Letter to the Director of Public Services of the High Commission Beirut from Father Tobia Attallah, 1928 February 23


Letter to the Director of Public Services of the High Commission Beirut from Father Tobia Attallah, 1928 February 23
رسالة من الاب طوبيا عطاالله الى مدير الاشغال العامة في المفوضية العليا، بيروت.


A letter from Father Tobia Attallah to the Director of Public Services of the High Commission [Le Directeur des Services de l'Istruction Publique du Haut-Commissariat]. Father Attallah complains that a private school, of Mr. Gabriel Bejani, will open in Beit Chabeb (population 1500) in addition to his school and P. Jesuites school. He states that Mr. Bejani school didn't get the approvals and authorizations required to open and there is no need for a third school as this may affect the learning and education process of young generation. Dated February 23, 1928, Beit Chabeb, Lebanon.
تاريخ ٢٣ شباط ١٩٢٨، بيت شباب، لبنان. الاب طوبيا يشتكي بان مدرسة خاصة تعود للسيد غبريل بجاني ستفتح في بيت شباب (عدد سكانها ١٥٠٠)، الى جانب مدرسته ومدرسة جسويت. ويذكر ان السيد بجاني لم يحصل على الموافقات والتصريحات اللازمة، وانه لا حاجة الى مدرسة ثالثة قد تؤثر على مسيرة التعليم والتدريس للاجيال الصغيرة.



Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies


Janina Santer
Lala Al Saeedi


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Father Tobia Attallah and الاب طوبيا عطاالله , “Letter to the Director of Public Services of the High Commission Beirut from Father Tobia Attallah, 1928 February 23,” Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://lebanesestudies.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/81212.