Letter to Father Tobia from Krouger Kouri Tobia, 1927 January 04


Letter to Father Tobia from Krouger Kouri Tobia, 1927 January 04
رسالة الى الاب طوبيا عطاالله من كروجر الخوري طوبيا. العنوان: Chaya Freres, Commercants


A letter from Krouger Attallah who greets his father for New Year and Christmas. He also advises his father to write to their cousin, Rizkallah, in Conakry to investigate with the post office the non delivery of the 5000 francs he sent in October. He updates his father about his brother, As'ad
he left their cousin Nichola and now with their uncle Ibrahim. Krouger asks his father not to visit them as weather is not good for him and not to send Nadim now as business is not running well. He also asks about their neighborhood and houses, he wants to buy properties. Dated January 4, 1927, Bissikrima, Guinea.
تاريخ ٤ كانون الثاني ١٩٢٧. كروجر يهنئ والده بالسنة الجديدة والميلاد المجيد. ويخبره بضرورة ان يكاتب ابن عمهم رزق الله ليحقق مع مدير البريد في عدم وصول مبلغ ٥٠٠٠ فرنك المرسلة في تشرين الاول. ويطلعه على احوال اخيه اسعد، انه ترك العمل مع ابن خالهم نقولا وهي الان بالقرب من خالهم ابراهيم. وينصحه بعدم الزيارة لان الجو غير جيد له، وارجاء سفر نديم حتى تتحسن حالة الاعمال لديهم.



Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies


Janina Santer
Lala Al Saeedi


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Krouger Kouri Tobia and كروجر الخوري طوبيا , “Letter to Father Tobia from Krouger Kouri Tobia, 1927 January 04,” Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, accessed October 6, 2024, https://lebanesestudies.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/81201.