The Syrian World Volume 05, Issue 06
The Syrian World Volume 05, Issue 06
Volume 5 Issue 06 of The Syrian World published February 1931. In Dr. Philip K. Hitti's article titled "Are the Lebanese Arabs?" he discusses this question that was posed to him by Salloum Mokarzel. In his reply he traces the history of Lebanon in order to discover the answer, looking back at the various ethnic groups that were at one time settled in Lebanon. In Salloum Mokarzel's second article covering his travels through Jebel-Druze he highlights his experiences in Soueida, the capital city. More specifically, he talks about his visit to the State Orphanage for Druze children in which he describes his most interesting observations of the French officials stationed there. Rev. W. A. Mansur is also featured for his contribution concerning the Commission of Syrian "pioneers" to their Posterity in America. While there are numerous poetic contributions in this issue of known poets like Gibran, J.D. Carlyle, and Asa, Don C. Seitz is also featured for his poem concerning The Arabian Nights. Seitz as a nationally well-known American author presents the very reasons the young generation should praise the classic literature of their mother-tongue. Another part of the "Ali Zaibaq" series is again featured in this issue, before Labeebee A. J. Hanna's poetic "Advice to a Girl." The last article featured is by Joseph J. Raymond, on the word Al-Jubbah, and the significance of its travel throughout the world. The issue closes with a discussion of Syria's potential to have a future king, political developments of Syria, and excerpts from the Arab press that represented Syria and Syrians.
Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies
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Salloum A. Mokarzel and Syrian-American Press, “The Syrian World Volume 05, Issue 06,” Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, accessed March 11, 2025,