Browse Items (147 total)

  • Tags: بيروت

Date: 1915 Oct 8
Letter from Abd al-Hajj to his parents. He sends his greetings to them and to his brothers and sisters. He tells them about his journey from Beirut to the region of Kesruawn in Mount-Lebanon

Date: 1922 Aug 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that working in Colombia is better than working in Beirut. Colombia is a very rich country and will be the most important country in South America.

Date: 1922 Oct 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He encourages him to leave Beirut and come to Baranquilla where he could have his own work. He also tells him that Colombia will have an important future, especially with the political change, where the…

Date: 1923 Feb 17
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother, sisters, neighbours, friends and relatives. He promises his brother that he is making an effort to meet together before the winter.

Date: 1924 May 15
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges, his mother, and his sisters. He sends his greetings. He tells them that he ended his partnership in Cartagena and that he will stay sole owner of his store. He expresses his hesitation about the visit of his…

Date: 1924 June 4
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He informs him that he is sending them 30 English pounds. He also tells him how much he respects the conditions and laws related to his…

Date: 1924 June 19
Letter from Michel to his sister Victoria and his brother Georges. He expresses his happiness for receiving letters from them. He asks them if they had left Beirut for the mountains.

Date: 1924 Aug 13
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him if Mrs. Salma Moulouk has arrived in Beirut. He exchanges some ideas about the philosophy of nature and how all people are born as equals. He also expresses his conviction about luck and that the…

Date: 1924 Oct 30
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that the economic situation will be better after November. He also tells him about a new opportunity for him in Bogota where the life is like the life in Paris. He asks him to come with the…

Date: 1924 Nov 5
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells him about trading in Cartagena. He asks him to prepare for their travel from Beirut to Colombia after Easter. He also informs him that he owns 35…

Date: 1924 Dec 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him to continue the preparations for the coming of the family to Colombia. He informs him that he has sent him 50 English pounds. He also sends his greetings to his mother and sisters.

Date: 1925 May 8
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He informs him about the arrival to Beirut of Mr. Michel Roumié who has shops in Damascus, Beirut, Colombia and New York. He asks his brother to help Mr. Roumié in his stay in the region of Ras Beirut.…

Date: 1925 May 28
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He discusses the idea of establishing a new business in Paris where they could gather again. He also sends the greetings of their mother and sisters.

Date: 1926 July 2
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and kisses to the family. He tells him about the improving of the business. He also asks him about the situation on his homeland and Beirut and the state of the relatives.

Date: 1926 Oct 9
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel asking him to take care of himself and to enjoy his life and his wealth.

Date: 1927 Mar 6
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He sends him the greetings of the family and asks him to return to his family soon.

Date: 1927 July 11
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He sends greetings. He tells that he has sent him some handbags.

Date: 1928 Mar 24
Letter from Georges to Michel. He asks him to return to his family especially since their mother can't support his absence.

Date: 1927 Apr 18
Letter from Marie Térèse to the spouse of her uncle. He expresses how much she is missing them. She asks about the news of her cousins, Michel, Georges, Shafika, Zakiyi and Victoria. She expresses her feelings about living abroad. She says that…

Date: undated
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that he was hospitalized, but now he is getting better. He informs him that he is now in Panama where he is the agent of a German Airline called Leadta.

Date: 1928 June 15
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He tells him that their mother is worrying all the time about him. He also informs him that Victoria will get married at the end of the summer.

Date: 1927 Sept 4
Letter from Maria Terese to Georges. She sends her kisses and greetings. She tells him that she will come back with her kids to work in Beirut and to live in the beautiful town of Bhamdoun.

Date: 1928 Sept 30
Letter from Georges to Michel. He sends his kisses. He informs him that he has received the photos of Michel and Mr. Edmond Menassa. He tells him about the healing of their mother from her sickness. He also tells him that the wedding of Victoria will…

Date: 1928 Nov 28
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He tells him that he has received the $500. He also tells him about the preparations for their sister's marriage.

Date: 1929 Apr 14
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He sends greetings and expresses his conviction about the evolution of the situation in Syria.

Date: 1936 Dec 25
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He tries to comfort his brother hoping that he will return soon to be able to see their aging mother.

Date: 1938 Apr 15
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He expresses his concern that Michel did not write to his family that year.

Date: 1939 Feb 15
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He sends greetings and urges him to return to his family, especially with the rumours about a global war. He expresses his conviction that being in Mount-Lebanon is better then staying in Colombia and that…

Date: 1940 Jan 15
Letter from Goerges to his brother Michel. He expresses his concerns about Michel with the war going on. He tells him that he now has a fourth son and hopes that Michel will be his godfather.

Date: 1940 Apr 30
Letter from Georges to Mr. Rizk asking him to reassure him about his brother's (Michel Saykali) conditions.

Date: 1945 Mar 17
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and kisses to the family. He tells him that his business is going very good and that he has a capital of 50 thousand Riyal. He promises him that once the war ends he will come back to…

Date: 1946 Jan 1
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He tells him that he now has a second son. He also tells him that he was hospitalized because of Typhoid. Finally, he confirms receiving $300 and not $500.

Date: 1946 Mar 5
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings, kisses to the family, and congratulations for George's recovery from Typhoid. He also tells him that he has sent him $1000.

Date: 1947 May 30
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends greetings and tells him about his excellent business in Cúcuta. He also tells him that he has a capital of 70 thousand Riyal and that he is now a member of the commercial league in the city. He also…

Date: 1947 Aug 20
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He sends greetings. He informs him that they are in Bhamdoun until the end of September. He tells him that life cannot be measured just by material fortune but that a man has spiritual and emotional duties…

Date: 1947 Aug 20
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He expresses his concerns about Michel and urges him to come back to see his mother before she dies.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that he received all the letters sent from Paris, London, Cúcuta, New York, and Baranquilla. He also tells him that he was late in responding to him due to some health problems.…

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that his son Pierro has been hospitalized in the American Hospital in Beirut, and that the surgery, operated by Dr. Djedjian, was successful despite its difficulty.

Date: 1950 May 9
Letter from Michel Saykali to Jilbert Saykali. He sends greetings and wishes him success in his studies.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that he did as Michel asked with the whiskey boxes he sent.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He thanks him for sending 300 US dollars. He conveys greetings from their mother and the family. He tells him that the last year was very bad.

Date: 1951 June 15
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the health of their mother and asks him to take care of himself and his health.

Date: 1952 July 20
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel. He thanks him for his last letter and tells him that he has undergone some medical tests.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the state of his sisters, especially Victoria who lost her husband.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about their mother's health condition and wishes that the war will end soon.

Letter from Joe Saykali to his father Georges Saykali, mother Salwa Saykali, brothers Gilbert, Roger, Pierrot, sister Huguette, grandmother and aunts. He sends greetings to the family. He tells them about the possibility that the Society of…

Date: 1959 July 10
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel and his son Joe. He tells them about the death of their cousin Salim Sursok and how his inheritance will be distributed among his family members.

Letter from Joe Saykali to his parents informing them that he will arrive in Beirut on Saturday, December 19 on a K.L.M. plane.

Date: 1961 May 29
Letter from Georges Saykali to Marcel Bridi informing her that he has send some goods.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel. He tells him about his post and responsibilities at the state water company. He also tells him that Joe will stay in Beirut where he got involved in many projects. As for Gilbert, he is working with…
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