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  • Tags: Records

Date: 1998
A list of scholarship donors from the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1998.

Tags: ;

Date: 1912 June 14
An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service, sent on June 14, 1912. It was was produced at Ellis Island, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by…

Date: 1912 June 21
This record is a certificate signed on June 21, 1912, by Ell. Ruthefeld [sp?], Superintendent of Schools for the State of New Hampshire Department of Public Instruction, confirming Abdo Abraham's age and allowing him to work. It states his birthday…

Date: 1912 Oct 29
An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service on October 29, 1912. It was produced at Ellis Island, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by…

Date: 1911 Dec 30
An immigration record for Abdulla Woysouf issued on December 30, 1911, in Marseille, France. It lists his age as 16 and his destination as Lawrence, Massachusetts. Handwritten on the bottom is a pencil notation that reads "Card [ill.] 1-19-12 Joseph…

Date: 1912 May 28
A birth record issued on May 28, 1912, by Lawrence, Massachusetts City Clerk's Office certifying that Abraham P. Khoury was born November 28, 1902, to Peter Khoury and Julia Sawan of 351 Elm St. His father was a mill operative.

Date: 1914 April 4
Contract for transportation by sea for Abraham Nemir (18), issued on April 4, 1914. He was travelling to Lawrence, MA, on the Rochambeau. He was from Vadi Dayer, Syria, and was a farmer [cultivateur].

Date: 1913 Jan 17
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on January 17, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Abraham Tanios arrived in the United…

Date: circa 1913
A physician's certificate of age for Adele Hassan Naoum, born March 21, 1897, listing her residence as Elm St.

Date: 1920
A baptismal record from St. Anthony's Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, certifying that Adele Macoul was born January 12, 1920 and baptized on October 3, 1920 by Rev. G. Bistany and Rev. Joseph David. It lists her father's name as Nassif Macoul and…

Date: 1935 Sept 23
A school record for Adele Macoul, born January 12, 1920, residence at 370 1/2 Elm St. The record details information about Adele's studies at Lawrence High School. Her father's name was Nassif Macoul.

This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 24, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It confirms Adell Joseph's arrival in the United States on…

Date: 1922 Nov 16
A birth record issued by the City of Lawrence City Clerk's Office on November 16, 1922. It certifies that Adella Solomon, child of Bashara Solomon and Raffaela Habib Solomon, was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on March 20, 1906.

Date: 1913 Nov 8
A school record for Adio Nassar, created on November 8, 1913, certifying his age as 17 and residence as 363 Elm St. It lists his employer as Arlington Mills.

Contract for transportation by sea for Hatem A. [Adio] Nasser who was travelling to New York on the Touraine and was departing on April 20, 1912. The back of the document states that Hatem was born on May 1, 1896. He was Syrian, his destination was…

Date: 1910
A certification of baptism of (name not clear) in August, 1895. Written by Father Khouri Rafael (last name not clear) in 1910. The document is damaged. On the bottom are a few penciled notations: "Adla Kellil Father Joseph August 15 1895 Mary Kalil."

Date: undated
A record certifying Alfred Dowaliby's birthdate as September 24, 1914. It lists his place of birth, 53 White St., Lawrence, Massachusetts. It also includes his father's name, Ameen Dowaliby, mother's name, Julia Abdabor Dowaliby, and their respective…

Date: circa 1918
An application for employment certificate for Alfred Mussawir to work at Arlington Mills. It lists his residence as 53 Cross St., birthplace as Brooklyn, New York, and age as 14.

Date: 1918 June 26
A promise of employment certificate for Alfred Mussawir, confirming his employment as a Bobbin Setter at Arlington Mills. It was produced on June 26, 1918, and stamped by the manager, John Marjerison. On the back is a signed physician's certificate…

A birth record created on August 16, 1912 by the City Clerk's Office of Lawrence, Massachusetts. The record provides information about Alice Abbas, including her date and place of birth. It also includes information about her parents, including her…

A school record for Alice Abbas created on August 17, 1921. The record indicates that Alice was born on November 25, 1906. The record was issued by the Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries and was filled out by one of the Sisters of Notre…

An immigration record from Marseille, France, created on September 16, 1911. The record lists Alice Abdalla as immigrating at age 17 in 1911. On the back of the record is information including her profession, the fact that she could read, that it was…

Date: 1906 July
This birth record, issued by St. Anthony Syrian Maronite Roman Catholic Church at 256 Elm St., Lawrence, Massachusetts, lists Alice Assaf's date of birth as March 5, 1906, and date of baptism as July 3, 1906. It also provides her father's name,…

Date: 1906 March 5
This record, created at the Cross St. School in Lawrence, MA, on March 5, 1906, details the health of Alice Assaf. It provides other information, including address, 397 Elm St., names of parents, Celia and Wadia, and occupations of parents, "jewelry"…

Date: circa 1922
This record kept track of the admission, discharge, and promotion of students in the elementary school system. This document provides information about Alice Assaf including date and place of birth--March 5, 1904, in Lawrence, MA--name of parent,…

This record identifies Alice Assaf's address at 397 Elm St. and certifies that she has been vaccinated.

Date: 1911 Nov 17
An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service on November 17, 1911. It was produced at Ellis Island, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by…

Date: 1912 Aug 13
An immigration record sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, on August 13, 1912, certifying that Byron Hall and the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service, was unable to find immigration…

Date: 1911 Aug 10
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 10, 1911, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Amin Vagibey arrived in the United States…

Date: 1914 May 15
A promise of employment for Annie O'Hanian, promising her employment as a doffer in Washington Mills. Signed by Stephen Gillian on May 15, 1914.

Date: 1914 May 13
A school record for Annie O'Hanian created on May 13, 1914. It indicates that she was born April 7, 1899, and that she resided at 57 Oak St. The record lists information about her studies at the Special School in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It lists her…

Date: 1914 May 13
A writing sample proving that Annie O'Hanian can read, write, and speak English well. Signed by Anna A. Murphy, a teacher at the Special School, on May 13, 1914.

Date: undated
Document written in Arabic.


Date: undated
A manifest sheet for Nohra Assad, or Assad Nohra Said, in Greek.

Assif George Kahdy Certificate of Naturalization. Assif was naturalized in Sherman, Texas, on September 12, 1906, but this certificate was issued on April 8, 1947.

Date: undated
This is record is a certificate certifying that Ayda Arrajj is older than 16 years of age. It lists Ayda's date of birth as April 5, 1897, and was signed by M. Schwartz, M.D. It also shows Ayda's address as 2 Bennington St.

Date: 1913 June 7
An inspection card for Efenkehi Bahia produced on June 7, 1913, in Marseille, France. It includes an indication of vaccination and a pink ticket for the S.S. Roma of the Fabre Line.

Date: 1912 June 29
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on June 29, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Bahia Rahmi arrived in the United States on…

Date: 1919
A First National Bank of Fresno, California, bank check paid to the order of Gladys Oussani for $500 from Joseph Oussani dated 16 August 1919.

Date: undated
A copy of the baptism certificate of Toufic Kmeid, from Deir (Church) Mar Abda Al-Mshamar, date of baptism November 14, 1895, by father Aghnatios alAnthony. Certificate signed by father Youssuf Baroud.

A baptismal record for Toufic Ellis signed by Father Yousef Barroud, dated 30 April 1962.

Barbara Kahdy Estes's passport before changing her last name to Estes. This document also contains a vaccination record.

A birth record issued by the City of Lawrence City Clerk's Office on January 25, 1915. It certifies Barney Bolis's birthdate as August 23, 1902, and lists his parents as Michael Bolis and Marcella Belris. It was signed by Edward S. Wade, city clerk.

Date: 1921 June 24
A promise of employment record for Bashir Simon created on June 24, 1921, confirming their employment as a doffer in Washington Mills. On the back is a signed physician's certificate of health.

Date: 1921 June 27
A school record for Bashir Simon, born November 1, 1906, and resident of 27 Pine St. It lists information about their studies at St. Mary's School and includes their father's name, George Simon. It was signed by the principle, Siter M. Teresa, on…

Date: 1915-1916
A miscellaneous record book spanning material from 1915 to 1916. It contains master remittance lists. These files represent only a partial selection of the full book.

Date: 1915-1916
A miscellaneous record book spanning material from 1915 to 1916. It contains master remittance lists. These files represent only a partial selection of the full book.

Date: 1916-1917
A miscellaneous record book spanning material from 1916 to 1917. It contains master remittance lists. These files represent only a partial selection of the full book.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.
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