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  • Tags: Immigration

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى جرجي باز في 24 ايار 1909*. يبعث الريحاني فيها تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى باز وعائلته. كما انه يعبر عن حالة السوريين في المهجر، اميركا، ويصف "انقسامهم" ليس الحزبي (السياسي) فقط ولكن الديني ايضا - او كما دعاه الرجوع الى…

رسالة من ياسمين لوزي ياسمين الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 14 شباط 1937. ياسمين تاجر سوري مهاجر مقيم في البرازيل وهو معجب بادب وكتابات الريحاني، الرسالة عبارة عن عبارات ثناء واعجاب بالريحاني، كما يقص ياسمين للريحاني هويته وبعض الاشخاص الذين يعرفهم - تحتوي…

A letter from the National Federation of Syrian Lebanon Societies of the United States to the Honorable Cordell Hull, the United States Secretary of State, and addresses the impaired rights of American citizens of Syrian and Lebanese descent.

A letter from Kamal Antone to Ralph Karam discussing his faith and the Lebanese-Maronite community in Houston, Texas dated April 25, 1978.

Date: undated
A brief history of Syrian-Lebanese immigration to Texas.

Date: undated
The Phonecian Club Heritage book, the Birmingham's Lebanese: "The Earth Turned to Gold," detailing the history of the Lebanese community in Birmingham, Alabama.

Date: undated
The Reggie, also known as Araigi, family tree.'sFamilyTree_001.pdf

Date: undated
A brief history of Edward Ashy's life, including his immigration from Syria to the United States of America.

Date: undated
A brief history of Joe S. and Mary Mowad's life, including thier immigration from Syria to the United States of America.

Date: undated
A brief history of Mike and Helena Mowad, including their immigration from Dahrah Safrah, Syria to the United States of America.

Date: undated
A brief biography of Najeeb S. and Esma Mahfouz Ashy, including their immigration to the United States of America from Daha Safra [sic, Dahr Safra], Syria.

Date: undated
A brief history of Selma and Thomas Solomon, including their immigration from Ladakeeh and Dahra Safra, respectively, to the United States.

Date: undated
A brief history of the Habib Karam family, including their immigration from Beirut to Louisiana, United States of America.

Date: undated
The history of Joseph Abrusley's family.

Date: undated
A brief history of Mosey and Sadie Karam's family, including their immigration to Louisiana, United States of America from Syria.

Date: undated
A brief history of Joe Mowad and Sadie Doumite's families, including their families immigration from Syria to the United States of America.

Date: 1926
A copy of a photograph of Angele Ellis, Zakia Sukarye (Zakia Haddad), and other unknown women ast the Marseille Zoo in Marseille, France, dated 1926. Angele and Zakia stayed in Marseille while their immigration papers were prepared and processed…

Date: 1910
A copy of a photograph of a group of Lebanese Immigrants from Bqaatouta (Bkaatouta, Bqaatouta), Lebanon in Carthage, New York in front of a department store.

A photograph and description of Toufic Ellis and Kail Ellis on the freighter Mohammad Ali that would take Kail Ellis to Lebanon, dated October 1957.

Date: undated
A copy of a photograph of the Cleopatra and the USS Oceanic, the ship Toufic Ellis arrived in America on, with a paragraph of information

A certificate of naturalization for Toufic Ellis (spelled Toufee Tarrad Ellis) in the United States of America, dated 22 November 1924.

A marriage certificate and birth certificate from Mayor Khouri Elias al Zammar of Keserwan District for Angele Ellis.

A letter from Mariam Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 4 September 1926.

A certificate of citizenship from the United States of America Department of Labor for Angele Ellis. Home address listed as 720 Parham Street, Carthage, New York

A citizenship record sent from Beirut, Lebanon to Angele Ellis while she awaited her paperwork to go through the American Consul in Marseille, France. This record was obtained by Mariam Hobeiche on behalf of Angele Ellis.
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