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  • Collection: General Reference Collections

International passport of Lamia Boustani [Lamya Bastany], issued in 1920. On the back it is stamped by the American Consulate in Beirut and signed by Frederick Bird on October 30, 1920. Lamia was originially from Lebanon and was born in 1903. It…

Date: 1920
A French Republic passport from Beirut, Syria, for Emilie Soliman listing her age as 18 years. It states that she was born in Beirut, her nationality was Syrian, and that she was travelling to Lawrence, MA. She was not accompanied by anyone.

Date: 1919 July 3
A physician's certificate of health certifying that Joseph Romanus is older than 16 years old. It is signed and dated July 3, 1919, but otherwise not filled out.

Date: 1923 Aug 13
A promise of employment certificate for Michael Owen, certifying his employment as an oiler boy for J. Broadley. On the back is a physician's certificate of health signed by Dr. Schwartz. It was filled out on August 13, 1923.

Date: 1913 Nov 11
A birth record certifying Sam Fical's date of birth as December 25, 1894. It also lists his place of birth as Syria, father's name as Sam Fical, and mother's name as Mary Fical. Attested to Justice of the Peace James Digman, by George Fical in New…

Date: 1920 Sept 27
A physician's certificate for Salem Mansour created on September 27, 1920. It lists his birthdate as October 6, 1901, place of birth as Syria, and residence as 215 Hampshire St.

Date: undated
A physician's certificate of age for Joseph Shaheen, confirming his date of birth as December 21, 1897.

Date: circa 1914
A physician's certificate of age for Joseph Shaheen, confirming his date of birth as July 15, 1900.

Date: circa 1913
A physician's certificate of age for Adele Hassan Naoum, born March 21, 1897, listing her residence as Elm St.

Date: 1932 April 4
A letter from John Batal, MD, written on April 4, 1932, reporting the wishes of Marya Nassif's mother, Katherine Nassif, for her daughter to stay home and help with the housework. The address 309 Oak St. is written on the bottom.

Date: 1922 Sept 11
A handwritten letter in Arabic and English certifying the age of Karim Saliba. Lists their date of birth as March 3, 1903, and date of baptism as March 10, 1903. The letter in Arabic certifies the birthdate of Hanna Saliba on March 21, 1901, and her…

Date: 1912 Oct 14
A personal statement by Joseph Norsiff of Dover, New Hampshire, stating that Najeb E. Mansur was born November 17, 1895, and was christened on the same date in Hamana, Lebanon. The letter is typewritten, signed by both Norsiff and the State of New…

Date: 1906 Oct 12
A certificate in Arabic written on October 12, 1906, by Father Khouri Afram. It confirms the baptism of Maryam, daughter of Youssef alTahan, on March 9, 1890, by Father Khouri Boutrus alFrerie. Godmother was Zuhour, widow of Francis Abi Tamra. A…

Date: 1909 May 2
A letter stating that Nejib Khelil Yusif Sallum was born on January 12, 1894, and baptized on January 22, 1894. His godfather is listed as Elias Khelil and his godmother as the wife of Elias [name unknown, ? aroon]. It was written by Father Khouri…

Date: 1911 June 10
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Andraous Essa on June 10, 1911. It confirms the birthdate of Rasheedy Youssed al Batel on July 14, 1895, and baptism on September 25, 1895.

Date: 1911 July 16
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Basilius Hayek on July 16, 1911. It confirms the birthdate of Sulaiman Fahous as April 5, 1897. Written in the bottom in English are notations that read: "Wadan Nassar or Henry Norris July 1897."

Date: 1914 June 14
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Boutros (last name unclear) on June 14, 1914. The letter confirms the baptism of Tawfiq Abdo Jerjes Mahir on March 25, 1899, in St George's Church.

A letter handwritten in Arabic by Father Khouri Boutrus Aoun in November, 1914. It confirms the age and baptism of Freda, the daughter of Youssed Michael Ghanim, on March 14, 1899, in Mar Elias Church. Her godfather was Tanous Aboud Martinious and…

Date: 1912 Aug 29
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus on August 29, 1912. It confirms the age of Gergers (George) Hannah Eissa (17) based on baptism records from the church.

Date: 1911
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus on (month not clear) 17, 1911. Confirms the birthdate of Chickery Youssed Naseef Abu Kher on January 15, 1896.

Date: 1909 July 20
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus al Haj Boutrus on July 20, 1909. It confirms baptism of George Youssef Abdullah on October 10, 1893. His godfather was his uncle (father's side) Melhem Abduallah Mansour, and his godmother was the…

Date: 1910 Nov 4
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Aoun on November 4, 1910. It confirms the birthdate of Martha, daughter of Arsula Serkis, on April 20, 1895. Included with the letter is an envelope with the name "Bshara, Martha" handwritten in…

Date: 1909 June 11
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Aoun on June 11, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Khalil (Charles Owen), the son of Tannous Aoun, on January 15, 1895. At the bottom is a phrase handwritten in English: "Oliver School Register-…

Date: 1912 May 6
A handwritten letter confirming the age of (first name not clear), the daughter of Asaad Khutar Abi Raad, as 16, and her birthdate as August 6, 1897. She was baptized in the same month. This letter was written by Father Khouri Boutrus Bakalbani on…

Date: 1909 Aug 23
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Boutrus on August 23, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Najeeba, daughter of Naoum Ayash Yezbek, on August 10, 1893. Godfather was Elias Ayash Yezbek and godmother was Nimnim, wife of Hannah…

Date: 1913 June 22
A handwritten letter in Arabic. Confirms the age of Tanious, son of Jirjis, as 16. Written by Father Khouri Boutrus Kafinany on June 22, 1913.

Date: 1909 July 5
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Najah Boutrus on July 5, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Beshara, son of (first name not clear) Elias Aboud in Saydet El Maounet Church on February 5, 1894. Beshara's godfather was his paternal…

Date: 1911 Aug 14
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Rabil on August 14, 1911. Confirms the baptism of Ojaneh (Eugene) Rabil, the daughter of Maron Youssef Rabil, on September 12, 1895. Attached to the material related to George Gald.

Date: 1914 Feb 15
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutrus Rael on February 15, 1914. It confirms the baptism of Najeeb Youssef Nassif on July 1, 1898.

Handwritten letter in Arabic composed by Father Khouri Boutrus Shaj Boutrus on September 25, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Maryam, the daughter of Assad Soma, on March 5, 1894. Her godfather was her uncle Youssef Soma, and her godmother was her…

Date: 1912 Aug 30
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Boutruson on August 30, 1912. It confirms the age of Fada'a, the daughter of Kanan el Zain, indicating that she was approximately 16. A handwritten English note on the bottom has the date February 1896.

Date: 1911 March 5
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Bronobabas Elia al Antaki on March 5, 1911. It confirms the birthdate of Karima, daughter of Michael Saliba, on July 24, 1896, and her baptism on August 15.

Date: 1911 March 5
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Bronobabas Elia alAntaki on March 5, 1911. It confirms the birthdate of George, son of Michael Saliba, on June 15, 1895, and his baptism on July 5.

An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri David Hajjar on March 15, 1913. Confirms the baptism of Martha, the daughter of Massoud Njaimeh, on March 2, 1897.

Date: undated
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias (last name not clear). It confirms baptism of Emiline, the daughter of Murshud Hatem, on August 12, 1896.

Date: undated
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias alHadsheti. It confirms the birthdate of Madeline Kalil on March 25, 1894.

Date: 1912 May 19
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias alHadshity on May 19, 1912. It confirms the baptism of Nazeera, daughter of Nekoula Nema Hatem, on April 29, 1895.

A handwritten letter in Arabic written by Father Khouri Elias Al Hedsheeti on November 15, 1913. It confirms baptism of (first name not clear, possibly Albert) Beshara on October 2, 1894.

Date: 1915 Sept 9
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias alHadsheti on September 9, 1915. It confirms the birthdate of Elias Fahous alRamey on December 15, 1898.

Date: 1911 June 25
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias alHadshity on June 25, 1911. It confirms the baptism of (first name not clear), son of Ghalib Nema Hatem, on May 23, 1895.

Date: 1909 Sept 12
A handwritten letter in Arabic. Confirms the birthdate of Antonios Mari'a Tannour on July 29, 1893. Written by Father Khouri Elias Qardahi on September 12, 1909.

Date: 1913 Oct 5
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias Zaitoun on October 5, 1913. It confirms the baptism of Jirjis Maron on June 25, 1896.

Date: 1912 Oct 25
An Arabic letter written by Father Khouri Elias Zaitoun on October 25, 1912. It confirms the baptism of Shikri, the son of Youssef (Joseph) Nassif, on April 15, 1897.

Date: 1913 July 5
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Elias Zaitoun on July 5, 1913. It confirms the baptism of Kamile, son of Boutrus al Beyrouthy, on June 16, 1895.

Date: 1922 June 18
A handwritten letter in Arabic confirming the baptism of Youssef Tannous on March 1, 1896, by Father Khouri Youwakim alZughbi. Godfather was Youssef Thabit and godmother was Milana, wife of Youssef Afram. Also confirms the baptism of Saba Tannous on…

Date: 1909 Oct 25
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Ethnasious Ghannam on October 25, 1909. It confims the baptism of Sida the daughter of Saeed Assi on September 7, 1896, by Father Khouri Boulus Faraj. The mother is listed as Werda, the daughter of…

Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Ethnasious Ghannam on October 25, 1909. It confirms the baptism of Nazeera, the daughter of Saeed Asi, on October 11, 1894, by Father Khouri Boulus Faraj. Her mother was Wordi, the daughter of Youssed Afees

An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Francis Basile on August 30, 1913. It confirms the birthdate of Adele Abdullah Aqel alBistany on January 20, 1896, putting their age at 17 years and 7 months.

Date: 1912 Sept 3
A letter in Arabic handwritten by Father Khouri Fransis Basile on September 3, 1912. It confirms the baptism of Salima Michael Elias on March 15, 1896.

Date: 1912 Sept 20
An Arabic letter handwritten by Father Khouri Gabreil on September 20, 1912. Confirms the birthdate of Elias, son of Abdo Rocus, on September 15, 1896, and his baptism on October 22. Mother is Thuraya, godfather is Arshad alSahlany, and godmother is…
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