Browse Items (13487 total)

Date: undated
A photo of two unidentified men outdoors.

Date: 1920s
A photograph of a man standing away from the camera on a ship deck. Other people and lifeboats are visible in the background.

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Date: 1910s
A photograph of a man laying in a hammock with two other men sitting behind him.


Date: 1910s
A photograph of a man laying in a hammock with two other men sitting behind him.


Date: undated
A photograph of two unidentified men from the Mansour branch of the family. They are dressed in military uniform and seated on horses, which are standing in front of a building. Though undated, the photograph was likely taken in the early part of the…

Date: undated
A photograph of two unidentified men from the Mansour branch of the family. They are dressed in military uniform and seated on horses, which are standing in front of a building. Though undated, the photograph was likely taken in the early part of the…

Date: circa 1910s
A photograph of three unidentified men in military uniform from the Mansour branch of the family. They are leaning against a fence

Date: circa 1910s
A photograph of three unidentified men in military uniform from the Mansour branch of the family. They are leaning against a fence

Date: circa 1910s
A photograph of four unidentified men in military uniform from the Mansour branch of the family. They are leaning against a fence

Date: circa 1910s
A photograph of three unidentified men in military uniform from the Mansour branch of the family posing with three unidentified children. They are leaning against a fence

Date: 1910s-1920s
A photograph of nine men standing outside by a wooden structure.


Date: 1985
Photograph of two men in a garden, one of which is Genevieve R. Joseph's uncle George Joseph.

Date: 1920s
A photograph of two men standing outside in front of a car and a tree.


Date: 1910s
Candid photograph of several men standing on the front steps of a porch.


Date: 1926
A photograph of young men in uniform at Fort Bragg.

Date: 1950s
A photograph of a group of people having a picnic on the beach. Margaret Oussani in front.

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Date: 1950s
A photograph of a group of people having a picnic on the beach. Margaret Oussani in front.

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Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of two men and mountain scenery in Lebanon. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1928
A landscape photo taken in Lebanon. Two unidentified men stand in the foreground.

Date: circa 2013
Spiral bound account of the history of St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church of New Castle, Pennsylvania, and important families associated with the parish. Written for the church's 100th anniversary in 2013.

Date: undated
The selected memories of George B. Mowad, including playing with Don and Jr. Deumite.

Date: 1903
Memorial card for Yak Oussani with Arabic around the sides and "In Memoriam" printed on the back.

Date: 1991 Dec
A memorial card for Sadie Karam.

Date: 1994 April
A memorial card for Alice Awad.

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Date: 2007 June 4
A newspaper article published after the death of Magdalen Parker Mileski. The piece is a remembrance of her many years of teaching and the influence she had on her former students as a demanding, yet kind, high school English teacher. The article…

Date: 1954
"Memoirs" by Wadea Kassab recounts Wadea's life from his childhood in Damascus and Bloudan, to his immigration to America in 1889, and through his pursuit of education and a career in dentistry.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: undated
A memo from Foreign Policy Association to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: 1999
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1999.

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Date: 1976-1977
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1976-1977.

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Date: 1975-1976
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the fiscal year 1975-1976.

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Date: 1965-1966
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1965-1966.

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Date: 1961-1962
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1961-1962.

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The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as of August 1, 1956.

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Date: 1955-1956
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1955-1956.

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Date: 1954-1955
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1954-1955.

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Date: 1953 May 20
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as of May 20, 1953.

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Date: 1952-1953
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1952-1953.

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Date: 1951-1952
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1951-1952.

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Date: 1950
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1950.

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Date: 1949
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1949.

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Date: 1948
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1948.

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Date: undated
The Moses siblings in front of a house. A note on the back says "Leo, Helen, Amelia, Jo, Juanita, Sally, Noidrie Moses." The family members pictured are: Leo Ellis Moses, Helen Moses Bishop, Amelia Moses Castrinos, Josephine Collins Moses (wife of…


Date: circa 1950s
Members of the Moses family gathered at a restaurant. From Left to right: Noidrie Moses Sr., Noidrie Sr.'s daughter Janet M. Moses, Noidrie Sr.'s wife Juanita Gilbert Moses, Noidre and Juanita's son Noidrie Moses Jr., Norman Joseph Moses's wife Telka…

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Date: 1935
The membership and officers list of the Good Citizenship Club of Birmingham, Alabama in 1935.

Date: 2000 July
A photograph of athletes from a Lebanese Special Olympics Team that traveled to Garner, North Carolina, in 1999 for the Special Olympics World Summer Games. Taken in Baalbek, Lebanon.

An immigration record, produced in Marseille, France, on November 8, 1913. It lists Melhem Beseybes as 20 years old. The document also states that Beseybes left for Chicago. The back of the document states that Beseybes was Syrian, could not read or…

Minutes from the meeting of the Waynesville Deanery (of which Joseph El-Khouri was chairman).

Date: 1972 July 02
The executive board special meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 2, 1972.

The executive board special meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated August 31, 1969.
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