Browse Items (13487 total)

A letter from Ameen Rihani to J. Franz Fishter, dated August 12, 1930.

A letter from Oskar F. Bock of Joint Peace Council to Ameen Rihani, dated August 12, 1930.

A letter from Lester Markel of The New York Times to Ameen Rihani, dated August 13, 1930.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 14 August 1930.

A letter from George Tattersfield of Tattersfield & Co. to Ameen Rihani, dated August 14, 1930.

A letter from Foreign Policy Association to Ameen Rihani, dated August 21, 1930.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Oskar F. Bock of the Joint Peace Council, dated August 25, 1930.

Volume 5 Issue 04 of The Syrian World published December 1930. The issue begins with an article by Rev. W. A. Mansur that features his thoughts on the educational program that the Syrian-American generation follows. Mansur imbues his writing with…

The People's Forum of Montreal Programme, dated December 1930. The programme features information including the speakers, and gives summaries of all topics. Ameen Rihani was scheduled to speak on December 14, 1930 on "Arabia and Palestine."

A letter to from Frances J. Pratt, dated December 1, 1930. The letter starts by discussing the the order of speakers at the Providence reading. At the end of the letter Pratt asks Rihani to send Professor Leland M. Goodrich from Brown University an…

A letter from Ameen Rihani to J.M. Dickinson, dated December 3, 1930.

A letter from Presse Photo Ges.m.b.h to Ameen Rihani, dated December 4, 1930.

A letter from Presse Photo Ges.m.b.h to Ameen Rihani, dated December 5, 1930.

A letter from Virginia Falenwider to Ameen Rihani, dated December 6, 1930.

A letter from William Fraser of The People's Forum of Montreal to Ameen Rihani, dated December 7, 1930.

A letter from Helen Reid to Ameen Rihani, dated December 8, 1930.

A letter from E.J. Halow to Ameen Rihani, dated December 10, 1930.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who asks his father about Emili's health, refers to a health problem. He also explains that he has money left with his cousins, but unable to pay him as businesses are not very well. He updates his father about As'ad.…

Foreign Policy Association First Luncheon-Discussion Information meeting set for December 13, 1930. The document lists information concerning the subject of discussion, the various speakers (featuring ), and the cost of the Luncheon.

A letter from Louis Newman of the Congregation Rodeph Sholom to Ameen Rihani, dated December 15, 1930.

A letter from H.A.R. Gibb to Ameen Rihani, dated December 18, 1930.

A letter from Edwin E. Calverley to Ameen Rihani, dated December 19, 1930.

A letter from S. Mills to Ameen Rihani, dated December 27, 1930.

Volume 4 Issue 06 of The Syrian World published February 1930. Dr. Fuad Shatara opens the issue with an appreciative account of Arab physician Ar-Razi. This article highlights the achievements of Arabs in medicine. Following a short poem about…

A letter from Bayard Dodge to Ameen Rihani, dated February 2, 1930.

A letter to from Elisabeth Mck. Scott, dated February 8, 1930. This letter had a check for $50 enclosed within it for Rihani's speech at an engagement on February 3, 1930.

A letter from Henry Hurwitz of the The Menorah Association to Ameen Rihani, dated February 4, 1930.

A letter from Robert Erskine Ely to Ameen Rihani, dated February 5, 1930.

A letter from Father Toubia Turk to Angele Ellis, dated 6 February 1930.

A letter from Foreign Policy Association to Ameen Rihani, dated February 8, 1930.

A letter from Emily L. Lorraine to Ameen Rihani, dated February 9, 1930.

A letter from Arnold J. Toynbee to Ameen Rihani, dated February 11, 1930.

A letter from Margaret Farquharson to Ameen Rihani, dated February 11, 1930.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Harcourt, Brace and Co. with attention to Miss Dupee, dated February 11, 1930.

A letter from The Arabian Horse Club of America to Ameen Rihani, dated February 12, 1930.

A letter from Houghton Mifflin Company to Ameen Rihani, dated February 13, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document states that will be a speaker at the Spence School in NYC. The topic of discussion is listed as "Problems in Asia Minor" on February 14, 1930.

A letter from Houghton Mifflin Company to Ameen Rihani, dated February 15, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document states that will be a speaker at the Malden Forum on February 16, 1930. The subject Rihani discusses was "The Arab-Jewish Clash in Palestine."

Open Forum Speakers Bureau information, undated. The document lists information concerning the Malden Forum like: train schedules, meeting data, and location for the engagement of February 16, 1930.

A letter from Secretary of Miss Wald, Jean Rosboraugh, to Ameen Rihani, dated February 17, 1930.

A letter from Albert Howe Lybyer of University of Illinois to Ameen Rihani, dated February 17, 1930.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Joseph Rihani, dated February 19, 1930.

A letter from Foreign Policy Association to Ameen Rihani, dated February 20, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated February 21, 1930. The document lists as a speaker at Donegan Hall. The talk is listed to have taken place on June 4, 1930 and was on the subject "The Poetry of Arabia."

A letter to from Frances J. Pratt of the Foreign Policy Association, dated February 24, 1930. The letter enclosed information about an engagement at the Finch School. It describes the audience as girls between the ages of 17-20 accustomed to…

A letter from Houghton Mifflin Company to Ameen Rihani, dated February 24, 1930.

A letter from J. Fischer & Bro. to Ameen Rihani, dated February 24, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated February 26, 1930. The document states that was to be a speaker at the University of Pennsylvania on May 9, 1930. The topic of the talk was undecided at the creation of this document.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document states that will be a speaker at the Finch School on February 27, 1930. It states that the topic is, "The Arab Kings."
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