Browse Items (6 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Lebanese Americans--United States"

A letter from the National Federation of Syrian Lebanon Societies of the United States to the Honorable Cordell Hull, the United States Secretary of State, and addresses the impaired rights of American citizens of Syrian and Lebanese descent.

Date: undated
A brief history of Syrian-Lebanese immigration to Texas.

Date: undated
The Phonecian Club Heritage book, the Birmingham's Lebanese: "The Earth Turned to Gold," detailing the history of the Lebanese community in Birmingham, Alabama.

Date: 1926
The Handbook for the League of Americanized Syrians printed at the American Press in Beirut, Lebanon in 1926.

Date: undated
A booklet with a brief history of and songs from the Lebanese community in Texas.

Date: undated
A heritage book, The Texians and the Texans: The Syrian and Lebanese Texans, compiled by the University of Texas at San Antonio Institute of Texan Cultures.
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