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  • Tags: Families

Newspaper column which mentions that Anthony and Catherine El-Khouri visited their parents, Joe and Rose El-Khouri.

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A photograph of Marsha El-Khouri Shiver with her husband Claude and two children, Michael and Thomas, taken on Thanksgiving, 2009.

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Date: circa 1945
Caption: "Joseph El-Khouri (second from left) with Father (Rev. Maroun El-Khouri) & Brothers & Sisters in front of their home in Kour, Batroun Lebanon (1945?)." Sister Victorine El-Khouri stands on the far right, but Joe and Sr. Victorine's other…

Date: circa 1945
Sister Victorine El-Khouri and cousin in Lebanon.

Date: circa 1950s
This 8 reel video was taken in Lebanon during a family visit back. The beginning of this movie includes scenes from a wedding between two unnamed couples, including some of the dance and celebration. In the latter part of the movie, there are images…

Date: circa 1950s
This 8 reel video was taken in Lebanon during a family visit back. This video includes scenes of the El-Khouri family and their extended relatives socializing and sightseeing. While most individuals are unidentified, the video includes Reverend…

Date: circa 1950s
This 8 reel video was taken in Lebanon in the mid-1950s. This video includes scenes of the El-Khouri family and their extended relatives socializing and sightseeing. The recording does not include sound.

Date: circa 1950s
This 8 reel video was taken in Lebanon in the mid-1950s. This video includes scenes of the El-Khouri family and their extended relatives socializing and sightseeing. The recording does not include sound.

Date: circa 1950s
This 8 reel video was taken in Lebanon in the mid-1950s. This video includes scenes of the extended El-Khouri family members, including a group of nuns that most likely includes Joseph's sibling Sister Victorine El-Khouri. The video also includes…

Date: circa 1950s
A photograph taken at an El-Khouri family dinner. Most of the individuals are unidentified, but Rose El-Khouri is sitting at the head of the table. Though the date is unknown, the photograph was likely taken in the 1950s.

Date: circa 1960
A photograph of Joseph and Rose El-Khouri's five daughters, Theresa, Mariam, Marsha, Barbara, and Catherine.

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Date: circa 1963
The El-Khouri family, photographed in 1963.

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Date: circa 1963
The El-Khouri Children create a parade with dolls and boxes in 1963.

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Date: circa 1963
The El-Khouri Children create a parade with dolls and boxes in 1963.

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Date: circa 1965
Photograph depicting Joseph standing at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day celebration picnic in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1965
Family photograph depicting Moura "Sithoo" Isaac (seated) with her adult children and relatives, identifiedby Marsha El-Khouri Shiver as "Uncle Joe, Aunt Reba, Uncle Isaac." The photograph was taken at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day…

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Date: circa 1965
Family photo of three unidentified men at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1965
Family photograph of unidentified individuals at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1965
Two variations of a photograph of male members of the El-Khouri and Jabaley families at their Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1965
Family photo at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1965
Family photo at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965, depicting four unidentified women with a small boy in the background.

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Date: circa 1965
Family photo at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1965
Three variations of Moura "Sithoo" Isaac surrounded by her grandchildren at the El-Khouri and Jabaley Father's Day Celebration in Andrews, North Carolina, 1965.

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Date: circa 1966
A photograph from cousin Mike Jacob's visit to Andrews, North Carolina, in 1966.

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Date: circa 1966
A photograph from cousin Mike Jacob's visit to Andrews, North Carolina, in 1966.

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Date: circa 1986
An article about Joseph and Rose El-Khouri and their seven children. The periodical in which this article was published is unknown.

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Date: circa 1990
Back Row Right to Left: Joseph Maroun and Rose El-Khouri

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Date: circa 2000s
A photograph of Rose and Joseph El-Khouri with their grandchildren, Michael and Thomas Shiver, sons of Marsha El-Khouri Shiver and Claude Shiver. A collection of family photographs is displayed on the coffee table in front of them. Though undated,…

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Date: undated
A hand-drawn family tree of Marsha El-Khouri and her two children based on genealogy from Lebanon.

Date: undated
Unknown members of the El-Khouri family holding two young girls.


Date: undated
Unknown members of the El-Khouri family posing in the snow.


Date: undated
Unknown members of the El-Khouri family.


Date: undated
Unknown members of the El-Khouri family in front of a body of water.


Date: undated
Unknown members of the El-Khouri family in front of a landscape.


Date: undated
Joe and Rose El-Khouri surrounded by their seven children and a number of their grandchildren.


Date: undated
El-Khouri family eating dinner in Lebanon, likely photographed 1960-1990.

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Date: undated
Rose Isaac El-Khouri (second from right) and Joseph Maroun El-Khouri (third from left) with select members of their family at an event. Other individuals in the photograph are unidentified, but likely include some of Joe and Rose's seven children.…


Date: undated
Unknown members of the El-Khouri family, undated but likely photographed between 1960 and 1980.


Date: undated
A photograph of Rose and Joseph El-Khouri and four of their seven children holding hands and dancing together. Joe and Rose are on the far left


Date: undated
Studio portrait of unidentified members of a Lebanese family, ancestors of either Rose Isaac El-Khouri or Joseph Maroun El-Khouri. The photograph was taken in Lebanon, and likely dates from around 1870 to 1910.

Date: undated
Caption from Marsha El-Khouri Shiver: "Cousins in the Fig Trees, Kour." The children are unidentified, though are likely members of the El-Khouri family. Though undated, the image was likely taken in the 1950s or 1960s.

Date: undated
A group portrait of unidentified people, many likely cousins or other relations of Joseph El-Khouri, in Kour, Batroun, Lebanon.

Date: undated
A snapshot of unidentified people, many likely cousins or other relations of Joseph El-Khouri, in Kour, Batroun, Lebanon.

Date: undated
A group portrait of unidentified people, many likely cousins or other relations of Joseph El-Khouri, in Kour, Batroun, Lebanon.

Date: 1926
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت، التاريخ غير مذكور 1926. فيها يرد الريحاني على رسالة سابقة من البرت يهنئه فيها بعيد ميلاده. يشكر امين البرت على تذكره عيد ميلاده الخمسين ويعقب "لا احد في هذا البيت او في بيروت يذكره. وهل يهم احد يا ترى ان…

Date: 1926
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى قسطنطين نبي، 1926 (التاريخ كاملا غير مذكور). فيه يذكر الريحاني لقسطنطين انه استلم رسالة من ماري (شقيقة قسطنطين) وانه، الريحاني، سيجتمع بهم قريبا لرؤيتهم والتحدث معهم في امر ما، وارسل تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى اسرة…

Date: 1928
رسالة من امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز سنة 1928 - التاريخ لم يذكر. يعزيها فيها الريحاني الملك عبد العزيز بوفاة والده الامام عبد الرحمن بن فيصل.

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى يوسف افندي* في 27 تشرين الثاني 1906. فيها يصف الريحاني حالته بـ "رهين الشتائين" - شتاء الوحدة وشتاء الفصل. ويطلب الريحاني من يوسف القدوم الى الجبل وزيارته للحديث في طلبه - طلب يد اخت الريحاني "ايدال"، كما جاء في هامش…

Date: اب 1908
رسالة من المطران بطرس الزغبي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 28 آب 1908. المطران يجيب على رسالة سابقة للريحاني يسأل فيها الاخير ان كان نعوم مكرزل قد كتب الى المطران يطلب "فسخ عقد الزواج" بينه وبين اخت الريحاني. رد المطران نافيا هذا الامر، بأن لا مكرزل ولا…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى كلنور شميل في 21 شباط 1921. فيها يرحب الريحاني بشدة ويشكر شميل على رسالة سابقة قد بعثها الاخير، يخبر فيها الريحاني عن فكرة انشاء نشاط ادبي في "نادي العائلة".
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