Browse Items (54 total)

  • Tags: By-laws

Date: undated
Andrews Chamber of Commerce By-Laws.


Date: undated
Documents pertaining to the National Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, including a brief history, Constitution and By-Laws, and Gibran Kahlil Gibran Postage Stamp Petition.

The Constitution and By-Laws of the Fellowship Club of Houston, Texas and adopted February 20, 1947, and amended on April 25, 1976.

Date: 1985 April
Documents pertaining to the Middle Georgia Cedar Club, including the Constitution and By-laws of the Club chartered in April 1985, news clippings, and correspondants.

Date: undated
The L'Entasar Club Constitution and By-Laws.'EntasarClub_003.pdf

Date: 1948 July 12
Proposed Amendment to the By-Laws of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs to be known as the Kahlil Gibran Scholarship dated July 12, 1948.

Date: 1975
Proposed Constitutional Amendments and By-Laws of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1975.

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A National Federation and Kahlil Gibran Memorial Foundation Joint Meeting Agenda dated March 1, 2013 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. National Federation Meeting Minutes for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs on August 3, 2012 in Omaha, Nebraska. National…

Date: circa 1967
Booklet with the constitution and by-laws of the Lebanon-American Daughters Club, an affiliate group of the Lebanon-American Club.

Date: undated
The outline of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution, undated.


Date: 1959
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated 1959-1960.

Date: 1960
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated 1960-1961.

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Date: 1965
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated 1965-1966.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated September 1935.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated September 1938.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated September 1938.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated August 15, 1949.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated August 26, 1951.

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Date: 1952 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated July 4, 1953.

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Date: 1952 July 06
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated July 6, 1952.

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Date: 1954 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated July 4, 1954.

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Date: 1957 July 06
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated July 6, 1957.

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Date: 1957 July 06
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution and Report and Recommendation of the "New Constitution" Committee dated July 6, 1957.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated December 1, 1966.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated October 1, 1967.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated August 15, 1968.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated November 1, 1969.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated September 15, 1970.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated November 1, 1971.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated November 15, 1972.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated December 1, 1973.

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The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated October 1, 1974.

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Date: 1975 July 06
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated July 6, 1975.

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Date: 1976 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 4, 1976.

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Date: 1977 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 4, 1977.

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Date: 1981 July 05
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 5, 1981.

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Date: 1982 July 4
By-Laws and General Information Handbook for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as amended through July 4, 1982.

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Date: 1987 July 05
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 5, 1987.

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Date: 1988 June 26
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated June 26, 1988.

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Date: 1989 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 4, 1989.

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Date: 1990 July 04
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 4, 1990.

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Date: 1991 July 05
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 5, 1991.

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Date: 1992 July 05
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 5, 1992.

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Date: 1993 July 05
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 5, 1993.

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Date: 1994 July 05
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 5, 1994.

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Date: 1995 July 02
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and General Information, dated July 2, 1995.

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Date: 1996 July 7
By-Laws and General Information Handbook for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as amended through July 7, 1996.

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Date: 1997 July 6
By-Laws and General Information Handbook for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as amended through July 6, 1997.

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Date: 1998 July 5
By-Laws and General Information Handbook for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as amended through July 5, 1998.

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Date: 2001 July 7
By-Laws and General Information Handbook for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as amended through July 7, 2001.

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