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Date: 1938 October
Short story about a father who bought his son a drum. When the drum broke they found a paper in it with writing in Latin. It was from the 16th Century and belonged to the Church. In Vol 19, no. 18, name of newspaper not mentioned.


Date: undated
A document with a poem titled "Old Friends."

Date: 1992 Apr 5
Program booklet for "Oriental Moods," a dance performance sponsored by Ahlam. Event program includes dances performed by members of the Mitchel Kaltsunas Ensemble.

Date: undated
Prayer card featuring image of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon at the peak of Mount Lebanon.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Diogo Bercito. The post is titled "Passing a Camel Through Ellis Island: Arab-American Press and the Immigration Act of 1924", and was published on August 28, 2019.

A newspaper article titled "Philharmonic Plays Novelty by Fuleihan," written by Grena Bennett, dated at top in pencil 25 April 1946.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Akram Khater. The post is titled "Phoenician or Arab, Lebanese or Syrian ~ Who were the early Immigrants to America?", and was published on September 20, 2017.

Date: 1915-1917
A bound photo book belonging to Margaret Oussani containing photographs of various Oussani family members in California and New York, hiking, swimming, and at the beach.

Date: 1919
A newspaper article titled "Pianist Makes Debut," describing Anis Fuleihan's debut in New York.

An article describing the late Albert Ellis's service to the Infant of Prague Catholic Church and the dedication of the Church's library in his name. A higher resolution version of the photograph is linked below.

Date: undated
Prayer booklet from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in North Jackson, Ohio.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Amanda Eads. The post is titled "Rahme Haidar – The Performer", and was published on March 17, 2016.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Amanda Eads. The post is titled "Rahme Haidar – The Writer", and was published on March 30, 2016.

Clippings from the February 15, 1971, edition of the Jacksonville Daily News detailing the opening day of the Albert J. Ellis Airport. Includes multiple images of the crowd and the ribbon cutting.

Date: undated
Obituary of Peter Shadroui written by his son George Shadroui printed in the newspaper.


Date: 2012 June 06
Article published on July 6, 2012, about George Kahdy at 90 years old flying in an AT-6, his first flight since 1946.

Date: undated
Card titled "Saint Thecla: The Virgin and the First Martyr" discusses the apostles.

Date: 1905
A booklet advertising the Semiramis apartment complex located in Harlem along the north side of Central Park built by Joseph Oussani. The cover of the booklet states, "Built by 'Owner' Joseph Oussani" and "Architect Henry Anderson 1183 Broadway." A…

An obituary from the Jacksonville Daily News for State Senator, Albert J. Ellis, includes some biographical information and many of his accomplishments in the community.

An article describing Albert Ellis's contributions to his community and the naming of the local airport in his honor by the Board of Commissioners.

Date: 1914
A photograph of the front pages of Silver Chimes in Syria

Date: 1977
A newspaper article titled "Silvermine slates retrospective of art works by John Vassos."


Date: 2015 March 5
A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Majorie Stevens. The post is titled "Spanish Flu Grips Vermont’s Young Lebanese, 1918", and was published on March 5, 2015.

Date: 1968 May 25
Article concerning the marriage of Beatrice Ann Joseph and Frank Jon Duda at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Poughkeepsie, New York.

An obituary for Albert Ellis published in the Raleigh News and Observer on December 15, 1969.

Date: circa 1960s
Article titled "Students Strike Out on Their Own" in The Raleigh Times. The article quotes Nell Kahdy regarding an independent study program. Most likely published in the 1960s.

Date: 1955
Two Lebanese stamps issued to commemorate the “Summer of Emigrants.”


A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Akram Khater. The post is titled "Summers of Promises and Disappointments", and was published on August 30, 2022.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Bob Rossi. The post is titled "Syrian Families in the Colorado Coal Mining Communities", and was published on September 23, 2021.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Haley Vartanian. The post is titled "Syrian-American Business Directory Project, 1908-1909", and was published on February 27, 2015.

Date: 2016 July 5
A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Akram Khater. The post is titled "Teaching the History of Lebanon", and was published on July 5, 2016.

Date: 1987
Proposal titled "The Arab-American Experience" for research in sociology written by Genevieve R. Joseph in the spring of 1987 for a class called Writing in Sociology with Professor John Logan.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Cecile Yazbek. The post is titled "The Chasm of Assimilation – My mother’s New Zealand cousins", and was published on September 7, 2016.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Akram Khater. The post is titled "The Desire for Progress in The Syrian World: Education", and was published on January 4, 2017.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Akram Khater. The post is titled "The Early Lebanese in America: A Demographic Portrait, 1880-1930", and was published on November 8, 2018.

A pamphlet for the golden jubilee celebration of the Young Men of Deir El-Kamar and Suburbs society, held on November 1, 1964. The society was founded in 1914 in Lawrence, Massachusetts, by people who immigrated from the Deir al-Qamar area of…

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Cecile Yazbek. The post is titled "The Health Consequences of Researching our Family and Community History", and was published on October 20, 2023.

Date: 1964 Nov 10
Correspondence regarding the topic of "The Lebanese in Poughkeepsie" drafted by Lebanon-American Club secretary Philip J. Andrews and sent to Rev. Father John O'Neill.

September 1953 edition of the Maronite periodical "The Maronite Review".

December 2013 edition of "The Maronite Voice," a Maronite periodical.

Date: 1999 March
Volume 5, Issue No. 7 of "The Maronite Voice," a religious publication.

August 2005 edition of "The Maronite Write," a Maronite periodical.

Date: circa 1980s
Sociology paper written by Genevieve R. Joseph. Full title of the paper is "The Methodological Problems of Historical Sociology: Case in Point: Determining Historical Sociological Factors Contributing to the 'Ethnic Invisibility' of Early Syrian-Arab…

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Nicholas Stanley-Price. The post is titled "The Moghabghab Family in Cyprus, New York and Madeira, 1878-1974", and was published on January 31, 2022.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Linda K. Jacobs. The post is titled "The Myth and the Anti-Myth of the Syrian Immigrant", and was published on September 16, 2015.

Date: 1993 Jun 3
Newspaper column featuring articles about upcoming events in the performing arts in the Albany area.

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Sabra Webber. The post is titled "The Second Jabbour Immigrant: Albert Jabbour and His Courtship Story", and was published on February 26, 2020.

Date: 1946 April
Autobiography of Fred A. Kadane, titled "The Story of My Life."

Date: 1971
Folder titled "The World of Kahlil Gibran." created by the National Committee of Gibran in 1971. The folder was filled with reproductions of Gibran's drawing and personal writings, photographs of his New York bedroom, and photographs of his…

A post originally published to the Khayrallah Center's blog authored by Margie Stevens. The post is titled "Tragedy strikes a Lebanese Community, 1918", and was published on November 5, 2014.
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