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  • Collection: General Reference Collections

Date: circa 1924
An application for employment certificate for Nassef Haddad created on November 4, 1924. It states that his employer is A. Haddad--likely his father Abraham. It lists his residence as 369 Chestnut, place of birth as Berlin, New Hampshire, and age as…

Date: 1913 Aug 7
A letter written by A. R. Saunders, Insurance Agent for French Line, addressed to Bernard M. Sheridan, superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, on August 7, 1913. It certifies that Toufick H. Hajjar purchased a ticket for Austro-American Line on…

Date: 1914 Feb 6
A letter written by A. R. Saunders, Insurance Agent for French Line, addressed to Bernard M. Sheridan, superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, on February 6, 1914. It certifies that Martha Hajjar purchased a ticket for the French Line on June 2,…

A letter sent for George Abdalla's employment written by Abraham al Hage on March 20, 1910. The letter states that al Hage consulted a copy of Abdalla's baptismal record in the church that Abdalla was baptized in. Abdalla was baptized on May 12th,…

Date: undated
Performer: Yūsuf Ḥātim, vocals; Fīlīb Sulaymān, kamanja; Yūsuf Badawī, ʻud.

Date: undated
Performer: Karakand, Naʻīm

Date: undated
Performer: Fatāh al-Fiḥāʼ

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer:Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

A letter written by American Line to Mr. Nassar S. Hajjar at 371 Elm St., Lawrence, MA, on March 14, 1914. It confirms Zakie Battal's arrival in the United States on June 22, 1914, at age 17. It also specifies that Zakie traveled as a third class…

Date: 1920 June 10
A passport in Arabic and French. Travel document of Tekla Mansour, age 16, traveling to New York. Document was issued on June 10, 1920, with photo of travelers. Includes names of accompanied persons: brother (name not clear - Kaveel?) age 10, sister…

Date: 1920 Sept 9
A letter written by Mary E. Leary, Principal at the Amesbury Street School, on September 9, 1920. It certifies that Najeeb [likely James] Kalil was born on September 20, 1904, and enrolled in school on September 11, 1911.

Date: 1921 Sept 7
A handwritten letter from Mary E. Leary, Principal of the Amesbury Street School, on September 7, 1921, certifying that James Hassey was born on February 7, 1907.

Date: 1904 July 2
Handwritten letter in Arabic. Provided translation shows it was written July 2, 1904, by Father Anatolios Haddad to confirm that Afifi Barouki, daughter of the late Ibrahim Al Barouki, was baptized on August 21, 1894.

Date: 1914 May 13
A writing sample proving that Annie O'Hanian can read, write, and speak English well. Signed by Anna A. Murphy, a teacher at the Special School, on May 13, 1914.

Date: 1981
The Arcade Memoirs: Selected Poems 1970-1980 was the first collection of poems written by Antoine F. Khater. Published in Brazil, the poems center on Khater's experience of the Lebanese Civil War and his eventual immigration to Brazil. The poems…
Antoine Khater _  poems Binder_wm.pdf

Date: undated
Performer: Halīm al-Rūmī

This application is for a certificate for employment and was filled out by the Arlington Mill on November 12, 1912, to employ Michael Assad. It lists Michael's residence as 95 Elm St., his birthplace as Syria, and birthdate as April, 1894.

Date: 1918 June 7
A Promise of Employment record, issued on June 7, 1918, signifying Nezira Abounader's emplyment as a Filling Tender at Arlington Mill. On the back is a signed physician's certificate of health.

Date: 1912 Oct 28
An application for employment certificate for Ebbie Joseph, or Habibe Joseph Essad [Joseph Sabibe]. It lists their residence as 95 Elm St., birthdate as June 10, 1895, and birthplace as Syria. It is stamped by F.E. Harding, overseer of the Arlington…

Date: 1913 Nov 8
A note from Nellie M. Choate of Arlington Mills written on November 8, 1913, certifying that Adio Nassar was a "Syrian illiterate minor." It states that he left Arlington Mills on July 31, 1913, and he could not write his name.

Date: 1913 Nov 8
A school record for Adio Nassar, created on November 8, 1913, certifying his age as 17 and residence as 363 Elm St. It lists his employer as Arlington Mills.

Date: 1918 June 26
A promise of employment certificate for Alfred Mussawir, confirming his employment as a Bobbin Setter at Arlington Mills. It was produced on June 26, 1918, and stamped by the manager, John Marjerison. On the back is a signed physician's certificate…

An application for a certificate of employment for Kafry Karim filled out on March 10, 1912. It lists his residence as 377 Elm St., place of birth as Syria, date of birth as January 29, 1893, and potential employer as Arlington Mills. It is stamped…

Date: 1913 Nov 11
A letter from Arlington Mills composed on November 11, 1913, explaining a complicated situation detailing different records and employments for Michael Kalil, which provide contradictory evidence for his age.

Date: 1914 Feb 14
A letter written by Nellie Choate of Arlington Mills on February 14, 1914. It lists the work history of Chekir Hanna, resident of 295 Oak St. It indicates that they received his "pink card of illiteracy" on October 28, 1912, and that his birthdate on…

Date: 1912 Dec 9
An application for certificate for employment for Wadiha Gannam created on December 9, 1912. It provides her residence, 375 Elm St., and birthdate, May 1, 1895. It lists her potential employer as Arlington Mills and is signed by the overseer, J.K.…

Date: 1912 Nov 19
An application for employment certificate for Chickery Ead, created on November 19, 1912. It lists his residence as Elm St., his birthplace as Syria, and his birthdate as 1894. It lists his potential employer as Arlington Mills. It was attached to…

Date: 1912 Sept 3
An application for employment certificate for Nasib Dow, created on September 3, 1912. It lists his residence as 22 Pine St. and date of birth as August 1, 1893. It identifies the mill with which he plans to work, Arlington Mills. It was attached to…

An application for Certificate for Employment for Joseph Bistany. It provides his residence, 92 Valley Street, date of birth, September 10, 1896, and other personal information, including physical characteristics and a note that he was "illit.…

This record is an application for an employment certificate for Gabriel Ayoub. It provides information about Gabriel, including residence, 4 Bennington St., birthdate, December 1895, and other information. The record was signed on August 2, 1913, by…

Date: 1913 Sept 2
An application for employment certificate for Mary Trabulsky to work at Ayer Mills for T. Forrest, produced on September 2, 1913. It lists her address as Elm St. and her date of birth as July 3, 1895. There is a brown envelope at the bottom that…

Date: 1909 Dec 7
A letter written on December 7, 1909, requesting that Sadie Maloof be given proof of her baptism by B.M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Lawrence schools. The letter states that she was baptized on November 28, 1895, by Rev. M. Q. White, and lists her…

Date: 1923 June 8
A physician's certificate of age for Saba Sfier created on June 8, 1923. It confirms their date of birth as June 8, 1907, in Syria. It lists their address as 284 Elm St.

Date: 1914 Nov 28
An Arabic letter handwritten Fr. Basila Nahas on November 28, 1914. It confirms the birthdate of Annie alRaei on August 15, 1897. A stamp at the top indicates that it was written by the pastor of St. Joseph's Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Date: 1914 March 4
An Arabic letter handwritten by Fr. Basile Nahas on March 4, 1914. It confirms the birthdate of (name not clear), the daughter of George Francis, on March 20, 1897.

Date: 1913 Aug 18
An Arabic letter handwritten by Fr. Basile Nahas on August 18, 1913. Confirms the birthdate of Sultana [Sultain], the wife of Elias Youssef, as November 2, 1893.

A letter in Arabic handwritten on January 6, 1914 by FR. Basile Nahas, Pastor of Saint Joseph Church. It confirms the birth of Khutar Eid Souri on December 12, 1896. Souri's place of birth is illegible.

Date: 1918 June 13
A Promise of Employment record signed by Beul Weisberg on June 13, 1918, signifying Jennie Abdulla's employment as a doffer at Washington Mills Factory #1 on Canal St., Lawrence, Massachusetts. On the back is a physician's certificate of health,…

Date: undated
A record from the City of Boston Registry Department certifying that [illegible] Maloof, child of William Maloof, was born June 8, 1908. The document is accompanied by an envelope.

Date: 1921 Oct 5
An affidavit signed by William Nader of 73 Hampshire St, father of Mary Nader, attempting to establish Mary's true age as 17 rather than 14. He states that he was incorrect about her age due to a culture of not keeping track of ages in his home…

Date: 1921 Oct 5
An affidavit signed by Mrs. Aseen Aoun of 262 Hampshire St., Lawrence, Massachusetts, attesting that Mary Nader was 17 years old. This testimony is based on the fact that her own 16-year-old daughter was born one year after Mary Nader. This testimony…

A talent card of Marrie Bayrooty printed by Chicago Photo Co.

Date: 1918 July 20
A letter from Edward Wade, City Clerk of Lawrence, Massachusetts, sent on July 20, 1918. It addresses a birth record for George Mussawir, correcting his name to read Alfred George (from Joseph) Mussawir.

Date: 1918 Nov 16
A record, issued by the City Clerk's Office of Dover, New Hampshire, on November 16, 1918, certifying Najib Dowaliby's birthdate as November 12, 1904. It lists his father's name as Ameen Dowaliby.

A birth record created on August 16, 1912 by the City Clerk's Office of Lawrence, Massachusetts. The record provides information about Alice Abbas, including her date and place of birth. It also includes information about her parents, including her…

A birth record issued by the City of Lawrence City Clerk's Office on January 25, 1915. It certifies Barney Bolis's birthdate as August 23, 1902, and lists his parents as Michael Bolis and Marcella Belris. It was signed by Edward S. Wade, city clerk.

Date: 1904 April 4
This birth record, issued by the City Clerk's Office of Lawrence, Massachusetts, on April 4, 1904, confirms George Akel's birth as June 20, 1903. It provides further information about George, including place of birth, 383 Elm St., name of father,…
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