Browse Items (634 total)

  • Collection: General Reference Collections

Date: 1917
A record book containing remittance slips from 1917. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1917
A record book containing remittance slips from 1917. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1917
A record book containing remittance slips from 1917. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1917
A record book containing remittance slips from 1917. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: 1916
A record book containing remittance slips from 1916. The volume contains both handwritten and typewritten records and is partially searchable by OCR.

Date: undated
A record certifying Alfred Dowaliby's birthdate as September 24, 1914. It lists his place of birth, 53 White St., Lawrence, Massachusetts. It also includes his father's name, Ameen Dowaliby, mother's name, Julia Abdabor Dowaliby, and their respective…

Date: undated
This letter confirms George Arry's age as 20. It is addressed to a Mr. B. K. Bradley and signed by Dr. I. A. Hajjar. It is written on paper bearing Dr. Hajjar's letterhead, with an address at 65 Lawrence St., Lawrence, MA.

Date: 1912 Nov 2
A letter from E. U. Butterfield, Superintendent of Schools of Dover, New Hampshire, to Bernard Sheridan, superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, Massachusetts, stating that he is sending Najeb Mansur's birth certificate with the letter. The letter is…

This letter certifies Eva Baddour's baptism date as February 15, 1899, in St. Romane's Church, Hammana, Syria. It was signed by Rev. Elias Hadshety on October 8, 1915.

Date: 1922 Sept 18
A letter, from Rev. Elias Zaytoun of Kinston, NC, sent on September 18, 1922. It confirms that Marie Hatem was born on June 15, 1906 in Hammana, Lebanon, at the Maronite St. Mary Church.

Date: 1914 March
An immigration record issued in Naples, Italy, on March 27, 1914, for a journey to New York. The record, likely a ticket, was issued to Saud [?] [Saa?].

Date: 1913 Dec 22
An Arabic letter handwritten on December 22, 1913. The top portion is written by Rev. Eshahia Kefoury and certifies that Tooma Joseph Zaidan al Kassouf was baptized on July 5, 1895, by Rev. Ehalia Kefoury. It lists his mother as Helena Zhaib and…

Date: 1923 Jan 26
A letter, writen by F. N. Martin, General Second Hand of the Carding Department for Everett Mills, on January 26, 1923. It requests a temporary certificate to allow Faries Corey to work until his passport arrives from Caribou, Maine.

Date: 1910 May
A handwritten letter in Arabic and English. Written by Rev. F. Michael Kouri, it certifies that Nazira Joseph Saidy was born on February 10, 1893, and baptzied on March 25, 1893.

Date: March 2015
This timeline of the life of Father Nicola Yanney was written and compiled by Fr. Chirstopher Morris of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Kearney, Nebraska with the help of the Yanney family. Fr. Nicola Yanney was an important figure in the…
Yanney, Nicola timeline.pdf

A school record from the Franklin Street School, listing Michael Baider's date of birth as November 2, 1905. It shows his residence as 137 Valley St., father's name as Alexander Baider, location of school as Manchester, New Hampshire, and information…

Date: 1908 Dec 18
A letter written in English and Arabic by Father Khouri Gabriel on December 18, 1908. Certifies that Naim Jasser, son of Tannos Jasser, was born on April 10, 1893, and baptized on June 5, 1893. The Arabic portion lists the mother as Khazna, the…

Handwritten letter in Arabic and English. The letter certifies that Tom Nassif Ajamie was born on December 28, 1892 and was baptized on February 2, 1893. The letter was signed by Rev. Gabriel Kouri on December 18, 1908.

Date: 1914 April 4
Contract for transportation by sea for Abraham Nemir (18), issued on April 4, 1914. He was travelling to Lawrence, MA, on the Rochambeau. He was from Vadi Dayer, Syria, and was a farmer [cultivateur].

Date: 1912 May
Contract for transportation by sea for Nicola Nazria (16) and her sister Nabeha Nazria (11). They were going to New York and were departing on June 1, 1912. The back of the document states that Nicola was Syrian, was travelling to Dover, New…

Contract for transportation by sea for Youssef Nassif, who was travelling to New York on the Bretagne and was departing on April 29, 1911. He was travelling with his daughter, Hafya Nassif [17], and his other child, Shekri [11]. On the back of the…

Contract for transportation by sea for Hatem A. [Adio] Nasser who was travelling to New York on the Touraine and was departing on April 20, 1912. The back of the document states that Hatem was born on May 1, 1896. He was Syrian, his destination was…

Date: 1912 May 30
Contract for transportation by sea by the Transatlantic General Company out of Marseille, France, created on May 30, 1912. Mary M. Mahboub Bistany (16) was traveling to Lawrence, Massachusetts, and was on board the liner named Florida [Floride]. The…

Date: 1910 Oct
Contract for transportation by sea by the Transatlantic General Company out of Marseille, France. Phillipe Hatem was travelling to New York and left on October 22, 1910. The liner he was travelling on was called the Florida [Floride]. The back of the…

Date: 1914 April 4
Contract for transportation by sea by the Transatlantic General Company out of Marseille, France, issued on April 4, 1914. Sabooha F. Hatem was a 33 year old Syrian woman traveling to New York with three children, Habib (17), Elase (10), and Najle…

Date: 1912 May 13
A personal testimony by Joseph Nassif of Dover, New Hampshire, given on May 13, 1912. It translates the Arabic letter sent to certify Jadoun Hatem's age. Nassif testifies that Jdou [Jadoun] Hatem was baptized on May 8, 1896, in Hammana, Lebanon. It…

Date: 1913 Nov 15
An immigration record for Faride Fahajoun issued on November 15, 1913, and stamped by the Georges Bousquet in Marseille, France. It is a pink tag from the S.S. Germania of the Fabre Line.

Date: 1913 June 16
This letter, dated June 16, 1913, was handwritten by Father Georges Kallass. It confirms Najeeb Assad's birthdate as October, 1896 and states that the Father performed his baptism at the St. Shalitah Church on October 23, 1896. It lists his father as…

A writing sample for Emily Hatem, proving her ability to read and write from dictation. Signed by Gertrude L. O'Connell on March 20, 1911.

Date: 1912 Oct 12
An Ottoman passport for Elias Dighar [Daguer] in Arabic and French issued on October 12, 1912. It states his age, 18, and his birthdate, December 25, 1895, written in pencil. His father is listed as Abrahim Daguer and his destination is given as New…

Date: 1916 June
A school record for Michael Habre created in June of 1916. It certifies that he was born on September 5, 1902. It lists Michael's residence as 9 Pine St. and the name of his parent as Fareeda (Haseeda) Habre. It also provides information about…

A school record from the Hampshire Street School for Beshara Aboud listing his date of birth as January 20, 1894 and residence as 325 Oak St. The record was filled out by a teacher, Anna C. Lane, and approved by the principal, E.F. Hutchinson, on…

Date: 1909 Aug 18
A handwritten letter in Arabic and English. Written by Father Khouri Hannah Zizhzghy on August 18, 1909, the letter certifies that Amia Nimy, daughter of Makhoul Nimy, was born March 3, 1894, in Falougha. A note on the bottom, in different…

Date: 1921 May 7
Passport for Saada Owen [Aoun] [50] who was accompanied by her two children, Afife [15] and Michael [14]. They were from Lebanon. The passport was issued on May 7, 1921, and was used to travel to the United States via France shortly thereafter.
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