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  • Collection: Ameen Fares Rihani Papers and Audio Recordings

Date: 1938
A bronze bust sculpture of Ameen Rihani done by Lebanese artist, Joseph Howayek in 1938

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Date: 1953
A bronze bust sculpture of Ameen Rihani done by Italian artist, Joseph Mallozi in 1953.

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Date: 1965
A bronze bust sculpture done by Lebanese artist, Youssef Ghussoub, of Ameen Rihani 1965.

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Date: 1972
A bronze sculpture by Palestinian artist, Alexander Haddad, of Ameen Rihani's head in profile 1972.

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Date: 2004
A bronze sculpture by Lebanese artist, Pierre Karam, of Ameen Rihani's head 2004.

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Date: 2003
A carving on granite done by Georgian artist, Larissa Melnikova Karam, of Ameen Rihani 2003.

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Certification of 's admission to the American Asiatic Association as an associate member, dated September 9, 1918.

Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Luncheon at Palmer House information, dated October 29, (no year). The document lists as the principal speaker on "The Arab and the Jew in Palestine."

Chicago Council on Foreign Relations Luncheon information, dated February 20, (no year). The document lists as one of the speakers on "The Palestine Problem."

Date: 1930 June 04
Commencement Dongan Hall pamphlet, 1930. The pamphlet lists the graduating class and the speakers, is listed as the speaker giving the address and that the commencement will be held June 4, 1930.

Date: undated
Cooperative Lecture Plan with Comments of Colleges. The document features comments from a number of colleges that spoke for, undated. Date suggested by third party, 1937.

Cosmopolitan Club newsletter, dated November 1929. An interior page states that will speak on "The Near East in Revolt" on November 20, 1929.

Date: undated
This manuscript by Ameen Rihani is a collection of thirty art critiques specifically featured within The International Studio, a decorative arts magazine that ran from 1893 to 1964. Most of the art Rihani focuses on is from the late 19th and early… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript by Ameen Rihani is the second collection of critiques that he wrote on various art, for a number of different newspapers and magazines including The Syrian World. These critiques not only focus on fine art, artists, and different… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
Document of protection in Spain and Spanish controlled Morocco


Date: 1918
This manuscript is a fictional novel by Ameen Rihani titled Dr. Della Valle. It follows Giuseppe Della Valle and is set in Naples, Italy. The story begins with Beatrice, Giuseppe's older sister growing sicker and sicker until her early death. Due to… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
A draft of a telegram from Ameen Rihani to unknown, undated.

Date: 1904
A drawing done in Chinese ink of Ameen Rihani in 1904 by the Lebanese artist, Mustapha Farroukh.

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Date: 1918
A drawing done by Mexican artist, Henrike Gonzalez, of profile of Ameen Rihani 1918.

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Date: 1920
A drawing done by American artist, S.J. Woolf, of Ameen Rihani in profile 1920.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, Margaret C. White, of Ameen Rihani in profile 1921.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, Helen Peal, of Ameen Rihani in profile 1921.

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Date: 1921
A sketch done by American artist, Helen Peal, of Ameen Rihani in 1921.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, Helen Peal, of Ameen Rihani in 1921.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, William Oberhardt, of Ameen Rihani 1921.

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Date: 1921
A drawing done by American artist, William Oberhardt, of profile of Ameen Rihani 1921. Bottom reads "To my friend Rihani."

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Date: 1921
Printed version of drawing done by American artist, William Oberhardt, of profile of Ameen Rihani 1921.

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Date: 1938
A pencil drawing done by the Lebanese artist, Mustapha Farroukh, of Ameen Rihani on September 21, 1938.

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Date: 1938
A drawing done by the Lebanese artist, Mustapha Farroukh, of Ameen Rihani in 1938.

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Date: 1957
A drawing done by Iraqi artist and writer, Hareth T. Rawi, of Ameen Rihani in 1957.

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Date: 1963
A drawing done by Lebanese artist, Pierre Sadeq, of Ameen Rihani 1963.

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Date: 1965
A drawing done by Lebanese artist, Nazhem Irani, of Ameen Rihani 1965.

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Date: 1965
A drawing done by Lebanese artist, Radwan Shahhal, of Ameen Rihani 1965.

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Date: 1965
A drawing done by Lebanese artist, Pierre Sadeq, of Ameen Rihani 1965.

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Date: 2009
A ink and watercolor drawing done by Pierre Sadeq of Ameen Rihani 2009.

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Date: undated
Florida Forum Itinerary. Document includes travel information and schedule.


Foreign Policy Association Buffalo Branch, information on Luncheon Discussion, undated. The discussion is listed as taking place on December 7, 1929 at the Hotel Statler. is listed as one of the main speakers discussing "Zionism."

Foreign Policy Association Buffalo Branch Luncheon Information, event dated December 7, 1929. The pamphlet lists information including the subject of the luncheon which is "Zionism." is listed as one of the speakers of the talk.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The documents list as a speaker at Carnegie Hall on December 1, 1929.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. It lists as a speaker at Amherst College on the subject of "Religious and Racial Conflicts in Palestine" on December 2, 1929.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document lists as a speaker at the Sinton Hotel on the subject of "Zionism" on December 5, 1929.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 14, 1929. The document lists as a speaker at the Columbus Athletic Club on the "Outlook in Palestine" on December 6, 1929.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 15, 1929. The document states that is to speak at the Town and County Club in Hartford on November 29, 1929. He was speaking on "The Arab, the British and the Zionist in…

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 15, 1929. It lists as a speaker at the Hotel Kimball in Springfield, Massachusetts on November 30, 1929. He was speaking on "The Situation in Palestine."

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, event dated November 20, 1929. is listed as a speaker on the "Near East In Revolt."

Confirmation of Engagement that designates as a speaker at an event held by the International Relations Committee at the Upper Montclair Women's Club, the event was to be held January 16, 1929. The document is dated November 6, 1929.

Confirmation of Engagement that designates as a speaker that the Hotel Bancroft on January 11, 1929. The document is dated November 8, 1929.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 8, 1929. The document confirms that will speak on December 7, 1929 at the Buffalo Branch of the Foreign Policy Association. It lists Rihani's topic of discussion as "Zionism."

Confirmation of Engagement from Foreign Policy Association, dated November 8, 1929. The document states that was to be a guest speaker at The Linwood Forum on March 16, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated October 23, 1929. The date of the meeting is listed as November 2, 1929 with being a speaker on the "Outlook in Palestine."
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