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  • Tags: Politics

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated October 3, 1930. is listed as a speaker at the Florida Forum, on February 8, 1931. The subject is listed as "Arab and Jew on the Battlefield of Zionism."

Foreign Policy Association luncheon discussion program, undated. The program features information regarding the speakers at the event, and information on the Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine. The event is dated January 18, 1930.

A letter to from Frances J. Pratt of the Foreign Policy Association, dated February 24, 1930. The letter enclosed information about an engagement at the Finch School. It describes the audience as girls between the ages of 17-20 accustomed to…

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document states that will be a speaker at the Spence School in NYC. The topic of discussion is listed as "Problems in Asia Minor" on February 14, 1930.

Date: 1930
Pamphlet titled The Conflict in Palestine: Recent Books and Articles on the Jewish-Arab Problem at the Albany Public Library, 1930. It lists a number of books on the aforementioned topic, and is listed for two articles on the topic: Palestine Arabs…

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, event dated November 20, 1929. is listed as a speaker on the "Near East In Revolt."

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 15, 1929. It lists as a speaker at the Hotel Kimball in Springfield, Massachusetts on November 30, 1929. He was speaking on "The Situation in Palestine."

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 15, 1929. The document states that is to speak at the Town and County Club in Hartford on November 29, 1929. He was speaking on "The Arab, the British and the Zionist in…

Cosmopolitan Club newsletter, dated November 1929. An interior page states that will speak on "The Near East in Revolt" on November 20, 1929.

Date: 1929 June
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Invitation to a luncheon held in honor of , at the Women's City Club on Tuesday February 19, 1929. The document also gives a brief introduction into and addresses that he will be speaking on "Political Tendencies in Arabia."

Foreign Policy Association Central Ohio Branch, Dinner Meeting and Discussion information, undated. The document lists as one of the speaker on the subject of "Conflict in Palestine." The meeting was dated to occur on December 6, 1929 at the…

Two letters from Franklin D. Roosevelt to M. Mansour and the calling card given to M. Mansour by Franklin D. Roosevelt's campaign. One letter is a campaign letter from to Franklin D. Roosevelt to M. Mansour requesting a meeting

A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated March 12, 1928.

Date: 1928 July 31
A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated July 31, 1928.

A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated January 26, 1928.

A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated August 23, 1928.

Date: 1928
يبحث الكتاب سبل تعزيز القومية العربية ونشر الاصلاح والعدل بين افراد وشعوب هذه الامة. والسبيل الى ذلك ليس بالتمسك بالهوية الطائفية او المذهبية ولكن باشاعة روح المسامحة والمؤاخاة بين افراد الوطن الواحد PDF.pdf

Date: 1928
يوصف الكتاب بانه يكاد يكون السيرة الذاتية المعتمدة لـ آل سعود ونشوء المملكة العربية السعودية، وكذلك مذهب الوهابية فيها. وفي الكتاب ايضا تواريخ اهم الوقعات والحروب في منطقة الحجاز ونجد من اوائل القرن العشرين وحتى العام 1925. ان ما يعرضه الكتاب من… Part 1 PDF.pdf

A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated September 23, 1925.

Date: 1924 June 25
A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated June 25, 1924.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes, dated January 24, 1924.

A letter from the American Consular Service to Ameen Rihani, dated April 26, 1924.

Date: 1922
"يروي لنا المؤلف رحلته في بلدان الجزيرة العربية بين عامي 1922 و1924، زار في هذه الرحلة الحجاز واليمن والكويت والبحرين ونجد والعراق، يحل ضيفاً على الأمراء والملوك [...] ويصف لنا المدن العربية في ذلك الزمان وطريقة العمران وحياة الناس ووسائل النقل [...]…

Date: 1922
"يروي لنا المؤلف رحلته في بلدان الجزيرة العربية بين عامي 1922 و1924، زار في هذه الرحلة الحجاز واليمن والكويت والبحرين ونجد والعراق، يحل ضيفاً على الأمراء والملوك [...] ويصف لنا المدن العربية في ذلك الزمان وطريقة العمران وحياة الناس ووسائل النقل [...]…
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