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  • Collection: Collection of Reverend Tobia Attallah Letters

A letter written by Elias Nassif sending his greetings to Father Tobia Attallah and family, and asking him about a newspaper the latter was to issue, and requesting a copy of the newspaper. Locations mentioned: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Buenos Aires.…

Date: 1919 May 17
A letter to Father Tobia Attallah from Elias Nassif. Elias asks father Tobia about the situation in Lebanon following the end of WWI, and specially the situation in Beit Chabeb, and to write him the names and number of those who died in Beit Chabeb.…

A letter from Elias Etala asking Father Tobia about his newspaper 'alHaq', and waiting for his copy to send him the list of subscribers. Also mentions that Lebanese abroad were happy to know that the Lebanese flag was placed in [Saraya Baabda]. Elias…

A handwritten receipt to Father Tobia from Emil Nassar. Page 1: a handwritten money receipt paid by Father Tobia of 10 liras for [illegible], and 5 liras for [not indicated]. Page 2: Emil Nassar confirms receiving money for light bulbs and…

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Date: 1948 June 03
Electricity bill paid by Father Tobia Attallah. Dated June 3, 1948.


A letter from Father Bassil who sends his greetings and best wishes, and thanks Father Tobia for his welcome when Bassil was in Beit Chabeb. Bassil informs Father Tobia that he arrived in Carcassonne and started working in the school. He also…

Date: 1919 July 22
A letter from Father Bassil who sends his greetings and wishes, and attach herewith 285 francs donations for 285 masses. Dated July 22, 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Father Bassil who asks about confirmation of receipt of 285 francs sent earlier, and sends herewith 400 francs donations of masses. Dated October 16, 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Father Bassil which includes donations of several masses to Father Tobia. Dated October 18 (28), 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Father Bassil who thanks Father Tobia for his letters about Lebanon, and includes in the letter donations of 300 francs and informs Father Tobia that he will send more soon. Dated December 18, 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Father Bassil who informs Father Tobia that he got new position in College Stanislas in Paris. Also he sends 1200 francs donations of 600 masses, and notifies Father Tobia that the alcohol/wine box arrived to Marseille, but customs…

Date: 1922 June 14
A letter from Father Bassil who sends Father Tobia 200 francs donations from 100 masses and promises to send more when he could. Dated June 14, 1922, Paris, France.

A letter from Father Emmanuel who sends his greetings and best wishes to Father Tobia, and apologizes for a late reply due to unavailability of a trustworthy messenger, but not mentioning what it is or what for. Dated September 16, 1913.

Baptism certificates issued for: Aziz Youssef Polos and Tanious Youssef Polos, and Haikal Habib by Father Francis. Dated April 2, 1934.

A letter from Monsignor Francis Ayyoub who informs Father Tobia that Father Maron will arrive on Sunday or Monday. Dated March 22, 1941.

Date: 1911 June 15
A letter to Father Tobia from Father Tobia al-Issa. The latter sends his condolences for the death of [alkhouria]. Also mentioned [right page] that attached with this letter 50 francs from Father Tobia dated, June 15, 1911 and sent from Rome.

Date: 1913 May 24
A letter to Father Tobia from Father Tobia al-Issa. Issa thanks Father Tobia for sending three books, including the Quran. Also mentioned: Father Bolus, check of 200 francs, Mr. Haleem Abi Karam in Beirut. Dated May 24, 1913 sent from Livorno, Italy.…

A letter from Father Issa who informs Father Attallah that he received the latter's letter but without the money receipt requested and reminds him to send it again along with the written format. Dated February 12, 1920, Livorno, Italy.

Date: 1920 June 01
A letter from Father Issa who informs Father Tobia that he received a money receipt. Father Issa mentions that he will write to those who requested alcohol and sent 330 francs donations from 168 masses and requested its receipt. Dated June 1, 1920,…

A letter from Father Issa who informs Father Tobia that he is sending 545 francs out of 1090 francs to be sent later as donations of several masses. Dated February 19, 1921, Livorno, Italy.

Date: 1924 June 20
A letter from Father Issa who confirms receiving Father Tobia's letter and asks why the latter hasn't written to him for more than 6 months. Also he sends 640 liras donations of 200 massas and requests a receipt. Dated June 20, 1924, Livorno, Italy. …

Date: undated
A letter draft from Father Butrus Azar, head of Saint Antoine Covent, and Father Tobia Attallah, request allocations/financial aids to their school.

Date: 1923 June 18
A letter from Father Tobia who writes to Father [name illegible] to inform him that [Chaia] wrote to him several times without receiving any letter and sends his greetings. Dated June 18, 1923, Beit Chabeb, Lebanon.

A letter from Father Tobia Attallah to the Director of Public Services of the High Commission [Le Directeur des Services de l'Istruction Publique du Haut-Commissariat]. Father Attallah complains that a private school, of Mr. Gabriel Bejani, will open…

A letter from Father Tobia Attallah to the High Commissioner of the French Republic in Syria and Lebanon writing with a complaint about opening the private school of Mr. Gabriel Bejani, in Beit Chabab, without meeting requirements. Dated February 27,…

A draft of the previous letter from Father Tobia Attallah to the High Commissioner of the French Republic in Syria and Lebanon writing with a complaint about opening the private school of Mr. Gabriel Bejani, in Beit Chabab, without meeting…

A letter from Father Tobia who expresses his longing for his daughter and her children to see them before he dies. [Note from translator: Names not mentioned. Addressed 'dear son in law and our daughter' and no sender's name or signature available.…

A letter from Father Tobia who writes to another father who lives in the United States, expressing his happiness and thankfulness that he finally found out where he lives from a friend. Dated April 24, 1946.

Date: undated
Page 1: Literary excerpts. Page 2: excerpts about the life of Viscount Philippe de Tarrazi.

Date: 1936
Feast donations to certain names for the year 1936, given by Toufik (last name not clear).

Date: undated
Envelope to Krouger Attallah from Father Tobia Attallah


A letter from Father Youhanna (John) Mallah who asks Father Tobia the reasons for not visiting Mazraat Yachoua following a mutual agreement to do so. Dated February 19, 1940, Mazraat Yachoua, Lebanon.

A letter from Gadda Georges Nassar who asks Father Tobia to prepare her birth certificate, her father: Georges Nassar, her mother: Nour Habib. Dated October 22, 1940.

Date: 1948 July 22
A letter from Georges Chaya who asks about Krouger's arrival to Guinea and news in Lebanon. Dated July 22, 1948, Kouroussa, Guinea.

Date: 1935 July 23
A letter from Hannah Attallah asking Father Tobia to send prayer papers with Butrus and Youssef. Dated July 23, 1935.

A letter from Jirji Libnan who was asking Father Attallah to confirm whether Jirji's wife in Lebanon had passed away, and if she did then he requested an official notice of her death so that Jirji can remarry in Brazil, dated April 5, 1924.

Date: undated
A letter from Joseph Attallah who assures his father, Nadim, about his classes, and shares greetings from family in Lebanon. The letter or note is written on an envelope addressed to Najla Attallah. Undated

A letter from Joseph Chaya who confirms receipt of Krouger's letter and updates him about businesses in Africa, and Nadim. Dated March 12, 1947, Kouroussa, Guinea.

A letter from Joseph Moussi, listed as 'Negociant,' who sends 100 francs donation of masses. He informs Father Tobia that his son, As'ad, traveled to Argentina to visit his brothers and his health is not very well. He reassures him about the rest of…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who asks about his father's health and news. He informs him that no letters from his brother As'ad and his son in law. He also opened a shop. Dated January 1, 1940, Kouroussa, Guinea.

Date: October 29
Envelope to Father Tobia Attallah. Dated October 29


A letter from Krouger Attallah who reassures his father, Father Tobia, about his work and staying with their cousin Yakoub (Jacob). He also asks about his brother, As'ad, and his location. He asks his father to write to their cousin Jacob as he is…

A letter from Krouger Attallah in reply to Nadim's request that Krouger writes to their father, Father Tobia, to send Nadim to live and work with Krouger. Krouger assures Nadim that he wrote to Father Tobia several times about it, but the latter…

A letter from Krouger Attallah which updates Father Tobia about his brother As'ad's condition and likely visit to Africa, asks about Nadim's learning/education process as it is required in Africa, and whether the money he sent has arrived or not, and…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who greets his father for New Year and Christmas. He also advises his father to write to their cousin, Rizkallah, in Conakry to investigate with the post office the non delivery of the 5000 francs he sent in October. He…

A letter from Krouger Attallah to Nadim Tobia. Krouger still worries about the non delivery of the 5000 francs sent earlier. He advises Nadim not to come at present as businesses are not very well, and sends As'ad new address in Argentina and informs…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who explains to his father the delay issue of the 5000 francs, due to bank transfer, and they should have it from a bank in Beirut. He updates Father Tobia about As'ad who is traveling to Africa. Dated March 8, 1927,…

Date: 1927 May 26
A letter from Krouger Attallah to his father noting that he had not received a letter from his father in 3 months, and asking him to confirm the receipt of a check and wire transfer that he had sent him. He also briefly lets him know that he received…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who assures his father about himself, stating that he couldn't leave his cousins and open his own shop, money not enough and they refused to let him go. He asks his father if they still have debts so he sends them…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who thanks Nadim for his letter and he is happy that they recovered from Dengue Fever. Krouger updates Nadim about As'ad, as he hasn't sent a letter for 3 months. Krouger asks Nadim not to travel and focus on learning,…
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