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A letter from Neilson Olcott to Ameen Rihani, dated August 30, 1921.

Date: 1960s
Nell Kahdy responds to accusations of ethical issues relating to the Foreign Studies program

Date: 2000s
Nell Kahdy Autobiography, 2000-2014.

Date: undated
Old Lebanese Songs - Phonics by Nellie Mettrey Kahdy for her daughter, Barbara.

A letter from Nelly Matthews to Ameen Rihani, dated April 28, 1937.

Date: undated
A poem by Nema alHaj, dedicated to his deceased friend Shukri Baddour.

Date: 1910 June 25
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Nematallh Abi Lutfallah on June 25, 1910. It confirms the baptism of Martha Youssef Francis on January 6, 1895, by Father Thomas.

Date: 1934 May 26
A letter from [name illegible] addressed to 'uncle', likely to be Father Tobia, sending greetings to family. He also mentioned winning in elections, by likely by Father Tobia. Dated May 26, 1934, Accra, Ghana.

A letter from Nesib Trabulsi to the Mokarzels requesting to return their gift of a sketch of Helen Kalil Mokarzel (copy linked below).

Tags: ;

Date: undated
A holiday card from Lily and Nesib Trabulsil.


Date: 1955-1956
Papers related to a loan between Trabulsi Textile Co. and Al-Hoda.


A letter from Pvt. N. Fuleihan stationed at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Keefe dated 18 November 1951. Another letter written in pencil is included, but not dated.

Date: 1929
Clippings from the New Bern Sun newspaper detailing Joseph Salem's academic achievements: from the point he entered school as a non-English-speaking eleven-year-old, Salem advanced rapidly in his studies to graduate from high school as…

Date: 2006 Jan 26
This document describes the various spellings of surnames within the North Carolina Newspapers Collection.

Date: circa 2006
A note that reads "see Simons file" and then lists dates of newspaper clippings related to Simons.

Date: circa 2006
A note that reads "Syrians-Wilm./ 1206 Market St." and then lists a few dates for newspaper articles followed by a mention of Eyvon Eyash's obituary.

Date: circa 2006
A brochure from the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health Services Disaster and Terrorism Branch titled, 'Coping with the Stress of Emergency Evacuation' circa 2006.

Date: 1911 May 09
A letter from New York American to Ameen Rihani, dated May 9, 1911.

Date: 1954 Nov 12
A permit issued by the NYC Fire Department to be displayed in the Al-Hoda office.


Date: 1952 Nov 14
A permit issued by the NYC Fire Department to be displayed in the Al-Hoda office.


A newspaper article from the New York Daily Mirror, 1937, titled "Music", describing the New Year's Eve performance of the Philharmonic playing a new symphony by Anis Fuleihan.

Date: 1929 May 17
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1934 June 06
A newspaper article from the New York Herald-Tribune, June 6th, 1934, titled "100 Priests at Services for Dr. Gabriel Oussani."

A letter from Fred W. (surname illegible) to Ameen Rihani, dated April 11, 1921.

Date: 1996 July 07
Newspaper article titled "An Old Instrument Made for Cybertimes," about the Theremin, written by Barbara Jepson, published in the New York Times 7 July 1996.

Date: 1970 October
Anis Fuleihan's Obituary in the New York Times. "Anis Fuleihan, 70, Musician, Is Dead," includes an image of Anis.

Date: 1970 October
Anis Fuleihan's Obituary in the New York Times. "Anis Fuleihan, 70, Musician, Is Dead," includes an image of Anis.

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from The New York Times 3rd June 1934 titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from The New York Times, 3rd June 1934, titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1919
Copy of a newspaper article, "Anis Fuleihan Plays," from the New York Times advertising Anis Fuleihan's debut at 19 years old.

Date: 1919
Two articles from the New York Times labeled as November 20, 1919. The first is titled "Anis Fuleihan Plays" and the second, "Le Concert de Mr. Fuleihan." The first in English the second in French.

An issue of New York Times Illustrated Magazine from August 20,1899, which includes an article (pages 4-5) on the Syrian Quarter in New York. The article includes seven photographs.

Date: 1934 June 06
A newspaper article from New York Tribune, June 6, 1934, titled "100 Priests at Services for Dr. Gabriel Oussani."

Date: undated
Article titled ""Yallah Dance Group Performs At eba" in the Albany, New York, News-Herald about an upcoming performance at the eba Center for Dance and Movement.

Date: 1997 Feb 24
A few pages torn from Newsweek magazine about genealogy. The notes on the first page were written by Mary Mokarzel.

A letter to James Parmelee from the Secretary of War, Newton D. Baker, dated August 18, 1917. The letter addresses going to see the Secretary of War.

A letter from Nicholas M. Lattof of Jerusalem Young Men's Christian Association to Ameen Rihani, dated September 20, 1934.

A letter from Nicholas M. Lattof of Jerusalem Young Men's Christian Association to Ameen Rihani, dated October 13, 1934.

A letter from Nicholas M. Lattof of Jerusalem Young Men's Christian Association to Ameen Rihani, dated April 16, 1934.

A letter from Nicholas M. Lattof to Ameen Rihani, dated October 28, 1931.

Date: 1912
Duplicate document of Oussani and Jenkins Contract of Sale. Pencil note written above the words "Contract of Sale" on side a.

Date: 1912
Duplicate copy of Oussani and Jenkins contract deed. Signed by Joseph Oussani, Gladys Oussani, H.W. Nichols, and J. Alva Jenkins. Stamped with three red star stickers on bottom of page next to signatures. Writing in black ink on bottom of side b.

Date: 1912
An unsigned Contract of Sale Agreement detailing the transaction of Oussani (the seller) and Jenkins (the buyer). Pencil notes written in the margins. Dated for July 20th, 1912.

Date: 1912
A contract signed by Joseph Oussani, Gladys Oussani, H.W. Nichols, and J. Alva Jenkins detailing the payment of $68,000 from Jenkins to Oussani. Stamped with three red star stickers on bottom of page by signatures. Stamped on sides of sections with…

Letters from Nick Weaver (from the office of Senator Robert Morgan) to Joseph El-Khouri updating him on the status of his siblings' visas. The enclosures mentioned in the letters are absent.

Date: 1979 July 3
A letter from Nick Weaver (from the office of Senator Robert Morgan) to Joseph El-Khouri updating him on the status of his brothers' visas.

Date: 1929 May 24
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1929 June 17
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

A letter from Nicola N. Tabet to Ameen Rihani, dated March 20, 1921.

A letter from Nicolas (surname illegible) to Ameen Rihani, dated August 10, 1927.
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