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  • Tags: 1930s

Date: undated
A letter from Bayard Dodge to Ameen Rihani, dated July 18, (no year).

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Joseph Rihani, dated March 10, (no year). Year suggested by a third party, 1930.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Ibrahim (no surname), undated. Year suggested by a third party, 1933.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Ibrahim, undated. Year suggested by a third party, 1937.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Ibrahim, undated. Year suggested by a third party, 1937.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Ibrahim, undated. Year suggested by a third party, 1937.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Ibrahim, dated December 19, (no year). Year suggested by a third party, 1937.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Colonel Don Juan Beigbeder, undated. Year suggested by a third party, 1938.

Date: undated
A letter from James Louis Smith to Ameen Rihani, dated May 22, (no year).

Date: undated
A letter from Grace Dickinson Sperling to Ameen Rihani, undated.

Date: undated
A letter from Ministry of Government Spain to , undated. Date suggested by third party, 1940.

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Date: undated
Cooperative Lecture Plan with Comments of Colleges. The document features comments from a number of colleges that spoke for, undated. Date suggested by third party, 1937.

Date: undated
Information from the National Arts Club Second Author's Night to be held on November 12, 1930. is listed as one of the speakers for his book, "Arabian Peak and Desert." The invitation is signed by the chairman of The National Arts Club, Frank Chapin…

Date: undated
List of 's engagements, such as lectures, where they will be given and when. Date suggested by third party, 1931.


Date: undated
Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document lists as a speaker at the Political Association of Vassar College on Saturday November 9 (no year). The topic of the talk is listed as the "Pan-Arab Movement."

Date: undated
This manuscript by Ameen Rihani is the second collection of critiques that he wrote on various art, for a number of different newspapers and magazines including The Syrian World. These critiques not only focus on fine art, artists, and different… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is a collection of various political essays that Ameen Rihani wrote, including publications from The Syrian World. They range on topics from the Ottoman Empire, to Syria and Lebanon, the Political Situation in the Near-East, along… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
A manuscript titled Kurdistan by Ameen Rihani. Rihani describes Kurdistan from his own experiences while travelling, while also intermingling history of the country. The book is split into several sections in which Rihani tackles various topics on… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is a literary study on the content, written style, and historical background of the Arabian Nights. While also discussing and comparing three English translations of the Nights. PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is a collection of various writings by Ameen Rihani that all focus on the pan-arab movement. Some of the writings are articles that have been published, but are under a different name within the manuscript. Posthumously published in… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is an unpublished collection of poems and songs. It is split into two parts, the first featuring Arabic songs and poems and the second a collection of poems by Ameen Rihani titled "Waves of My Life." Posthumously published in 2009 as…

Date: undated
يسطر الريحاني في كتابه هذا مسيرة فيصل الاول ملك المملكة الهاشمية العراقية الحديثة، مرورا بثورة الشريف حسين، والده، ومن ثم توليه الحكم في سوريا وطرده منها وانتقاله الى العراق ومن تتويجه ملكا على العراق. وفي نهاية الكتاب تواريخ ووقائع مهمة في حياة… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
يخبر الريحاني عن العراق وبغداد الف ليلة وليلة من خلال مشاهداته اثناء زيارته الى العراق في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي. فهو يروي لنا التاريخ كما رآه في اثارها الباقية وسمعه من حكاوي الناس. يستعرض لنا الحضارات التي توالت على هذه البلاد واهلها، وصولا الى… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
A portrait of the Baddour family at their Chestnut Street home in Goldsboro, NC, in 1936. The home was purchased from selling stock in the Mt. Olive Pickle Company. Shickrey Baddour stands in the back row, third from the right.

Tags: ;

Date: undated
Article of condolence to the Itihad newspaper.
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