Browse Items (13487 total)

The Constitution and By-Laws of the Fellowship Club of Houston, Texas and adopted February 20, 1947, and amended on April 25, 1976.

Date: 1976 Apr
Volume 20, Issue 4 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated April 1976.

Date: 1976
A set of drawings for the United States of America's 200th Birthday.

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Date: 1976
A portrait of a young Vera taken in 1976.

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Date: 1976
Booklet for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of St. George Eastern Orthodox Church of Niagara Falls, New York. Includes messages from church leaders, a history of the parish, photographs from throughout the church's 50 years, and messages from…

Date: 1975-1976
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the fiscal year 1975-1976.

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Date: 1975-1976
The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs for the year 1975-1976.

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Typed letter with instructions to leaders in the Church about how to carry out the "Respect Life Program" in their parish. The booklet mentioned in the letter is missing.

Date: 1975 Sep
Photograph of Linda Bolde, Beatrice Duda, Charlie Joseph, Lorice Bolde, Bill Bolde, and Genevieve Norman Joseph in a pool at Beatrice and Frank's house.

A paid bill for H. Neil Christiansen from Add-N-Type Co. for typewriter supplies.

A letter from Kamal Antone to Shirlee and John Jamail dated October 24, 1975.

History of St. Michael's Orthodox Church of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, created for the parish's 20th anniversary in 1975. Includes a brief written history of the parish, photographs of church members and groups, and various messages from the…

The official fall bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLIV No. 2 dated November 1975.

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Date: 1975 May 8
Minutes from the meeting of the Glenmary Sisters Advisory Council, of which Joseph El-Khouri was a member.

Date: 1975 May 7
A letter addressed to Emil Morey from Kamal Antone dated May 7, 1975.

Date: 1975 May 21
A letter from Kamal Antone to William Baroody, Assistant to the President, dated May 21, 1975.

Date: 1975 May
Beshara Shehdan's obituary, written following his 1975 death and published in the "Cross Cedar," the publication of the Maronite Community of the Carolinas.

ARAMCO World Magazine Vol. 26 No. 2 published March-April 1975.


Date: 1975 March 8
Copy of meeting minutes sent to Joseph El-Khouri of the Diocese of Charlotte's Diocesan Pastoral Council minutes. They met at the Catholic Center in Charlotte, NC.

A letter from Angele Ellis's cousin, unknown, to Angele Ellis, dated 25 March 1975.

Date: 1975 March 1
Program for religious education workshops at the Diocesan Education Conference.

The meeting minutes of the Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated March 1, 1975.

The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated March 1, 1975.

Bishop of Charlotte Michael J. Begley sends the program for the First Diocesan Assembly of the Diocese of Charlotte. The event was hosted by Sacred Heart College.

Date: 1975 June 08
A meeting announcement for the Augustinian Fathers of the Villanova Province, dated 8 June 1975. It notes that Alfred Ellis will be assigned as pastor at St. James.

Date: 1975 June
The official Orlando convention issue bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLIII No. 5 dated June 1975.

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Date: 1975 July 6
A Program Book for the 44th Annual Convention Grand Banquet in Orlando, Florida on July 6, 1975.

Date: 1975 July 5
An invitation to a breakfast hosted by the Syrian Lebanon American Club in honor of the Officers of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Orlando, Florida on July 5, 1975.

Date: 1975 July 4
An invitation to cocktails hosted by Joseph F. Hatem, Sr., the Convention's Chairmen, on Friday, July 4, 1975.

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Date: 1975 July 3
The Meeting Minutes of the Executive Board of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Orlando, Flordia on July 3, 1975.

Promotional newsletter for the 44th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Orlando, Florida on July 2-6, 1975.

Promotional newsletter for the 44th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Orlando, Florida on July 2-6, 1975.

A Program Book for the 44th Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida on July 2-6, 1975.

Date: 1975 July 16
An article published in The Andrews Journal concerning the newly elected Lions Club officials.

Date: 1975 July 06
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated July 6, 1975.

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Date: 1975 July 03
The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 3, 1975.

Date: 1975 July
The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Orlando, Florida in July 1975.

Date: 1975 July
Convention program that contains messages from high ranking church officials, passages that describe the history of the church, messages and photographs in remembrance of family members and loved ones, and adds for local businesses.

Date: 1975 July
The accompanying caption reads, "Costume photo of YWCA summer camp in [Beirut]. Moise Khayrallah was counselor. Enactment of wedding. (MK third from right)-1975."

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Date: 1975 July
The meeting minutes of the 44th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 1975.

A photograph of Angele and Toufic Ellis, dated January 1975


Date: 1975 Jan 15
Letter from Rev. Joseph Paquet of Jesuit Foreign Missions to Mary Mokarzel concerning tax exemption.

Date: 1975 Jan
Color portrait of Genevieve R. Joseph in 7th grade.

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A Program Book for the Mid-Winter Conference, hosted by the Cedars Club, in Lafayette, Louisiana on February 27-March 2, 1975.

A letter and envelope from Emilio Kemaide addressed to Mr. Toufic Ellis, dated 11 February 1975.

The official mid-winter bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLIII No. 3 dated February 1975.

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A portrait of Patrick Quigly and Louise Quigly sitting next to each other at Christmas. Patrick Quigly wears a dark blue long-sleeved shirt with red overalls while Louise Quigly sits next to him in a patterned long-sleeved shirt and green dress.…

A handwritten letter to Tommy describing gifts to Tommy and their potential future value. Thse gifts included a Eisenhower 1971 uncirculated dollar amd a cancelled envelope containing a letter sent to the U.S.S. Harrett that acknolwedged the safe…

An article published in the Andrews Journal about School Board member Joseph El Khouri's stance on the consolidation of local schools.

A scan of Alma Parker's birth certificate. Alma was born on January 31, 1917, and the certificate was issued on August 7, 1975, in Edgecombe County.
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