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رسالة من محمد امين الحسيني الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 15 حزيران 1936. يشكر الحسيني الريحاني على رسالة الاخير الى الملوك العرب لدعم القضية الفلسطينية وانقاذها، ويعرض عليه ان يكون عضوا ضمن وفد عربي الى الولايات المتحدة لما للريحاني من "المكانة والكلمة…

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 1 تشرين الثاني 1936 (15 شعبان 1355). فيها يطلع الريحاني الملك عبد العزيز على مجريات الاحداث في فلسطين والمحادثات العربية البريطانية بشأنها.

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 7 تشرين الثاني 1936 (4 رمضان 1356). فيها يناقش الريحاني قضية فلسطين والمباحثات الجارية بشأنها، ويقترح على الملك عبد العزيز احتلال شرق الاردن كوسيلة ضغط على الانتداب البريطاني والصهاينة.

Date: اب 1937
رسالة من محمد امين الحسيني الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 23 اب 1937. يشكر الحسيني الريحاني على جهود الاخير في الولايات المتحدة لدعم القضية الفلسطينية.

رسالة من عبد العزيز بن سعود الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 21 شباط 1939. يبلغ الملك الريحاني انه اطلع على رسالة الاخير الى فيصل في لندن ويشكر له ذلك، ويؤكد له عمله المستمر من اجل حل القضية فلسطينية ودرء الخطر عن البلاد العربية.

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الامير فيصل بتاريخ 17 كانون الثاني 1939. يكتب الريحاني للامير فيصل بعد وصول الاخير الى لندن للمشاركة في "المؤتمر الانجليزي العربي الفلسطيني"، ويحث الريحاني الامير فيصل على وحدة الصف العربي تجاه القضية الفلسطينية التي قد تمتد…

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 18 كانون الثاني 1939. معها يبعث الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بنسخة من رسالته الى الامير فيصل (الملف رقم AR55_08_003 وAR55_08_004)، ويطلب من الملك ان "تشددوا اوامركم" الى الامير فيصل في لندن "بأن يقف…

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود، التاريخ غير مذكور. يذكر الريحاني فيها احوال فلسطين والسياسة البريطانية فيها وكذلك فكرة ضمها مع ولاية شرق الاردن و"اقامة عبد الله اميرا او مليكا عليها". ويسأل كذلك الملك عبد العزيز عن رغبته في…

Date: undated
This manuscript is a book Ameen Rihani wrote, which contains a number of lectures, articles, and documents discussing Palestine and Zionism. Posthumously published in 1967 as The Fate of Palestine. PDF.pdf

Date: undated
A request for letters posted from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to the United States made by Robert Stuchell.

A letter to members of the Executive Board from Kamal E. Antone in regards to the 1969 Convention site dated August 26, 1968. The Mid-East Resolution passed by the Executive Board in response to the Six-Day War in Israel-Palestine dated February 3,…

A photograph copy of a certificate given to Yousef Hobeiche for his service in Palestine, dated October 4, 1948.

Date: undated
A photograph of a city from a structure on a hill. View of several buildings, smokestacks, and a cemetery below.

Date: 1910s-1930s
A group portrait of men and women on the roof of Amdursky's Hotel in Palestine. Nasri Fuleihan is third from the left.

Date: 1910s-1930s
A group portrait of men and women on the roof of Amdursky's Hotel in Palestine. Nasri Fuleihan is on the far right.

Date: 1910s-1930s
A group portrait of men and women on the roof of Amdursky's Hotel in Palestine. Nasri Fuleihan is on the far left.

Date: 1910s-1930s
A group portrait of men and women on the roof of Amdursky's Hotel in Palestine. Nasri Fuleihan is third from the left.

Date: 1920s
A photograph of Nasri Fuleihan in a car in front of the Church of Nativity, Bethlehem.

Pamphlet for an event arranged by the Capital District for Palestinian Rights in Albany, New York. Pamphlet contains information about the event program as well as a timeline of Palestinian Committee Activities.

Date: 1927 June
Volume1 Issue 12 of The Syrian World published May 1927. The issue opens with an article by Alfred Ely Day on "Geology of Syria and Palestine." Following that is an article by Ameen Rihani that discusses how the East (Middle East) and West (Europe…

Date: 1928 January
Volume 2 Issue 07 of The Syrian World published January 1928. The issue opens with a piece by Ameen Rihani titled "Dreams," which discusses dreams of the past versus the present. The next work is a short story by Kahlil Gibran titled "War." Following…

Volume 2 Issue 08 of The Syrian World published February 1928. The issue opens with an article about Syrian naturalization in the United States by Joseph W. Ferris (and footnotes by Dr. Philip K. Hitti). The next article discusses the issue of…

Date: 1928 March
Volume 2 Issue 09 of The Syrian World published March 1928. The first article presented in this issue, written by Ameen Rihani, discusses the traditions of Arabs and their mythology, specifically Gods and Jinn (nature's tribe of spirits). Next is a…

Date: 1928 October
Vol 3. Issue 04 of The Syrian World published October 1928. The issue begins with a continuation of Count Philip Terrazi's article discussing the Beyrouth Museum. He begins by talking about the collection of Southern Lebanese pottery that would have…

Volume 3 Issue 05 of The Syrian World published November 1928. The issue begins with an article Ameen Rihani wrote for The Syrian World titled "The Leper and the Bride of Galilee," a discussion of the cities Nazareth and Tiberias. Rev. W. A. Mansur's…

Volume 4 Issue 01 of The Syrian World published September 1929. The issue begins with a chronological report of editor Salloum Mokarzel's trip abroad. This travel journal details the journey to Syria. Following it is a riddle translated from Arabic…

Date: 1930 April
Volume 4 Issue 08 of The Syrian World published April 1930. The issue opens with an interview conducted by Salloum Mokarzel with El-Atassi, a Syrian Nationalist Leader and President of the Constituent assembly. This is followed by a quote by Kahlil…

Date: 1930 October
Volume 5 Issue 02 of The Syrian World published October 1930. The issue begins with another piece by Rev. W. A. Mansur in which he discusses the important material and moral accomplishments of his ethnic peers in order to showcase their overall…

Volume 5 Issue 03 of The Syrian World published November 1930. The issue starts off with an article by Dr. F. I. Shatara discussing the New British Policy in Palestine. Shatara, a Palestinian Arab, followed the events closely and wrote an article…

Volume 6 Issue 04 of The Syrian World published December 1931. This issue begins with an article by Hatib I. Katibah discussing Palestine and how it became the small Syrian province lying at the intersection of three continents. Katibah breaks down…
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