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Date: 1983 Sep
Volume 27, Issue 7 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated September 1983.

Date: 1983 Oct
Volume 27, Issue 8 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated October 1983.

The official fall bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. LII No. 2 dated November 1983.

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Date: 1983 Nov
Volume 27, Issue 9 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated November 1983.

Date: 1983 May 6
A statement showing the amount paid by Afaf Tanios El-Khouri for the treatment of Lina Botorus El-Khouri at Memorial Mission Hospital.

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Date: 1983 May
A Villanova University news bulletin featuring Kail Ellis, dated May 1983

Date: 1983 May
Volume 27, Issue 5 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated May 1983.

A note with a recipe for baking soda biscuits on side A, undated. A journal entry written by Angele Ellis on side B, dated 26 March-29 March 1983. Written on paper with 'The Velvet Cloak Inn' letterhead. See KEllis2018-358 for the rest of Angele…

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A postcard addressed from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis, dated 1983 March 14. Alfreda left on Sunday, Angele hasn't heard from her and doesn't know how will she come.

A postcard addressed from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis, dated 1983 March 13. Arabic section: Alfred and wife return to Carthage and stay after operation.

Francis Mansour Zayek was the first Maronite bishop to serve outside of the Middle East, heading the Maronite Apostolic Exarchate in Brazil between 1962-1966. In 1966, Pope Paul IV transferred him to Detroit, MI, to head the Exarchate in the United…

Date: 1983 Mar
Volume 27, Issue 3 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated March 1983.

Date: 1983 June 28
A pamphlet outlining the installation ceremony for Murphy Lions Club officers presided by Joseph El-Khouri 30).

Date: 1983 June 21
Letter from Russell Walker notifying the Democratic Party of North Carolina of his resignation as Chairman. David Price will succeed.

Date: 1983 June
The official convention bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. LI No. 5 dated June 1983.

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Date: 1983 Jun
Volume 27, Issue 6 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated June 1983.

Date: 1983 July 5
A letter from an unidentified Rosalee to Mary Mokarzel thanking her for a package.


The meeting minutes of the 52nd Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 2-3, 1983.

Date: 1983 July 03
The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated July 3, 1983.

Date: 1983 January
The official mid-winter bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. LI No. 3 dated January 1983.

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Date: 1983 Jan
Volume 27, Issue 1 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated January 1983.

The meeting minutes of the 37th Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 19, 1983.

The executive board meeting minutes of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated February 18, 1983.

A Program Book for the Mid-Winter Conference in Austin, Texas on February 17-20, 1983.

A Valentine's Day Card addressed to Kail Ellis from Marie Theresa Ellis, dated 1983 February 10

A newspaper article titled ' Islamic States affect U.S.-U.S.S.R. relations' published in the University News Bulletin. The article from February 1983 discusses the seminar that Kail Ellis and his colleague would be hosting that summer at Villanova.

Date: 1983 Feb
Volume 27, Issue 2 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated February 1983.

Date: 1983 Dec
A photo of people related to the Mokarzel family, taken at Christmastime. Mary Mokarzel is on the right in a red suit and Yemna Mokarzel is behind her to the left.

Date: 1983 Dec
Volume 27, Issue 10 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated December 1983.

A letter from Loretta Bub to Joseph El-Khouri with possible leads to locate a woman named "Tamine" he was searching for 3.

Date: 1983 August
The official summer bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. LII No. 1 dated August 1983.

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Date: 1983 April
The official spring bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. LI No. 4 dated April 1983.

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Date: 1983 Apr
Volume 27, Issue 4 of The Word [Al-Kalemat, الكلمة], dated April 1983.

Date: 1983
Four tickets in one envelope addressed to Joseph El-Khouri for Rufus Edmisten's gubernatorial candidacy reception at The Royal Villa, Raleigh, NC, on March 31, 1983.

Date: 1983
A pamphlet for a Villanova University seminar series entitled 'The Islamic States in Soviet American Relations', dated 1983

Date: 1983
An aerial shot of the guests at Moise Khayrallah and Vera Tayeh's wedding. The accompanying caption reads, "wedding photos of the entire village that came to watch their marriage-over 300 people attended the 'communal wedding.'"

Date: 1983
A portrait of Vera Tayeh and Moise Khayrallah at their wedding.

Date: 1983
A portrait of Vera Tayeh and Moise Khayrallah at their wedding.

Date: 1983
A photograph of Moise and Vera Khayrallah at the altar during their wedding. Vera's sister and Moise's brother stand on either side of them.

Date: 1983
Moise Khayrallah and Vera Tayeh's marriage certificate, issued in Lebanon in 1983.

Date: 1983
A photograph of Moise and Vera standing outdoors at their wedding with family and friends around them.

Date: 1983
A photograph of Moise and Vera at their wedding, standing outdoors and holding hands.

Date: 1983
A photograph of Moise and Vera dancing in the midst of a party after their wedding during a "raid of bride's house."

Date: 1983
A photograph of a group of people, most likely family and friends, standing on a small cliff watching the wedding of Moise and Vera Khayrallah.

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Date: 1983
A photograph of Noha and Chuck at their wedding in Lebanon in 1983. They are in their wedding dress and suit, standing beneath a stone arch with a view of Lebanon slightly visible in the background.

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Date: 1983
A portrait photograph of Noha and Chuck Nasrallah taken at their 1983 wedding in Lebanon. They are wearing their dress and suit and are posed with flowers.

Date: 1983
Left to right: Noidrie Moses, Norman Moses, Sally Moses Barnes, Amelia Moses Castrinos, and Philip Moses at Sally's birthday celebration in Atlanta, Georgia. A note on the back says "Nod, Norm, Sally, Amelia, Philip, Sally's birthday party -…

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Date: 1983
Left to right: Noidrie Moses, Norman Moses, Sally Moses Barnes, Amelia Moses Castrinos, and Philip Moses at Sally's birthday celebration in Atlanta, Georgia. This photo is a duplicate of Moses2019050.

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Date: 1983
The extended Moses family celebrating Sally Moses Barnes' 70th birthday in 1983. Back row left to right: Ty, Norman Moses, Amelia Moses Castrinos, Noidrie Moses, Philip Moses, Jerri Rae, Jerri's son Peter Moore. Front row left to right: Juanita…

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Date: 1983
The extended Moses family celebrating Sally Moses Barne's 70th birthday in 1983. Back row left to right: Ty, Norman Moses, Amelia Moses Castrinos, Noidrie Moses, Philip Moses, Jerri Rae, Pete. Front row left to right: Juanita Moses, Sally Moses…

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