Browse Items (14 total)

  • Date is exactly "1939"

Date: 1939
Itinerary for from W. Colston Leigh Inc. The document lists Rihani's engagements and travel information from February-March 1939.

Date: 1939
A photograph of Ameen Rihani holding a pipe, taken in New York 1939.


Date: 1939
A photograph of Ameen Rihani wearing a pair of round glasses and a striped suit, taken in Spain 1939.


Date: 1939
A sketch of "The Lady with a Cap"

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Date: 1939
A sketch of "The Lady with a Cap"

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Date: 1939
الكتاب كغيره من كتب ريحاني التي كتبها شارحا فيها اسفاره الى البلاد العربية ومشاهداته السياسية والجغرافية فيها، بالاضافة الى نفحات تاريخية عن المنطقة واهلها. وكان يرمي الريحاني بسلسلة كتبه هذه التعريف والتقريب بين ابناء الامة العربية الواحدة - كما كان… Part 1 PDF.pdf

Date: 1939
يرمي الريحاني في كتابه "نور الاندلس" تعريف القارئ العربي بجانب اخر من تاريخه. فبعد رحلة مع "ملوك العرب" الى "قلب العراق" و"قلب لبنان" من اجل صنع حالة من التألف والوحدة بين ابناء المشرق العربي والمغرب العربي، يحملنا الريحاني الى الاندلس، "فنطالع [في…

Date: 1939
A photograph of Dorothy Fuleihan sitting on a set of brick stairs leading to a door, labeled as "Me 1939" in Yonkers, New York.

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Date: 1939
A photograph of a parade at the 1939 World's Fair in New York.

Date: 1939
A photograph of people walking in front of the trylon and perisphere at the 1939 World's Fair in New York.

Date: 1939
A photograph of people walking in front of the trylon and perisphere at the 1939 World's Fair in New York.

Date: 1939
George Kahdy dressed in a suit and tie. Caption on the back reads, "George 1939. Graduate Lanier High School."

Date: 1939
Young George Kahdy in his high school ROTC uniform. Caption on the back reads, "Lanier School for Boys. Macon."

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Date: 1939
Handwritten autobiographical notes made by Maron Domit Barkett written in February of 1939. Some of the overlaps with the diary that Barkett kept between 1905-1915, focusing on his marriage, the birth of his children, and ending with the death of…
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