Browse Items (13487 total)

Letter and envelope addressed to Joseph El-Khouri thanking him for his assistance in Irwin Belk's campaign to be International Director for Lions International.

A postcard from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis, dated 9 January 1973.

Date: 1973 January
The official mid-winter conference issue bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLI No. 3 dated January 1973.

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Date: 1973 Jan 2
Copy of Samuel Norman's death certificate from Great Barrington, Massachusetts, listing cause of his death as bronchopneumonia at 84 years of age in 1972.

Date: 1973 Jan 10
A letter from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning the arrival of the Mokarzel Library in Beirut.

A Program Book for the Mid-Winter Conference, hosted by the American Cedars Association of Fayetteville, North Carolina, on February 9-11, 1973.

Newspaper article from The Graham Star announcing Irwin Belk's candidacy for the Lions International Directorship.

Absentee Ballot for Executive Board Memebers for motions proposed during the Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayetteville, North Carolina on February 10, 1973 and dated February 14, 1973.

The Minutes of the Executive Board and General Assembly Meetings, Financial Report, and instructions to clubs and delegates from the Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayetteville, North Carolina…

The Executive Board and General Assembly Meeting Agendas of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayettville, North Carolina on February 10, 1973.

The meeting minutes of the business session of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 10, 1973.

The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 10, 1973.

Date: 1973 Feb 2
A letter from Edward Zraick to Mary Mokarzel concerning the planning of the Al-Hoda Diamond Jubilee.


A letter and stamped envelope from Adbo Kemaide addressed to Toufic Ellis, dated 30 December 1973. Sent from Baabda, Lebanon by Airmail. Contains two Lebanese stamps.

An envelope addressed to Miss Alfreda T. Ellis, dated 26 December 1973. Sent from Ghazir, Lebanon by Airmail. Contains two Lebanese stamps featuring old Lebanese costumes and artisans.

Minutes from a meeting of the Diocesan Pastoral Council (of which Joseph El-Khouri was a member) including a progress report from the "Respect Life" committee.

The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated December 1, 1973.

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A photograph of Theresa Ellis standing on a sidewalk near a car, dated December 1973


A photograph of Alfreda (2nd from left) and Angele (5th from left) with a group of five other people, dated December 1973


A postcard written in Arabic from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis for the occasion of Christmas and New Year 1973-1974.

Date: 1973 Dec 3
A letter from the Bibliotheque Orientale confirming the acceptance of Mary's donation of the Mokarzel Library, valuing it at $9000.

Date: 1973 Dec 14
A letter from John J. Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning Lilly Szegoe's health as well as Mary's donation and tax exemption. Mary's reply is linked below.

An article published in The Andrews Journal about Joseph El-Khouri's appointment to a vacated Cherokee County school board seat.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 27 August 1973.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Toufic Ellis, dated 27 August 1973.

A photo published in The Andrews Journal showing Joseph El-Khouri being sworn in as a replacement School Board Member.

Date: 1973 August
Promotional newsletter for the 44th Annual Labor Day Celebration in Austin, Texas on August 31-September 3, 1973.

Date: 1973 August
The official late summer bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLII No. 1 dated August 1973.

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A program booklet decribing the 25 Hour Club's function and members. It also contains multiple advertisements in varying languages.

Minutes from the meeting of the Glenmary Sisters Advisory Council, Of which Joseph El-Khouri was a member.

Date: 1973 April
The official spring bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLI No. 4 dated April 1973.

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Date: 1973 Apr 14
A letter from Raif Abillama (relation of Rose Abillama, Naoum Mokarzel's wife) to Mary Mokarzel concerning the legacy of Al-Hoda.


Date: 1973
A letter from Edward Zraick to Mary Mokarzel inviting her to the Al-Hoda Diamond Jubilee followed by letters of thanks from Mary Mokarzel. The Diamond Jubilee celebrated the 75th anniversary of Al-Hoda at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

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Date: 1973
A photo of Mokarzel relations in Freike, Lebanon. The woman second from the left (in green pants) is Lily Trabulsi Szegoe.

Date: 1973
Booklet written in Arabic.

Date: 1973
Proposed Constitutional Amendments voted upon at the Annual Convention in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on July 5, 1973. An Executive Board Meeting Agenda of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on July 5,…

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Date: 1973
Portrait of Genevieve "Genny" Joseph at Krieger Elementary School in the 5th grade.

Date: 1973
A photograph of a teenaged Moise squatting with a group of five other boys all dressed in Boys Scout uniforms.


Date: 1973
Brochure pamphlet created by the National Committee of Gibran in 1973 on Kahlil Gibran's hometown, Bcharre. This was included with other reproductions of Gibran's work and photographs of Gibran's living spaces in the folder titled "The World of…

Date: 1973
A photograph of three people, Joe Mody, Shirley, and Ed, on New Year's Eve at St. Louis Gonzaga in Utica, NY

A letter written to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph El Khouri from M. El Khouri. Stamped on September 27, 1972.

A Program Book for the 43rd Annual Labor Day Convention, hosted by the American Lebanon Association of Austin, Texas, on September 2-4, 1972.

A program from a healthcare conference attended by Joseph El-Khouri.

Date: 1972 Oct 12
A letter from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel about getting in touch.


The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, Convention Guidelines and Historical Data dated November 15, 1972.

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The official fall bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. XLI No. 2 dated November 1972.

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Date: 1972 Nov 15
A letter from John J. Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning microfilms of Al-Hoda and personal affairs.

Date: 1972 Nov
Photograph of the dinner table and guests at the Lebanon American Club's 50th anniversary celebration.

Date: 1972 Nov
Photograph of the dinner table and guests at the Lebanon American Club's 50th anniversary celebration.

Date: 1972 Nov
Photograph of the dinner table and guests at the Lebanon American Club's 50th anniversary celebration.
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