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Date: 1954
"Memoirs" by Wadea Kassab recounts Wadea's life from his childhood in Damascus and Bloudan, to his immigration to America in 1889, and through his pursuit of education and a career in dentistry.

Date: 1954
Portrait of Genevieve Norman Joseph.

Date: 1954
A photograph of Jouhaina Hobeiche on her wedding day, dated 1954.

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Date: 1954
The mailing list of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1954.

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Date: 1954
A list of the delegates of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1954.

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Date: 1954
A letter from Marie El-Khoury to Mary Mokarzel concerning her trip to Paris and meeting in the future.


Date: 1954 April 5
Letter from an unidentified author to Georges Saykali. The person sends greetings and informs Georges about the American sports tournament that happened in Mexico the week before.

A pamphlet entitled 'A Call from Christian Lebanon' written by Pierre Gemayel in August 1954 as a call to the president of Lebanon regarding the issues he believes is facing Lebanon.

The Federation Herald dated December 1954.

A group of articles of alHuda newspaper in Arabic. P.1: title 'Reader's Letters', P.2: titles 'Emile Bustani believes in Arab Union', 'Churchill Birthday'.

Date: 1954 Feb 4
A copy of a letter from George Betros to Mary Mokarzel concerning the late Salloum Mokarzel, the upcoming Mahrajan, and other matters.

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The official bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XXII No. 5 dated February 1954.

The general officers' meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 7, 1954.

A Program Book for the First Annual Mid-Year Convention, hosted by Coast-A-Lites, in Edgewater Park, Mississippi on February 5-7, 1954.

Date: 1954 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated July 4, 1954.

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Date: 1954 July 20
A letter from Micheal Saadeh: these are sweet words to Chahina. Words of friendship and passion, words of missing someone. Dated July 20, 1954, Chtoura, Lebanon.

Date: 1954 June
Documents giving Mary Mokarzel the right to conduct business under the name of the Lebanese American Journal.


Date: 1954 June 28
Letter from Joe Saykali to the members of his family. He sends greetings and tells them about his journey to Saint Cristobal.

Date: 1954 Mar 24
A letter from Eva Malik to Mary Mokarzel thanking her for the gift Mary sent for her son.


Date: 1954 March
Dad, Grandmother Rose, and Aunt Virginia seated together inside.

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Date: 1954 May 1-3
A Souvenir Booklet for the Al-Kareem Club Dedication, in conjunction with the First Annual State Convention Syrian-Lebanon American Clubs, on May 1-3, 1954.

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Date: 1954 May 30
Prayer card in remembrance of the "Silver Jubilee in the Holy Priesthood" of Reverend Francis X. Harper at the Church of St. Peter in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Date: 1954 May 31
Photograph of Beatrice Ann Joseph dressed for her First Communion.

Date: 1954 Nov 11
A letter from Helen Mokarzel to a "George." The letter is written as if one of the Mokarzel daughters wrote it (referring to Salloum Mokarzel as papa, etc), but it is signed Helen Mokarzel.

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Date: 1954 Nov 12
A permit issued by the NYC Fire Department to be displayed in the Al-Hoda office.


Date: 1954 Nov 8
Receipt for Rose Norman's purchase of a dinette set with four chairs.

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The Federation Herald dated November 1954.

Program booklet for the 50th anniversary celebration of St. Mary's Syrian Orthodox Church of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Includes a written account of the parish's history, a program, menu, and guest list for the anniversary event, photographs of…

The Federation Herald dated September 1954.

Date: 1954-1955
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1954-1955.

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Date: 1954-1956
Photographs of Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs conventions and events from the years 1954-1956.

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Date: 1954-1968
Photographs of Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs doing the dabke at conventions and events from the years 1954-1968.

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Date: 1954-1992
A blank Al-Hoda letterhead.

Date: 1955
Two Lebanese stamps issued to commemorate the “Summer of Emigrants.”


Date: 1955
Letter and envelope addressed to Genevieve [Norman] Joseph from [Anita St. Emmen?] on the occasion of her mother's death.

Date: 1955
Collection of newspaper clippings featuring details of the death of Rose Norman as well as the acquisition of a marriage license by Charlie Joseph and Genevieve Norman.

Date: 1955
Portrait of Beatrice Ann Joseph.

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Date: 1955
Election materials to promote Charles Mousa's bid for president of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1955.


Date: 1955
Joseph Maroun El-Khouri stands with his children Mariam, George, and Theresa in front of a house

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Date: 1955
Multiple letters written in Arabic.

Date: 1955
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He asks him to return to his homeland.

Date: 1955
A journal kept by Mary Mokarzel during her trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. She writes about gifts received, cities visited, and conversations had with people such as President Camille Chamoun and a Patriarch.

Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. Mary Mokarzel sits second from the left. The other individuals in the photograph are unidentified.


Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. Mary Mokarzel stands third from the left in a checked dress and glasses. Rose M. Tannous stands fourth from the left in a dark dress and glasses.


Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. Rose M. Tannous stands third from the left, in dark glasses


Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. It depicts Mary at a meal with a number of other people. Lily Szegoe sits third from the left and Mary Mokarzel is across from her. The arabic caption…

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Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. The Arabic caption (referring to the man in robes) states, "Halim Fakhoury, Zahleh."


Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. Mary sits in the front row in the dark dress and sunglasses. The other individuals in the photograph are unidentified, but may be relations.

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Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. Mary stands in the back row with sunglasses on. The other individuals in the photograph are unidentified, but may be relatives to the Mokarzels.


A letter from Nesib Trabulsi to the Mokarzels requesting to return their gift of a sketch of Helen Kalil Mokarzel (copy linked below).

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