Browse Items (13487 total)

A letter in an envelope addressed to Mary Oussani of Dobbs Ferry, NY, directing hate toward Mary, dated 20 September 1970.

Date: 1932 April 8
A school record for Mary Nassif, born February 1, 1917, and residing at 369 Elm St. It details her studies at Lawrence High School and lists her father's name as Assad Nassif. The record was stamped by L.J. O'Leary of the Lawrence High School on…

Date: 1932 April 4
A letter from John Batal, MD, written on April 4, 1932, reporting the wishes of Marya Nassif's mother, Katherine Nassif, for her daughter to stay home and help with the housework. The address 309 Oak St. is written on the bottom.

Date: 1917
A baptismal record issued by St. Anthony's Church on 256 Elm St. signed by Gabriel Bostany and B. Belloma. It certifies Mary Nassif's date of birth as February 1, 1917, and date of baptism as June 19, 1917. It lists her father's name as Assad Nassif,…

Date: 1912 Nov 6
An application for employment certificate of Marian Najjim created on November 6, 1912. It lists her birthdate as October, 1895, and her address as 116 Valley St. The document is signed by Mr. Wenberg, overseer of the mill. The permit is affixed to…

Date: 1921 Oct 5
An affidavit signed by Mrs. Aseen Aoun of 262 Hampshire St., Lawrence, Massachusetts, attesting that Mary Nader was 17 years old. This testimony is based on the fact that her own 16-year-old daughter was born one year after Mary Nader. This testimony…

Date: 1921 Oct 5
An affidavit signed by Mary Aoun of 262 Hampshire St., Lawrence, Massachusetts, attesting that Mary Nader was 17 years old and not 14, as her father believed, based on the fact that she lived in the village when Mary Nader was born. The testimony was…

Date: 1921 Oct 5
An affidavit signed by William Nader of 73 Hampshire St, father of Mary Nader, attempting to establish Mary's true age as 17 rather than 14. He states that he was incorrect about her age due to a culture of not keeping track of ages in his home…

Date: 1998 Oct 8
Notes related to the speech given by Mary Mokarzel at the Al-Hoda Centennial. (Folder 1-3-1-26)

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Date: 1972
A few pages of Mary's notes concerning the shipping of the Mokarzel Library and two letters from John Williams of the University of Saint Joseph concerning the Mokarzel Library and news of Lilly Szegoe.

Date: 1955
A journal kept by Mary Mokarzel during her trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. She writes about gifts received, cities visited, and conversations had with people such as President Camille Chamoun and a Patriarch.

Date: 1941 May 21
Mary Mokarzel's record of her 1909 baptism, recorded from the Church's records in 1941.

Date: undated
A copy of a photo of Mary (third from left) with Peter and Evelyn Tanous looking at a snake.


Date: 2006 Nov 26
A photo of Mary Mokarzel (right) Leila Samhan and Jemma Hatab.


Date: undated
A copy of a photo of Mary Mokarzel (second from left) with unidentified women.

Date: 1971
A photo of Mary Mokarzel in Hong Kong.

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Date: circa 1990s
A photo of Mary Mokarzel holding Will Hatab.


Date: 1991 Dec
A photo of Mary Mokarzel beside a table set for dinner.

Date: 1992
A photo of Mary Mokarzel with an unidentified woman (either Alice or Yemna Mokarzel).


Date: circa 1950s
A group photo of Mary Mokarzel and unidentified men.

Date: undated
A photo of Mary Mokarzel (left) with her sister Yemna.

Date: 1971
A photo of the Mary Mokarzel and friends in Hong Kong. Mary is second from the left.

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Date: undated
A photo of a family gathering. Mary Mokarzel stands second from the left. Also included in the photo is Yemna Mokarzel, Leila Samhan, Ziad Samhan, and Jemma Hatab.


Date: undated
A photo of Mary Mokarzel with an unidentified woman.

Date: 1998
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.


Date: 1988
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.


Date: 1999
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.


Date: undated
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.

Date: 1998
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.


Date: 1992
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.


Date: undated
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.

Date: undated
A photo of Mary Mokarzel.

Date: 1913 July 21
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Yakob (Jacob) al Bahani on July 21, 1913. It confirms the baptism of Maryam, daughter of Gabriel Mansour Saad, on July 17, 1897. A pencil notation on the bottom reads "Mary Mansour [illegible] 8-19-13."

Date: 1912 May 30
Contract for transportation by sea by the Transatlantic General Company out of Marseille, France, created on May 30, 1912. Mary M. Mahboub Bistany (16) was traveling to Lawrence, Massachusetts, and was on board the liner named Florida [Floride]. The…

Date: 1909 Sept 15
A handwritten document in both English and Arabic. The English portion lists Mary Jacob's date of birth as September 20, 1893, and date of baptism as September 28, 1893, in Bdadoun, Mount Lebanon. It names her godfather as Yusef Alis Fransis and her…

Date: 1909 June 5
A handwritten note in English and Arabic from L'abbe Moise Abi-Haidar on June 5, 1909. It states that Mary Hider was born on June 13, 1893, and baptized on July 15, 1893, in Baskinta, Lebanon. The English translation is written on a business card,…

Date: circa 1917
A certificate of age for Mary Hadid, signed by a physician, confirming her date of birth as February 28, 1900, residence as 182 Maple St., and age as at least 16.

Date: 1910 July 31
A record, produced by St. Mary's Church on July 31, 1910, that certifies Mary Batel's baptism date as June 28, 1896. It lists her parents as Habab Batel and Mary Elias.

Date: undated
A copy of a photo of Mary Mokarzel (left) with Helene Tanous.

Date: 1910 June 25
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Nematallh Abi Lutfallah on June 25, 1910. It confirms the baptism of Martha Youssef Francis on January 6, 1895, by Father Thomas.

Date: 1910 Nov 4
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Aoun on November 4, 1910. It confirms the birthdate of Martha, daughter of Arsula Serkis, on April 20, 1895. Included with the letter is an envelope with the name "Bshara, Martha" handwritten in…

An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri David Hajjar on March 15, 1913. Confirms the baptism of Martha, the daughter of Massoud Njaimeh, on March 2, 1897.

Date: 1914 Feb 6
A letter written by A. R. Saunders, Insurance Agent for French Line, addressed to Bernard M. Sheridan, superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, on February 6, 1914. It certifies that Martha Hajjar purchased a ticket for the French Line on June 2,…

A talent card of Marrie Bayrooty printed by Chicago Photo Co.

A talent card of Marrie Bayrooty printed by Obermüller &

A handwritten marriage certificate from Vicariat Apostolique de la Guinee Francaise, Mission de Kouroussa of As'ad Gantous and Nazha Anaissi, married on February 22, 1936. Also includes years and places of birth and baptism. Dated March 1, 1936,…

The marriage certificate of Charles Murman and Agnes Zaytoun signed in New Bern, NC. Dated October 21, 1945.

A marriage Certificate signed by Father Peter Tohmey for Angele Ellis and Toufic Ellis, dated 2 November 1953.

A marriage certificate signed by Patriarch of Antioch Antonio Aredo, dated 5 December 1953.

Date: undated
A document of Maronite Archbishopric Of Cyprus with prayers of forgiveness. An example table of names, date and place of birth, date and place of marriage, etc. Undated

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