Browse Items (13487 total)

A letter from R. B. Shipley of the Department to State to Ameen Rihani, dated March 14, 1931.

Date: 1890s
Portrait of Margaret Shea Oussani. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway, cor. 12th Street, N.Y."

Tags: ;

Date: 1896 May 23
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y." The back side of the photograph reads, "The frame ordered 12x16 send to…

A letter and envelope fragment addressed to Al (Alfred Ellis) and signed Dick, dated 1987 November 2

Date: 1923 Nov 3
Letter from Dicran Basmaji to Jerji Saykali. He sends his greetings to him and his family. He expresses his happiness at working together.

Date: undated
A list of members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. Joseph El-Khouri is listed as a member of the Waynesville Deanery.

Date: 1975 March 8
Copy of meeting minutes sent to Joseph El-Khouri of the Diocese of Charlotte's Diocesan Pastoral Council minutes. They met at the Catholic Center in Charlotte, NC.

Typed letter with instructions to leaders in the Church about how to carry out the "Respect Life Program" in their parish. The booklet mentioned in the letter is missing.

Date: undated
A list of the goals for the Diocesan Pastoral Council and things to discuss during the meeting.

Date: undated
Another version of the Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Council's constitution.

Date: circa 1965
The Constitution of the Diocese of Charlotte's Pastoral Council includes various rules and statutes to guide the council, its organization, and its functions.

Date: circa 1965
Another version of the Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Council's constitution.

Date: circa 1960s
"How-to" guide for implementing the goals of the Pastoral Council.

Naturalization Papers for George Joseph Safy dated 2 Nov 1903. Occupation listed as cigar dealer. Year of arrival listed as 1894. Reference testimony given by Anthony M. Nofal.

Date: 1934 June 08
A newspaper article from Dobbs Ferry Register, June 8, 1934, titled "Dr. Oussani, One of Few Priests of Chaldean Rite in US, Dies Here."

A doctor's note from Docteur S. Najm in Beirut, Lebanon. The note is addressed to Kail Kmeid and lists the dates that he has previously visited the doctor, totaling five visits since 5 November 1957.

Date: undated
A holiday card from the Winter family.


Date: 1942
Wallet card featuring calendar for 1942 and an image of St. Jude Thaddeus.

A letter to Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State, from Don C. Seitz, dated January 15, 1929. The letter introduces and describes that he has a matter concerning horses to discuss with Kellogg.

A letter from Don C. Seitz to Ameen Rihani, dated January 27, 1921.

A letter from Don C. Seitz to Ameen Rihani, dated March 1, 1933.

Date: 1932 July 01
A letter from Don C. Seitz to Ameen Rihani, dated July 1, 1932.

A letter from Don C. Seitz to Ameen Rihani, dated February 24, 1932.

A letter from Donald M. Brodie to Ameen Rihani, dated January 22, 1929.

A letter from Donald S. Rockwell to Ameen Rihani, dated April 3, 1939.

Date: undated
A letter from Doris Kenyon to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: undated
A letter from Doris Kenyon Sill to Ameen Rihani, undated.

A letter from Doris W. Burrough to Ameen Rihani, dated January 30, 1938.

Date: 1969
A card with a religious figure on the front and a simple prayer on the back dedicated to the memory of Margaret Oussani (1915-1969) produced by Dorney and Farlinger Chapel, Monterey, California.

Date: undated
A letter from Dorothy Karam to Mary Mokarzel concerning the death of Rosita and her memories of Rosita.

Date: undated
A letter written by Anis's niece, Dorothy Fuleihan O'Keefe, regarding a search for one of his pieces of music.

A letter from Dorothy Holmes to Ameen Rihani, dated January 10, 1924.

Date: 1935 June 19
A letter from Dorothy Mill to Ameen Rihani, dated June 19, 1935.

Date: undated
A letter/note from Dorothy Turner to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: undated
A letter from Dorothy Turner to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Transcript of a speech given by Dot Mason, Executive Director of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce, honoring the accomplishments and civic contributions of Joseph Maroun El-Khouri. The address was given at the Andrews Chamber of Commerce Annual…

The transcription of the speech given by Dot Mason (the Executive Director of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce) about the life, achievements, and contributions of Joseph El-Khouri.

A letter from Beecher Stowe of Doubleday Page Company to Ameen Rihani, dated September 25, 1925.

Date: undated
A record certifying Alfred Dowaliby's birthdate as September 24, 1914. It lists his place of birth, 53 White St., Lawrence, Massachusetts. It also includes his father's name, Ameen Dowaliby, mother's name, Julia Abdabor Dowaliby, and their respective…

Date: undated
This letter confirms George Arry's age as 20. It is addressed to a Mr. B. K. Bradley and signed by Dr. I. A. Hajjar. It is written on paper bearing Dr. Hajjar's letterhead, with an address at 65 Lawrence St., Lawrence, MA.

Date: undated
A holiday card from Jamal Harfouche of the American University of Beirut to Mary Mokarzel.

A letter asking for donations to contribute money to building the American Museum of Immigration in the name of Lebanese communities.

A letter from Dr. N.H. Bitar to Ameen Rihani, dated December 13, 1937.

A letter from Dr. Ram Narayan to Ameen Rihani, dated April 8, 1931.

A holiday card, envelope, and American Institute of Pakistan Studies pamphlet addressed to Kail Ellis from Dr. Riaz Ahmad, dated 1982 December 15

A medical prescription written by a Docteur Tewfik Koureichi for Ms. Emily. Dated September 8, 1926, Damascus, Syria.

A medical prescription written by a Docteur Tewfik Koureichi for Ms. Emily. Dated October 14, 1926, Damascus, Syria.

Date: 1982 July 22
An article in the Durham Morning Herald about the Lebanese Civil War and its effect on the El-Khouri family there.

Date: 1966
Identification card of Beatrice Ann Joseph for Dutchess Community College in Poughkeepsie, New York, from the 1966-1967 school year.

A letter from E.C. Babcock to Ameen Rihani, dated November 29, 1920.
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