Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali, 13 August 1924
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali, 13 August 1924
رسالة من ميشال الى أخيه جورج، ١٣ آب ١۹٢٤
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He asks him if Mrs. Salma Moulouk has arrived in Beirut. He exchanges some ideas about the philosophy of nature and how all people are born as equals. He also expresses his conviction about luck and that the conditions of life are more important than luck. He asks him about their cat. Then, he tells Georges how he ended his partnership without any problems and that he paid his partner 7000 American dollars. He expresses his happiness regarding the news coming from Beirut and Syria. Finally, he sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters.
رسالة من ميشال الى أخيه جورج. يسأله عن وصول السيدة سلمى ملوك الى بيروت. ثم بتبادل معه بعض الأفكار في الفلسفة الطبيعية. يقول لجورج أن الأشخاص يولدون متساويين، وأن الحظ ليس هو الأساس بل أن الواسطة هي الأهم. كما يسأله عن الهرّة. ثم يخبره عن نهاية شراكته من دون أية مشاكل، وأنه دفع لشريكه سبعة آلاف دولار أميركي. كما يعرب عن سعادته عن اخبار تقدم أحوال بيروت وسوريا. وفي النهاية يرسل سلاماته وقبله للوالدة والشقيقات.
Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies
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Michel Saykali and ميشال, “Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali, 13 August 1924,” Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, accessed March 7, 2025, https://lebanesestudies.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/92574.