Browse Items (13487 total)

Date: 1970s
A photograph of a building with broken walls and windows


Date: 1970s
A photograph of a building and rubble


Date: 1970s
A photograph of a building and rubble with cars and vans in foreground


Date: 1970s
A photograph of a large stone building with some stones missing


Date: 1970s
A photograph of a large stone building, likely an old church in ruins


Date: 1970s
A photograph of buildings, possibly apartments, in ruin


Date: 1970s
A newspaper article titled '48-Year Span Merchant Closes Doors'. The article is about the history of Toufic Ellis's business.

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Date: 1970s
A newspaper article titled 'Toufee Ellis to Close Store Sunday, Marking Retirement'. The article details the history of Toufic's store and his children and their occupations. Article is possibly from 1967.

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Date: 1970s
Color photograph of Margaret and Isabel Oussani standing inside the O'Keefe home.


Date: 1970s
A photograph of Isabel Oussani sitting inside and wearing a fur jacket.


Date: 1970s
A photograph of two women standing on either side of the arched doorway of a large ivy-covered brick building.


Date: 1970s
Jay Salem, Dr. Bill Elias, Chris Wehbie, and George Kahdy link arms as they dance. The back of the photo states that this was taken while they were at the beach and doing the dabke. The back of the photo also notes where each individual currently…


Date: 1970-1971
A series of letters exchanged between S. Marley of the Library of Congress and Mary Mokarzel concerning the disposal of many bound volumes of Al-Hoda, which had been provided by Mary to be microfilmed.

Date: 1970-1971
Photographs of Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs conventions and events from the years 1970-1972.

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Letter from Western Carolina University President Alex S. Pow writes to Joseph El-Khouri congratulating him on his new position on the university's Board of Visitors.

A Program Book for the 41st Annual Labor Day Convention, hosted by the American Lebanon Association of Austin, Texas, on September 5-7, 1970.

A letter in an envelope addressed to Mary Oussani of Dobbs Ferry, NY, directing hate toward Mary, dated 20 September 1970.

An article describing a Knights of Columbus meeting to take place in the memory of the late Albert Ellis.

The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated September 15, 1970.

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A letter from Sister Mary to Diocesan Pastoral Advisory Council Members (Joseph El-Khouri) reminding them of an upcoming meeting and other Church business.

The North Carolina Priests Association requests the Bishop for a resolution for the negative financial situation of St. Joseph's Parish, Raleigh.

Date: 1970 October
A letter from Russel Ficke, Superintendent of Calvary Cemetery, explaining an increase in fees for perpetual care at the cemetery, dated October 1970.

Date: 1970 October
Anis Fuleihan's Obituary in the New York Times. "Anis Fuleihan, 70, Musician, Is Dead," includes an image of Anis.

Date: 1970 October
Anis Fuleihan's Obituary in the New York Times. "Anis Fuleihan, 70, Musician, Is Dead," includes an image of Anis.

A photograph of Mary Helen Bosby and Margrette Anawaty at Jim Banfill and Pat Poris' wedding in Corpus Christi, Texas on November 7, 1970.

A letter from Russell Ficke, Superintendent of Calvary Cemetery, to Margaret Oussani, describing payments for perpetual care, dated 14 November 1970.

The official winter bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XXXIX No. 2 dated November 1970.

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Date: 1970 May 3
Program for the dedication of the Cherokee County Golf Course, constructed by the Cherokee County Rural Development Authority, of which Joseph El-Khouri was chairman.

Date: 1970 May 22
A small article with an image showing Charles Ellis receiving a plaque recognizing Senator Albert J. Ellis's (his father) service to the men and women of the armed forces.

Date: 1970 May 10
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells him that he is always inquiring about Lebanon's news. He is praying for God to save Lebanon from this situation with the Palestinian Fedayeen.

Date: 1970 June
The official New Orleans Convention issue bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XXXVIII No. 6 dated June 1970.

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Date: 1970 July 3
The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 3, 1970.

A Program Book for the 39th Annual Convention, hosted by the Syrian Lebanon American Club of New Orleans, in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 2-5, 1970.

Date: 1970 July 2
An Executive Board Meeting Agenda of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 2, 1970.

Date: 1970 July 04
The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 4, 1970.

Date: 1970 July 03
The meeting minutes of the general assembly of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 3, 1970.

Date: 1970 July 03
The meeting minutes of the 39th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 3, 1970.

Date: 1970 July 02
The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 2, 1970.

Date: 1970 July
Promotional newsletter for the 39th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 2-5, 1970.

Date: 1970 July
Promotional newsletter for the 39th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 2-5, 1970.

The cover and necrology section of the January 1970 issue of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill's Alumni Review. Albert Ellis's obituary is in the center of the middle column.

A group of unidentified relatives of Charlie Abed around Christmas, 1970.

An article describing the late Albert Ellis's service to the Infant of Prague Catholic Church and the dedication of the Church's library in his name. A higher resolution version of the photograph is linked below.

The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly Business Session of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Birmingham, Alabama on February 21, 1970.

The meeting minutes of the Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 21, 1970.

A Program Book for the Mid-Winter Conference in Birmingham, Alabama on February 20-22, 1970.

The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 20, 1970.

A photo of Charles Ellis and Rev. J. Paul Byron in the Infant of Prague Library reading from an encyclopedia donated by Albert Ellis, Charles's late father. A newspaper article about the library and its dedication to Albert Ellis is linked below.

The official Birmingham mid-winter bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XXXVIII No. 4 dated February 1970.

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Meeting minutes from a meeting of the Senate of Priests of the Diocese of Raleigh concerning various church business.
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