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Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells him about his good health and the good state of his business.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He thanks him for his letter full of beautiful family news.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He expresses his feelings about Georges' last letter. He also tells him that the earthquake was far from Cucuta.

Date: 1967 July 9
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He thanks him for his reassuring letter. He considered that it is good to end the hostilities between the Arabs and the Jews and begin the diplomatic phase.

Date: 1967 June 5
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He expresses his concern about what is happening between the Arabs and the Jews. He asks about the eventual dangers to Lebanon resulting from the war between the Arabs and the Jews.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He congratulates him on the birth of Joe's second son.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He asks him for family news.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He tells him how happy he is about the family news, especially Gilbert's marriage. He also expresses his sadness over the death of their relative, Michel Kaadi.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He expresses his concerns about Israel's attack on Beirut's international airport. He also thanks him for the pictures of his trip to Milan and Paris.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He tells him that he has sent a check for 25.000 American dollars. He asks him to give each of his sisters, Shafiqa, Victoria and Zakiyya, a sum of 1000 American dollars.

Date: 1968 June 20
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He congratulates him on Gilbert's wedding.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He tells him how happy he is for Georges and Salwa's trip to the Mediterranean.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He congratulates him on the birth of Glibert's daughter (Brigitte). He also congratulates Gilbert for inaugurating the electrical station in Jamhour village in the presence of the President…

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He discusses Israel's attack on Beirut's international airport, reviewing the positions of some countries towards it.

Date: 1969 June 30
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He discusses the critical situation in Lebanon and the coming of the Fidayeen who want to launch their military operations against Israel from Lebanese soil. He says that this situation will…

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He expresses his desire to be with the family again.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and kisses.

Date: 1970 May 10
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells him that he is always inquiring about Lebanon's news. He is praying for God to save Lebanon from this situation with the Palestinian Fedayeen.

Date: 1924 Jan 20
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about America and that only 10% of the arriving people are having a successful life, whereas 50% are having a medium life, and others are dying from poverty and misery. People think they will…

Date: 1921 Sept 21
Letter from Michel to Georges. He tells him about the bad economic state in Monteria and that the prices in Cartagena are 20% better than Monteria. He informs him that he has bought oil stocks. At the end he sends his greetings and kisses to his…

Date: 1921 Feb 22
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He expresses his disappointment of his traveling companion "the sheikh". He tells him also about the opening of his new store in Monteria. He asks Georges to send him news about their friends,…

Date: 1922 June 22
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells him that the world is looking to Colombia because of the presence of oil and precious metals such as gold and platinum.

Date: 1923 Jan 23
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings. He expresses his hope to meet his family very soon.

Date: 1921 Dec 24
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about the revolution in the city and how the chief of police has been assassinated. The police had to guard the city by themselves before the arrival of some soldiers who then defended the city…

Date: 1921 Aug 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and tells him how much he misses his mother and sisters.

Date: 1924 Dec 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him to continue the preparations for the coming of the family to Colombia. He informs him that he has sent him 50 English pounds. He also sends his greetings to his mother and sisters.

Date: 1925 Sept 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He expresses his approval on Georges's idea to move to Paris and establish a new business there together.

Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He describes how in their homeland the people are being attacked by the people who are supposed to defend them. He also expresses his happiness about the good news of his sisters in school. He also tells his…

Date: 1920 Nov 27
A condolence letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He was informed of the death of his uncle. He asks his brother to express his condolences to his mother and his cousins.

Date: 1921 Jan 28
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells his brother about sending 6 English pounds to their mother.

Date: 1921 May 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings. He informs him about his arrival to Cartagena and about the bad treatment that he has received from his traveling companion the “sheikh”.

Date: 1921 Apr 22
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He expresses his concern about him. He also sends his congratulations to his brother and his cousin Michel after their recovery from their illness. He tells him about his meeting with the consul in Paris who…

Date: 1924 July 29
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He tells him about the arrival of Mrs. Salma Moulouk to the country and that he is sending with her 2 rings and 3 watches and a piece of gold with…

Date: 1923 Sept 29
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells him about his desire to move to Brazil. He describes Brazil as the New Syria where the Syrian community is wealthier and finer than in Colombia. He…

Date: 1921 Dec 3
Letter from Michel to his brother. He tells him about the importance of investing in oil and how the American and English companies are competing to get the oil fields.

Date: 1921 Nov 3
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He also discusses with him the matter of oil stocks and how the oil company changed its identity.

Date: 1921 Sept 3
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him about the state of the government in their homeland. He also tells him about the bad economic situation in Monteria. He informs him about the assassination of the chief of police in Monteria and…

Date: 1924 Oct 30
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that the economic situation will be better after November. He also tells him about a new opportunity for him in Bogota where the life is like the life in Paris. He asks him to come with the…

Date: 1921 May 31
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges asking to send him letters on a weekly basis. He also tells him about his good work and reputation.

Date: 1924 June 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He informs him that he is sending them 30 English pounds. He also tells him how much he respects the conditions and laws related to his…

Date: 1923 May 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his kisses. He tells him that the economic situation is bad, but he has a lot of hopes regarding the oil exploitation.

Date: 1923 Aug 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him about home and their parents. He asks him about his mother's health and his sisters' life conditions. He sends his greetings to their relatives and friends. He tells him also about the…

Date: 1924 Nov 5
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells him about trading in Cartagena. He asks him to prepare for their travel from Beirut to Colombia after Easter. He also informs him that he owns 35…

Date: 1921 Apr 6
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He expresses his worry at not receiving news from his parents.

Date: 1922 Feb 6
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about the bad economic and political state of Colombia. He fears a civil war. He describes how the people are divided into two groups: the pro-government (businessmen and traders) and the…

Date: 1921 Jan 6
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother. He sends his greetings to his brother, mother, and sisters. He expresses his love to his mother and asks her to pray for him. He also asks his sisters to write to him continuously.

Date: 1922 Aug 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that working in Colombia is better than working in Beirut. Colombia is a very rich country and will be the most important country in South America.

Date: 1924 Feb 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He asks Georges to trust him. He tells him that the economic situation in Cartagena is bad.

Date: 1921 Oct 7
Letter from Michel to Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He informs him that he has sent to him $100.

Date: 1922 Oct 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He encourages him to leave Beirut and come to Baranquilla where he could have his own work. He also tells him that Colombia will have an important future, especially with the political change, where the…
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