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  • Collection: Oussani and Fuleihan Family Papers Series 1: Documents

Date: 1934
Newspaper article titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934
Newspaper article titled "Solemn Mass Held for Rev. Oussani."

Date: 1934
Newspaper article titled "Requiem Mass Offered" about St. Patrick's Cathedral hosting a requiem mass for the late Rev. Dr. Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934
A four page eulogy memorializing Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934
A card. Written on it is "In Memoriam Rev. Gabriel Oussani" featuring a prayer and a graphic of Jesus on the cross on the back.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Rev. Dr. Gabriel Oussani" describing his death.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Westchester Clergyman Dies After Operation" referring to Rev. Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani."

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani."

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Dr. Oussani, Noted Scholar, Laid to Rest" referring to Gabriel.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Rites Monday for Oussani, Churchman, 59."

A probate record signed by Gladys Oussani, Margaret Oussani, and Isabel Oussani Fuleihan, 8 February 1934, regarding Joseph Oussani's death and will.

A copy of Joseph Oussani's Will, marked filed 15 February 1934.

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A newspaper article titled "Hastings Man Hit By Trolley Dies of Injuries" about Joseph Oussani's death, dated 1934.

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Article titled "Hastings Man Hit By Trolley Dies of Injuries" detailing the death and obituary of Joseph Oussani who died in 1934.

A letter, written 30 Jan 1934, from Harlem Hospital in New York, certifying that Joseph Oussani, 54 years of age, was admitted on January 19, diagnosed with a fractured skull and diabetes, and died on 21 January 1934.

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from The New York Times 3rd June 1934 titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from The New York Times, 3rd June 1934, titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from June 3, 1934 titled "Rites Monday for Oussani, Churchman, 59."

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from the New York American June 3, 1934 titled "Rites Monday for Oussani, Churchman, 59."

Date: 1934 June 03
Newspaper article from New York Herald-Tribune from June 3, 1934, titled "Westchester Clergyman Dies After Operation," referring to Rev. Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934 June 05
Newspaper article from Yonkers Statesman June 5, 1934, titled "Funeral Rites Held for Father Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 06
Small picture of Gabriel Oussani, his business card for St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, NY, and two newspaper articles, one from the New York Times June 6, 1934, titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani," and one from the New York Herald June 6,…

Date: 1934 June 06
Newspaper article from New York Times, June 6, 1934, titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 06
A newspaper article from New York Tribune, June 6, 1934, titled "100 Priests at Services for Dr. Gabriel Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 06
A newspaper article from the New York Herald-Tribune, June 6th, 1934, titled "100 Priests at Services for Dr. Gabriel Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 08
A newspaper article from Dobbs Ferry Register, June 8, 1934, titled "Dr. Oussani, One of Few Priests of Chaldean Rite in US, Dies Here."

Date: 1934 June 09
Newspaper article from The Catholic News, 9 June 1934, titled "Eminent Priest of the Childean Rite Passes at 59."

Date: 1934 June 09
Newspaper article from The Catholic News, 9 June 1934, titled "Eminent Priest of the Childean Rite Passes at 59."

A Christmas card sent to Mrs. Oussani, postmarked 1936, still in original envelope. The card features a drawing of the pyramids in Egypt and says "Wishing You a Happy Christmas and a Bright New Year."

A newspaper article from the New York Daily Mirror, 1937, titled "Music", describing the New Year's Eve performance of the Philharmonic playing a new symphony by Anis Fuleihan.

Date: 1940
"Sonata No. 1 For the Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, marked as possession of J. E. Balamos. Copyright 1940 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1940s
Newspaper clipping describing Neville Fuleihan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nasri Fuleihan of Meadow Ave., one of 22 airmen recently graduated from ambulance driver class at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Newspaper clipping with several articles, including one titled "Scholarly Fans," regarding Gabriel Oussani a few years after his death. From The Tablet, 4 January 1941.

Newspaper clipping with several articles, including one titled "Scholarly Fans," regarding Gabriel Oussani a few years after his death. From The Tablet, 4 January 1941.

Date: 1941 June 08
A telegram, in its original envelope, from the quartermaster general of the US Army to Nasri Fuleihan requesting if he would accept a possible indefinite appointment as associate structural engineer, dated 8 June 1941, and another slip of paper…

Date: 1942
"Epithalamium Variations for Piano and String Orchestra" by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1942 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, New York. Stamped from Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois.

Date: 1943
"Compositions For The Piano: Air and Fugue on White Keys" by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1943 by G. Schirmer, Inc, New York. Signed by Anis Fuleihan, Elizabeth Travis, and [illegible] to John Balamos.

Date: 1943
"Cypriana" Five Pieces for Piano, Movement 4 Serenade by Anis Fuleihan, marked John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha. Copyright 1943 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, New York.

Membership card for the Freemasons, Rising Star Lodge, No. 450, for N. S. Fuleihan dated Dec. 31, 1943.

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A letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A photocopy of a letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

Date: 1944
"Harvest Chant" for Piano by Anis Fuleihan, marked Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois on bottom and John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha on top. Copyright 1944 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1946
A program for Anis Fuleihan's performance at Carnegie Hall. Featuring information on Fuleihan, advertisements, and his performance.

Date: 1946
The first page of a program for Anis Fuleihan at Carnegie Hall. The back has an advertisement for Encore.

Date: 1946
A newspaper article titled "Fuleihan Heard in Carnegie Hall."

Date: 1946
"Fifteen Short Pieces for Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, signed to and marked by John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha, and marked by Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois. Copyright 1946 by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York.

Date: 1946
Sonatina No. 2 Piano Solo by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1946 by Delkas Music Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California.

A newspaper article titled "Philharmonic Plays Novelty by Fuleihan," written by Grena Bennett, dated at top in pencil 25 April 1946.
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