A handwritten letter in Arabic written by Father Khouri Rafael on March 10, 1911. It confirms the birthdate of Nematallah and Kathrine (Twins) on November 2, 1894. A penciled note reads "Nantala Makray."
Nell Kahdy stands behind her daughter Georgette and holds onto her shoulder. Barbara Kahdy is in a small tree between her parents as she smiles and leans toward her father. George Kahdy is leaned down and holds onto his son George Jr. Front caption…
Nell Kahdy stands behind her daughter Georgette and holds onto her shoulder. Barbara Kahdy is in a small tree between her parents as she smiles and leans toward her father. George Kahdy is leaned down and holds onto his son George Kahdy Jr. Caption…
Nell Kahdy sits down with a binder in her lap while Georgette, George Jr., and Barbara Kahdy surround her. George Jr. and Georgette are right next to her while Barbara Kahdy sits in front of her and reads "The Tale of the Crow" to them.
As Nell Kahdy sits with a binder in her lap, George Jr. and Georgette Kahdy sit on both sides of her. In front of Nell Kahdy sits Barbara Kahdy who is reading "The Tale of the Crow" to all of them. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Kahdy teacher with…
Nell and George Kahdy stand with their arms draped over their young daughter Barbara Kahdy's shoulders. The three of them stand outside with a house in the background.
Nell Mettrey, her brother Chris Wehbie, and a unknown woman standing on a lake deck. Chris Wehbie stands with his arms around the shoulders of Nell Mettrey and the unknown woman as he smokes a cigarette. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Mettrey.…
Nell Mettrey standing arm in arm with two unknown women as she holds a letter in her left hand. Caption on the back reads, "Nellie Mettrie far right. Early 1940s."
Nell Mettrey Kahdy's Certificate from the Goethe-Institut for studying German Language and Literature from June 27, 1956, to August 27, 1956, issued August 19, 1956.
Nell Mettrey Kahdy Scrapbook copy. The beginning of the book features a letter/speech written by Ronnie. The book itself also features a number of article clippings, notes from other family members, and family photos.
Nell Mettrey sits with the students in the class of 1944 on a set of stairs. The photo notes that Nell is the teacher amongst the students, dated 1944.
Nell Kahdy's list of certificate credit from North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering in Raleigh, North Carolina. This lists the three classes she was able to gain credit for during the 1941 summer session.
Photo of Nell Kahdy, her old boyfriend Dr. Michael Bolus, Amelia Mettrey Salem, Salve Bolus, and a male friend as noted from the back of the photo. The five of them are dressed in casual summer clothing and standing next to a car. Caption on the back…
Nell Kahdy stands outside with her two young daughters Barbara and Georgette Kahdy. Barbara, her eldest child, holds an object while Georgette holds a piece of paper and shields her eyes from the sun. Caption on the back reads, "Nell with Georgette…
Nell Kahdy stands outside with her two young daughters Barbara and Georgette Kahdy. Barbara, her eldest child, holds a long club while Georgette holds a piece of paper and shields her eyes from the sun. Caption on the back reads, "Nell with Georgette…
Nell Kahdy stands outside and cooks breakfast for her family on a portable stove. In the distance stands a dense forest and mountains. Caption on the back reads, "Nell cooking breakfast on rd to Oregon 1954?"
Nell Kahdy stands on the porch of her and George's house in a blue and white dress. In front of her stand several trees and bushes that obscure her somewhat. Caption on the back reads, "805 Runnymede rd Raleigh. Nell on first porch 80s or 90s."
Nell Kahdy smiling as she stands outside next to a tree. She is wearing casual clothing and has pilot wings pinned to her shirt. Written on the back is "1943."
Nell Kahdy stands and smiles as a young, unknown man adjusts the sleeves of her dress. She is wearing a dress covered in floral patterns while the man is wearing a formal dress shirt and tie.
Nell Kahdy sits on the front steps of her parent's house. She smiles and plays with an object in her hands while she stretches out across the steps. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Mettrey 425 N. Bloodworth, Raleigh at her parents' house."
Nell Kahdy serves her three young children lunch as they sit in front of a small makeshift table. Young George Jr. looks at the camera while his two sisters, Georgette and Barbara eat their lunches.
Young Barbara Kahdy looks over as her mother Nell Kahdy puts her in a car seat. Young Barbara Kahdy is wearing a white outfit while her mother is wearing a white button down blouse. Caption on the back reads, "Nell and Barbara about 1946."
Nell Kahdy smiling in her graduation cap and gown at Hugh Morson High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. Caption on the back reads, "Hugh Morsen High School diploma. Raleigh. Nellie Mettrey."
Nell Kahdy and an unknown woman walk side by side on a boardwalk next to the ocean. They are both carrying large bags and behind them stands a large boat named Romanza.
Nellie Mettrey Kahdy and Amelia Mettrey Wehbie Salem walking down Fayetteville Street in Raleigh, North Carolina. They are both dressed in formal dresses and holding boxes.