تفاصيل. كما يخبره بقرائته لكتابيه ملوك العرب وتاريخ نجد. ويناقش مع الريحاني موضوع "الوطنية" ومن هو "الوطني"، وتطرق الى…

رسالة من امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 27 ايار 1934 (13 صفر 1353). يتحدث الريحاني عن التقارب العربي برئاسة عبد العزيز ابن سعود الايطالي البريطاني لهزيمة الانتداب الفرنسي في سوريا ولبنان. وكذلك الحرب السعودية مع اليمن، واقتراح او طلب…

رسالة من هاشم الاتاسي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 28 كانون الاول 1936. يشكر الاتاسي الريحاني على رسالة سابقة، ويتمنى التقدم لسوريا والقومية العربية

رسالة من قسطنطين زريق الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 29 تشرين الثاني 1937. يعلم زريق الريحاني عن اجتماع "لجنة بيروت للغرفة السورية في جامعة بتسبرغ"، واعداد "رسم" - لم يذكر تفاصيله - لغرض القبول. اسماء في الرسالة: يوسف الحويك، السيدة متشل، الدكتور "ضدج".

Date: اب 1938
رسالة من (الاسم غير واضح)* الى امين الريحاني 24 اب 1938. يشكر الكاتب الريحاني على لقائهم في الفريكة مع وجود مي زيادة. ويعرض ان يزورها "الطبيب الرسمي في الجمهورية السورية"، وحديث عن "الغاء الحجر". الاسماء الاخرى في الرسالة: حسين ادريس بك، عطا بك،…

Date: undated
This manuscript is a collection of various political essays that Ameen Rihani wrote, including publications from The Syrian World. They range on topics from the Ottoman Empire, to Syria and Lebanon, the Political Situation in the Near-East, along… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is a collection of various writings by Ameen Rihani. These articles cover everything from law, theatre, to Rihani's writings on specific literature. Further there are articles that discuss historic figures and events, as well as a few…

Date: undated
يسطر الريحاني في كتابه هذا مسيرة فيصل الاول ملك المملكة الهاشمية العراقية الحديثة، مرورا بثورة الشريف حسين، والده، ومن ثم توليه الحكم في سوريا وطرده منها وانتقاله الى العراق ومن تتويجه ملكا على العراق. وفي نهاية الكتاب تواريخ ووقائع مهمة في حياة… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
A request for letters posted from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to the United States made by Robert Stuchell.

Date: 1934
Papers pertaining to the institution of a Syrian Room in the University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning in 1934.

Date: undated
A brief history of Syrian-Lebanese immigration to Texas.

Date: undated
A brief history of Edward Ashy's life, including his immigration from Syria to the United States of America.

Date: undated
A brief history of Joe S. and Mary Mowad's life, including thier immigration from Syria to the United States of America.

Date: undated
A brief history of Mike and Helena Mowad, including their immigration from Dahrah Safrah, Syria to the United States of America.

Date: undated
A brief biography of Najeeb S. and Esma Mahfouz Ashy, including their immigration to the United States of America from Daha Safra [sic, Dahr Safra], Syria.

Date: undated
A brief history of Selma and Thomas Solomon, including their immigration from Ladakeeh and Dahra Safra, respectively, to the United States.

Date: undated
The history of Joseph Abrusley's family.

Date: undated
A brief history of Mosey and Sadie Karam's family, including their immigration to Louisiana, United States of America from Syria.

Date: undated
A brief history of Joe Mowad and Sadie Doumite's families, including their families immigration from Syria to the United States of America.

A photograph copy of a certificate given to Yousef Hobeiche for the Syrian Medal of Honor, dated December 14, 1937.

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Date: 1967 May 12
A newspaper in Arabic, Al-Hoda Newspaper, no. 23, dated Friday, May 12, 1967. Article title 'Voice from Diaspora, Relationships between Syria and Lebanon, by Angele Ellis'.

Date: 1872-1905
Diary of Hanna Gaith (Juan Gait) who was from the town of Yabroud, Syria. The diary has 176 pages. In its first 24 pages Hanna wrote about the history of Yabroud and its "Christian inhabitants." (Although at the time he wrote this, two-thirds of the…

Date: 1923-1930s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. It starts with his immigration to La Cumbre, Argentina in December 1923, and then goes on to detail his life there including the passing…

Date: 1930s-1950s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. This is supplemental to the first part of his diary. Here he lists letters, sent, includes a poem, details his daily life between the…

Date: undated
A book made up of color drawings featuring different clothing worn in Lebanon and Syria.

Date: circa 1800s
Photograph of the Port of Tripoli in Syria. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "328. Port de Tripoli [Syrie]."

Date: undated
A description and history of the city of Qinnasrin in Syria, addressed to Father Tobia Attallah. Undated


A medical prescription written by a Docteur Tewfik Koureichi for Ms. Emily. Dated October 14, 1926, Damascus, Syria.

A medical prescription written by a Docteur Tewfik Koureichi for Ms. Emily. Dated September 8, 1926, Damascus, Syria.

Date: undated
Three currency bills: two from Lebanon and one from Syria.

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Date: 1929
Clippings from the New Bern Sun newspaper detailing Joseph Salem's academic achievements: from the point he entered school as a non-English-speaking eleven-year-old, Salem advanced rapidly in his studies to graduate from high school as…

Date: 1954
"Memoirs" by Wadea Kassab recounts Wadea's life from his childhood in Damascus and Bloudan, to his immigration to America in 1889, and through his pursuit of education and a career in dentistry.

Date: 1914
A photograph of the front pages of Silver Chimes in Syria

Date: 1905-1915
Handwritten diary entries of Maron Domit Barkett providing an account of the early years following immigration of to America, arranged chronologically by date. Subjects include the birth of his children, health of his family, and his search for work.

Date: 1927 March
Volume 1 Issue 09 of The Syrian World published March 1927. The issue opens with an article about the Beyrouth Museum by Count Philip de Terrazi which features a number of photos of artifacts from the museum. Next is a letter from Ibn El-Khoury to…

Date: 1927 July
Volume 2 Issue 01 of The Syrian World published July 1927. The issue opens with an article by Harold Close which discusses the importance of the soap industry in Syria. Following the article there is a Syrian folk song that has been translated by…

Date: 1927 August
Volume 2 Issue 02 of The Syrian World published August 1927. The issue opens with an article by Philip K. Hitti that discusses Syrian leadership in Arabic Affairs. This article is followed by a poem by Dr. Salim Y. Alkazin and more Syrian Folk Songs…

Volume 2 Issue 03 of The Syrian World published September 1927. The issue opens with an article by Prof J. Forrest Crawford on the Agricultural Situation in Syria. It is followed by more translated Syrian folk songs. There is an article addressed to…

Date: 1927 October
Volume 2 Issue 04 of The Syrian World published October 1927. The issue opens with a travel journal entry by Ameen Rihani on his Pilgrimage to Byblos. Following it is a continuation of the Agricultural Situation in Syria (by Prof. J. Forrest…

Volume 2 Issue 05 of The Syrian World published November 1927. The issue opens with an article by Salloum Mokarzel which discusses the history of Syrians in New York. The next article is The Role of Microorganisms in Life and Industries written by…

Volume 2 Issue 06 of The Syrian World published December 1927. The issue opens with an article by Byron Smith, an English professor, on Arabic words in English vocabulary. Following it is a song by Ameen Rihani, and an article about the Problems of…

Date: 1928 January
Volume 2 Issue 07 of The Syrian World published January 1928. The issue opens with a piece by Ameen Rihani titled "Dreams," which discusses dreams of the past versus the present. The next work is a short story by Kahlil Gibran titled "War." Following…

Date: 1928 April
Volume 2 Issue 10 of The Syrian World published April 1928. The issue opens with an article by Charles V. Vickrey in which he discusses the American orphanage and relief world in Syria. This article is followed by a poem translated by J.D. Carlyle…

Date: 1928 October
Vol 3. Issue 04 of The Syrian World published October 1928. The issue begins with a continuation of Count Philip Terrazi's article discussing the Beyrouth Museum. He begins by talking about the collection of Southern Lebanese pottery that would have…

Date: 1929 January
Volume 3 Issue 07 of The Syrian World published January 1929. The first issue of the year begins with an article by Ameen Rihani discussing Arabia and its problems-- an informative discussion on the current issues in the Middle East, specifically…
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