Browse Items (13487 total)

A letter from Chester D. Snell to Ameen Rihani, dated March 17, 1939.

A letter from Philip Graves of The Times to Ameen Rihani, dated November 6, 1928.

A letter from Philip Graves of The Times to Ameen Rihani, dated November 7, 1928.

A letter from Philip Graves of The Times to Ameen Rihani, dated February 8, 1931.

A letter from Philip Graves of The Times to Ameen Rihani, dated January 11, 1931.

Date: circa 1967
A newspaper clipping titled 'Red Cross Officers' with a photograph of Dugal C. Peck, Delor (spelled Delore) J. Ellis, Mrs. U. Grant LeFevre and William F. Nicol circa 1967.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1929 July 02
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1929 June 02
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1929 May 18
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Newspaper clipping with several articles, including one titled "Scholarly Fans," regarding Gabriel Oussani a few years after his death. From The Tablet, 4 January 1941.

Newspaper clipping with several articles, including one titled "Scholarly Fans," regarding Gabriel Oussani a few years after his death. From The Tablet, 4 January 1941.

Date: 1929 June
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1929 June 01
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

The 1989 financial report for The Syrian Society of the City of New York.



Date: 1893 May
The 1893 Annual Report for The Syrian Society of the City of New York.



A letter from Howard S. Bliss of the Syrian Protestant College to Ameen Rihani, dated October 1, 1912.

A letter from Howard S. Bliss of the Syrian Protestant College to Ameen Rihani, dated March 4, 1913. .

A letter from Howard S. Bliss of the Syrian Protestant College to Ameen Rihani, dated March 12, 1913.

Date: 1937 May
The Syrian Ark May/June 1937, pg. 25


The Syrian Ark April 1937


A letter from A. Astrin of The Stratford Company Publishers to Ameen Rihani, dated December 30, 1919.

A letter from A. Astrin of the Stratford Company Publishers to Ameen Rihani, dated March 31, 1920.

Date: 1920 May 28
A letter from A. Astrin of The Stratford Company Publishers to Ameen Rihani, dated May 28, 1920.

Date: 1910
A birth record for Nassef (Narsif) Haddad, issued by the State of New Hampshire. It lists Nassef's date of birth as February 2, 1910, and place of birth as Berlin, NH. It gives his father's name, Abraham Haddad, and occupation, laborer, and his…

Date: 1924 July 23
Obituary for George Joseph Safy published in The State on July 23, 1924.

A newspaper article published in The Standard Press titled 'Unity, Cordial Relations Stressed by Fr. Ellis in Talk for Presbyterians'. The article dated 27 January 1966 is about Alfred Ellis's speech for the Women's Society of the First United…

Date: 1935 Feb 18
The first issue of The Syrian Spotlight of the South, a newspaper based in Houston, Texas. Articles in the issue include news from the Middle East as well as information about the activities of Syrians and their clubs across the southern United…

Date: 1935 Apr 1
The second issue of The Syrian Spotlight of the South, a newspaper based in Houston, Texas.Articles in the issue include news from the Middle East as well as information about the activities of Syrians and their clubs across the southern United…

Date: 1925 June 25
A letter from The Society of Friends to Ameen Rihani, dated June 25, 1925.

Date: 1925 May 11
A letter from The Society of Friends to Ameen Rihani, dated May 11, 1925.

Date: 1925 May 28
A letter from The Society of Friends to Ameen Rihani, dated May 28, 1925.

Date: 1898 Feb 8
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

An article published in The Sampson Independent about the biography and duties of various NC Justice Academy at Salemburg faculty, including George M. El-Khouri, Joseph's son.

A letter from The Royal Institute of International Affairs to Ameen Rihani, dated October 22, 1928.

Date: undated
A letter from the Royal Institute of International Affairs to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: undated
A letter from the Royal Institute of International Affairs to Ameen Rihani, undated.

A letter from Arnold J. Toynbee of The Royal Institute of International Affairs to Ameen Rihani, dated December 4, 1928.

Date: 1916 July 21
A letter from Jerome D. Green of The Rockefeller Foundation to Ameen Rihani, dated July 21, 1916.

Date: 1992 Nov 20
Newspaper article featuring interview with Donna Floyd of the Yallah Dance Ensemble.
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