Browse Items (13487 total)

Date: undated
An announcement from Villanova University for the introduction of modern standard Arabic to the modern languages curriculum.

Date: 1983
A pamphlet for a Villanova University seminar series entitled 'The Islamic States in Soviet American Relations', dated 1983

A letter from the Village of Carthage, New York on behalf of Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis), dated 15 August 1946. Contains the seal of the Village of Carthage. Addresses Angele Ellis as a highly respected citizen.

A letter and envelope addressed to Kail Ellis from Victor T. Curtin at Florida Lions Eye Bank, dated 1994 March 2

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with kanoun, violin, and oud

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with oud and zither

A document from Walter John Silva, Vice Consul of the United States of America, certifying the signature of Antoine Atallah, Chief of Section, Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sent from the Republic of Lebanon, Beirut, Embassy of the United…

A handwritten marriage certificate from Vicariat Apostolique de la Guinee Francaise, Mission de Kouroussa of As'ad Gantous and Nazha Anaissi, married on February 22, 1936. Also includes years and places of birth and baptism. Dated March 1, 1936,…

A letter from Vernon Malone, Wake County Board of Commissioners to Joseph Zaytoun thanking him for his service as a member of the Wake County Historic Preservation Commission.

Date: undated
A letter from Vernon F. Essi to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: 1985
A photograph of Moise Khayrallah sitting behind the wheel of his first car, a silver Honda, presumably in North Carolina.


Date: 1985
Moise Khayrallah working at a desk. The accompanying caption reads, "MK’s first laptop (weighed 50 pounds), 1985."


Date: 1984
A photograph labeled, "Moise Khayrallah cooks turkey for the first time."

Letters to Mary Mokarzel related to Salloum Mokarzel's Estate and the Al-Hoda Golden Jubilee affair.

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Date: 1921 July 28
A letter from Van Wyck Brooks to Ameen Rihani, dated July 28, 1921.

A letter from Van Dongen to Ameen Rihani, dated March 31, 1917.

A letter from Van Dongen to Ameen Rihani, dated April 17, 1919.

A letter from Van Dongen to Ameen Rihani, dated January 25, 1919.

A newspaper article published in The Villanovan titled 'Meet Dean Ellis of the College of Arts and Sciences' written by Valerie Jones. The article dated 27 September 1991 Kail Ellis's accomplishments as dean.

A letter from V. Gabriel to Ameen Rihani, dated September 14, 1929.

A letter to Justo Acevedo from V. Carranza, dated November 17, 1919.

Scanned copy of the formal surrender of Japan during World War II signed by various officers in the US military given to Charles Joseph to commemorate the end of the war.

Date: 1942 Nov 20
Certificate of Naturalization from the US government for Rose Norman. Includes her information and a photograph.

Date: undated
Alien Registration Receipt Card for Sam Norman with his registration number and signature.

A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated October 14, 1929.

A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated August 24, 1931.

A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated October 4, 1932.

A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated February 16, 1933.

A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated April 30, 1935.

Date: 1935 July 10
A letter from Martin Sprengling to Ameen Rihani, dated July 10, 1935.

An appreciation certificate for Joseph El-Khouri from United Way for outstanding volunteer leadership.

Date: 1947 March
A pamphlet produced for the 40th anniversary banquet of the United Syrian Charitable Society, which took place in 1947 in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The society was established in 1907 with the goal of providing a gathering place for immigrants and…
1947_united syrian charitable society.pdf

Registration certificate and description of Samuel Norman for the Selective Service of the United States.

Date: circa 1940s
A letter from Representative Francis D. Culkin to Angele Ellis circa 1940s.

Date: 1969 May
A Certificate of Retirement from the Armed Forces, specifically the Army, given on May 5, 1969 to Joseph Salem.

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Certificate of honorable discharge for Peter A. Parker, First Sergeant of Company M (1000), 119th Infantry on 20 March 1919 at Baltimore, Maryland. Issued by the Department of the Army on 7 March 1950 by order of the Secretary of the Army. Signed by…

A passport issued to Kail (spelled Kalil) Claude Ellis from the United States of America, dated 20 September 1957.

Date: 1968 May
A passport issued to Kail Claude Ellis (spelled Kalil) from the United States of America. Contains a passport photograph of Kail Ellis, dated 7 May 1968. Passport binding was tight and not all pages could be scanned.

Date: 1973 July 05
A passport issued to Kail Claude Ellis (spelled Kalil) from the United States of America. Contains a passport photograph of Kail Ellis., dated 5 July 1973.

A passport issued to Kail Claude Ellis (spelled Kalil) from the United States of America, dated 25 April 1980. Contains a passport photograph of Kail Ellis.

Date: 1918 June 14
United States of America certificate of naturalization, number 960022, for Peter Aledo Parker at age 23. Parker is described as 5' 5", "white" in "color," "dark" in complexion, and without any visible distinguishing marks. He is unmarried and has no…

Date: 1946
Facsimile of a portion of two documents presented to Mitchell Baddour, who was honorably discharged by the U.S. Navy in March 1946.

Date: 1942 Apr 20
Letter and corresponding memo promoting Charles Joseph from Private to Private First Class in the Marine Corps Reserve.

Serina Hakeem's naturalization papers, received in 1945.

Date: 1940
A census document containing information about George Richard (G.R.) Saleeby, his wife, Najaa, and the three of their eight children who were living at home in 1940: Sam, Joe, Samera, and Albert. Also living with them was "Joe," listed as a brother.

Date: 1940
A page from the 1940 United States census depicting John and Helen Saleeby. Also listed are seven of their eight children: Fred, George, Wade, Lawrence, Michael, Ralph, and Claudette.


Date: 1975
Sam Saleh's first US passport stamp, received in 1975.

Date: 1935 May 4
A letter from S.A. Ashe, Clerk of the United States District Court in Raleigh, to Mr. Khnattas Faris Fayad dated May 4, 1935. Ashe writes that the US Department of Labor recommended citizenship for Fayad, and that there is to be a hearing for the…

Date: 1965 July 7
Yemna Mokarzel's old passport, in which she obtained a visa to visit Lebanon.

Date: 1925 May 23
A passport for Toufic Tarrad Ellis (spelled Toufee Tarrad Ellis), dated 23 May 1925.
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