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  • Tags: Marriages

Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1933 Apr 11
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1911 Sept 16
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1909 July 29
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1920 July 30
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1900 Sept 12
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1900 Sept 11
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1900 Sept 8
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1899 July 8
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1898 July 15
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897 July 29
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897 Feb 3
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897 Feb 3
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

An article published in the Asheville Citizen-Times announcing the marriage of Marsha El-Khouri and Claude Shiver.

Date: 1990 July 5
An article in the Andrews Journal about Rose and Joseph El-Khouri's vow renewal ceremony.

Date: 2000 June 22
An article in the Andrews Journal about the 50th anniversary of Rose and Joseph El-Khouri and the history of the couple.

Date: 1950
Marriage announcement for the wedding between the former Rose Isaac and Joseph El-Khouri.

Date: 2010
A newspaper article about Joseph and Rose El-Khouri's relationship on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary.

Date: 2010
A written account of Joseph and Rose El-Khouri's relationship on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary.

Date: undated
An undated photograph of Joseph and Rose El-Khouri taken at their anniversary party. A young boy stands in front of Joe.



Date: اب 1908
رسالة من المطران بطرس الزغبي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 28 آب 1908. المطران يجيب على رسالة سابقة للريحاني يسأل فيها الاخير ان كان نعوم مكرزل قد كتب الى المطران يطلب "فسخ عقد الزواج" بينه وبين اخت الريحاني. رد المطران نافيا هذا الامر، بأن لا مكرزل ولا…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى جرجي باز في 24 ايار 1909*. يبعث الريحاني فيها تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى باز وعائلته. كما انه يعبر عن حالة السوريين في المهجر، اميركا، ويصف "انقسامهم" ليس الحزبي (السياسي) فقط ولكن الديني ايضا - او كما دعاه الرجوع الى…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى رجا حوراني بتاريخ 11 كانون الاول 1937. يهنئ الريحاني حوراني على الزواج، ويخبره بتوفر مقالة "الخرشوف والارجوان" للنشر في مجلة "الطليعة".

Date: circa 1926
A copy of a wedding photograph of Nahde Hobeiche and Yousef Hobeiche circa 1926.

Date: 1925
A wedding photograph of Angele Ellis and Toufic Ellis in Harissa, Lebanon.

A photocopy of a letter from Yousef Sukarye to Angele Ellis, dated 26 November 1926.

A letter from Father Toubia Turk to Angele Ellis, dated 6 February 1930.

Date: 1966 May 14
An anniversary card and stamped envelope from Kail Ellis to Angele Ellis and Toufic Ellis, dated 14 May 1966.

Date: 1987 June 18
An envelope, letter, and newspaper clipping addressed from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis, dated 1987 June 18

Date: 1923-1930s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. It starts with his immigration to La Cumbre, Argentina in December 1923, and then goes on to detail his life there including the passing…

Date: 1896
A letter in Arabic from Joseph Oussani in New York to his parents in Baghdad, Iraq, telling them of his marriage to Irish-American Margaret Shea, dated 5 May 1896. Two photocopies of the original, a handwritten English translation by Leon Bushara,…

Date: 1919
A divorce contract defining property ownership between the separated couple, Joseph Oussani and Gladys Oussani, signed 13 August and 29 July 1919.

A divorce agreement between Joseph Oussani and Gladys Oussani, dated 26 February 1921.

A divorce contract between Gladys and Joseph Oussani, dated 26 February 1921.

Date: 1921
Court papers relating to the divorce of Joseph and Gladys Oussani, dated 1 December 1914, and signed 19 January 1921.

Date: 1913
A large newspaper clipping featuring a newspaper article about women's roles in marriage.

A handwritten letter from Georgette Kahdy to her sister Barbara Estes in which she compliments Mettrie and John Lari's relationship. She also thanks Barbara for a pillow she sent. Dated April 2, 2006.

Date: 1985 July 10
A handwritten card from George Kahdy to his daughter Barbara Estes. In this card, he sends his congratulations after Barbara sent news that her and Jim Estes were to marry. He talks about the weather and the event that Nell Kahdy is putting together…

Date: 1900 June 17
A letter from Khalil to Asaad Butrus Raad. After writing greetings to all of the family, Khalil asks the hand of Asaad's daughter, Shafiqa. He asks him to talk with his father about arrangements and details.

Date: circa 1900
A letter from Khalil who expresses his love and admiration of Shafiqa and asks for her hand in marriage so she can come to the United States with her brother Aziz. *The letter is undated, but due to the context we assume it was written between June…

Two letters: One from Khalil to his uncle, Asaad, apologizing for writing to him late due to work, asking about family and friends, and sending greetings. The second letters is from Aziz to his father, Asaad, telling him about the marriage of Khalil…

A letter from Khalil who tells his uncle that Salem, his brother, is not going to Lebanon this year and he wants him to ask about a lady, Helen, for his brother to marry. He asks his uncle to request approval from her and her family.

A letter from Khalil who asks his uncle to confirm whether he talked to Helen's family about a marriage with his brother Salem and whether money is needed.

Date: circa 1905
A part of a letter (first part missing) from Khalil which discusses the marriage of his brother Salem and the details of the proposal to the bride's family.

Date: 1905 June 08
A letter from Salem Youssuf who asks his uncle why he hasn't heard or received any letter about the marriage matter. He sends greetings to family and friends.

Date: 1905 July 24
A letter from Salem who tells his uncle that he is visiting Lebanon to talk about the marriage matter. He sends greetings to family and friends.

A letter from Salem who informs his family he won't visit due to work issues. He asks them to request another lady's hand so she can come with Youssuf.

Date: 1915 June 12
A letter from Aziz who reassures his father about business and shares news of friends and family in diaspora.

A letter from Nadim Attallah who asks why he doesn't receive letters since Krouger does and asks whether they are angry at him, or denied his kinship. He explains that he got married to his cousin, Laurice, and they have a son, Joseph
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