الشواعر الشريفة [The Noble Sentiments]
الشواعر الشريفة [The Noble Sentiments]
الشواعر الشريفة [The Noble Sentiments] is an edited collection of poems and speeches presented on April 7, 1923 in honor of Silver Anniversary celebration of Al-Hoda [Guidance]; the second half of the text contains material presented at a similar celebration several months later in Mexico City. Al-Hoda, one of the earliest Arabic-language Lebanese-American newspapers,was founded by Naoum A. Mokarzel (1864-1932), who also headed a publishing press under the same name.
Edited by Yaqub Rouphail, who served as editor of al-Akhlaq [Manners] magazine, the text contains contributions by many notable Arab-Americans including: Khalil Gibran, Mikhail Nu’aymeh, Nadrah Haddad, and the feminist writer Afifa Karam. The pieces predominantly consist of celebrations of Naoum Mokarzel, the publishing press, and the numerous cultural and professional accomplishments achieved by the Lebanese-American community in just 35 years.
Edited by Yaqub Rouphail, who served as editor of al-Akhlaq [Manners] magazine, the text contains contributions by many notable Arab-Americans including: Khalil Gibran, Mikhail Nu’aymeh, Nadrah Haddad, and the feminist writer Afifa Karam. The pieces predominantly consist of celebrations of Naoum Mokarzel, the publishing press, and the numerous cultural and professional accomplishments achieved by the Lebanese-American community in just 35 years.
Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies
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Alternative Title
The Noble Sentiments
Yaqub Rouphail, editor and Al-Hoda Press, “الشواعر الشريفة [The Noble Sentiments],” Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, accessed September 18, 2024, https://lebanesestudies.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/11431.