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Date: 1946
Young Barbara Kahdy and Jay Salem sitting together as they smile. Barbara Kahdy is wearing a white and pink dress while Jay Salem is wearing a blue and white outfit. Caption on the back reads, "1946-7. Barbara Kahdy and Jay Salem cousin."

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Date: 1946
Young Barbara Kahdy in a stroller on the sidewalk. She is wearing a light colored dress and matching shoes with a pillow behind her.


Date: 1946
A program for Anis Fuleihan's performance at Carnegie Hall. Featuring information on Fuleihan, advertisements, and his performance.

Date: 1946
The first page of a program for Anis Fuleihan at Carnegie Hall. The back has an advertisement for Encore.

Date: 1946
A newspaper article titled "Fuleihan Heard in Carnegie Hall."

Date: 1946
"Fifteen Short Pieces for Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, signed to and marked by John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha, and marked by Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois. Copyright 1946 by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York.

Date: 1946
Sonatina No. 2 Piano Solo by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1946 by Delkas Music Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California.

Date: 1946
A photograph of Gladys and Dotty Oussani at the centennial.

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Date: 1946
A portrait of Kail Ellis for his first grade picture, 1946

Date: 1946
A portrait of Kail Ellis for his first grade picture, 1946

Date: 1946
A portrait of Rosita Assaf in a graduation gown accompanied by her Uncle Hanna, 1947

Date: 1946
A portrait of Rosita Assaf in a graduation gown accompanied by her Uncle Hanna, 1946

Date: 1946
A photograph of Marie Theresa Ellis for 'Scrolls', dated 1946.


Date: 1946
A photograph of Marie Theresa Ellis at Augustinian Academy graduation, dated 1946.

Date: 1946
A photo of Salloum Mokarzel (center) greeting California Governor Earl Warren and his wife. On the left is Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia.

Date: 1946 Apr
Photograph of Dot in front of a tree.


Date: 1946 April
A photograph of Agnes Murman and Charles Murman standing in front of a pond at the Wm. Club House in New Bern, NC. Agnes Murman wears a light-colored dress and Charles Murman stands next to her in a formal military uniform. Dated April 1946.


Date: 1946 April
A photograph of Agnes Murman and Sitty Ramza standing outside Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. Agnes Murman wears a light-colored floral patterned dress and Sitty Ramza wears a black dress with large buttons on the front. Dated…


Date: 1946 April
A photograph of Connie Lamar, Ellis Zaytoun, Agnes Murman, Vivian Salem, Sitty Nasima, and Bobby Salem standing outside Ellis and Isabelle's home in New Bern, NC. Connie Lamar wears a dress with white flowers and dark-colored spots, Ellis Zaytoun…

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Date: 1946 April
A photograph of Charles Murman, Albert Salem, Bert Salem, Vivian Salem, and Joseph Zaytoun posing together in front of a building. Charles Murman is slightly out of frame in a military uniform, Albert Salem wears a formal Navy uniform with a white…

Date: 1946 April
Autobiography of Fred A. Kadane, titled "The Story of My Life."

A letter from Father Tobia who writes to another father who lives in the United States, expressing his happiness and thankfulness that he finally found out where he lives from a friend. Dated April 24, 1946.

A newspaper article titled "Philharmonic Plays Novelty by Fuleihan," written by Grena Bennett, dated at top in pencil 25 April 1946.

A photograph of Ralph Murman standing in front of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. He wears a light-colored suit jacket and dark-colored tie and pants. The back of the photograph states, "The day we left for Ohio" which refers to…

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A photograph of Ellis Zaytoun, Isabelle Zaytoun, Sitty Nasima, Agnes Murman, and Sitty Ramza standing on the steps of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. Ellis Zaytoun wears a dark-colored suit and tie, Isabelle Zaytoun wears a…

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A photograph of Vivian Salem and Tommy Lamar holding hands as they walk down the steps of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. Tommy Lamar wears a light-colored shirt and overalls while Vivian Salem wears a white skirt suit. In the…

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A photograph of Bobby Salem and Tommy Lamar holding hands in front of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. Bobby Salem wears a striped shirt and overalls while Tommy Lamar wears a light-colored shirt with overalls. Dated April 30, 1946.

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A photograph of Bobby Salem walking down the steps of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home located at 1712 Rhem Ave. in New Bern, NC. Bobby Salem wears a striped shirt and overalls with black shoes. Dated April 30, 1946.


A photograph of Bobby Salem and Tommy Lamar holding hands in front of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. Bobby Salem wears a striped shirt and overalls while Tommy Lamar wears a light-colored shirt with overalls. In the background is…

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A photograph of Ralph Murman, Charles Murman, Sitty Nasima, Sitty Ramza, Isabelle Zaytoun, Agnes Murman, and Rita Murman standing in front of Ellis and Isabelle Zaytoun's home in New Bern, NC. Ralph Murman wears a light-colored suit and patterned…

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A photograph of Agnes Murman, Ellis Zaytoun, Sitty Ramza, Sitty Nasima, Charles Murman, Isabelle Zaytoun, Bobby Salem, and Tommy Lamar standing on the front steps of Ellis and Isabelle's home in New Bern, NC. Agnes is in a light-colored floral…

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From Trey Matthews: "Wedding announcement for Alice Eugene Safy - Kingsport Times-News, 4 Aug 1946, p. 4B. Alice is the daughter of Joseph and Susie Safy." Safy married Frank Milton Lewis.

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A letter from the Village of Carthage, New York on behalf of Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis), dated 15 August 1946. Contains the seal of the Village of Carthage. Addresses Angele Ellis as a highly respected citizen.

A letter from Marie Theresa Hobeiche to Kail Ellis, dated 31 August 1946.

A photograph of Vivian Salem, Bert Salem, and Bobby Salem standing next to a short tree. Bert Salem wears a dark-colored sweater and ball cap, Vivian Salem wears a dark-colored coat with a white blouse, and Bobby Salem wears a light-colored coat and…

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A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 10 December 1946

A letter from Nadim Attallah who asks his brother about life in Lebanon, sends money to Krouger and Joseph, and informs Krouger about new laws for money transactions. He writes that he didn't receive letters from As'ad or Edma in Brazil. Dated…

Date: 1946 Feb
Photograph of Smitty and Helen with Helen's brother Charlie Joseph on steps in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Date: 1946 Feb
Photograph of Charlie Joseph on the steps at College Hill.

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A letter from Adib [no surname given] who asks about his daughter's previous letters, her health, and the type of life she chose. He writes about the Bible and the path he suggests she follows. Dated February 1, 1946, Marjeyoun, Lebanon.

Date: 1946 Jan 1
Letter from Georges to his brother Michel. He tells him that he now has a second son. He also tells him that he was hospitalized because of Typhoid. Finally, he confirms receiving $300 and not $500.

Date: 1946 Jan 10
Selective Service Classification Notice for Charles Joseph in Wake County, North Carolina.

Date: 1946 Jan 13
Photograph of a family of four standing outside of a house. On the back is written, "Compliments of the Jowdy's."

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Date: 1946 Jan 16
A photo taken during a dinner party at the Mokarzel apartment. The caption on the back reads "Syrian + Lebanese Consuls- Pop's apt. in [Brooklyn]." Salloum Mokarzel stands in the back row, on the right.

Date: 1946 Jan 16
A photo of people gathered at a cocktail party in the Al-Hoda Press building. The caption on the back reads "Cocktail Party...for C. Macari (Prominent in Mexico) Papa's [building]."

Date: 1946 Jan 6
A photo taken at a dinner party held in honor of Lebanese diplomats. The caption states "Mr. Macari, Mr./Mrs. Jos. Morin after dinner in our apt. in [Brooklyn]." Lebanese consuls and friends of the Mokarzels also attended the party.

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Date: 1946 Jan 6
A photo taken at a dinner party held in honor of Lebanese diplomats. The caption reads "the Family- Trabulsis + Mokarzels at the dinner party." Lebanese consuls and friends of the Mokarzels also attended the party.

Date: 1946 Jan 6
A photo of people gathered in the Mokarzel apartment for a dinner party. The caption on the back reads "Dinner in our apt. at 115 Ocean Ave., [Brooklyn] for Syrian + Lebanese diplomats." Family and friends of the Mokarzels also attended.

A letter from Adib [no surname given] who misses his daughter and sends her some sweet words. Dated January 7, 1946.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 11 January 1946.
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