Browse Items (257 total)

  • Tags: Education

Date: 1912
A photograph of group of men standing on the front porch of the Purdue University Cosmopolitan Club holding a banner with the letters ACC (Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs).

A newspaper clipping of a photograph of Jane Courtland sitting at a piano, receiving instruction from pianists and composers Anis Fuleihan, Jacques de Menasce, and Otto Luenig. Dated 1943 based on the movie advertisement on the back.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class. The two blonde children in the back are the younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class learning. The younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis, are in the class.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children preparing to pose for a picture.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children posing for a picture. Roger Creighton can be seen third from the bottom.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children preparing to pose for a picture. Roger Creighton can be seen in the middle of the right side of the stoop.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children posing for a picture. Roger Creighton can be seen third from the bottom.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class. The younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis, are in the class, standing in the back.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis Creighton going around a garden pool, or 'birki,' with her Kindergarten class.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis Creighton's Kindergarten class. Phyllis can be seen standing to the left of the teachers.

Date: 2013 July
Barbara Estes and her Spanish teacher sit together on a wall in Puebla, Mexico. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara and her Spanish teacher in Puebla, Mexico. Trip with Georgette July 2013."

Date: 2012
Mettrie Lari holds onto her son George Lari outside of his school. As she holds him, he holds onto the straps of a large bag.

A forwarded email from Mettrie to her mother from an Israeli student who had coincidentally met Barbara at the Highlands Fall Country Club in Highlands, North Carolina. He mentions that with her help, he was able to gain admission into Mississippi…

Date: 2001-2002
A signed holiday card from Barbara Estes's ESL class to Barbara Estes. This class was held at the Highlands Falls Country Club in Highlands, North Carolina. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara's ESL class of HFCC 2001-02."

Date: 2001 July 20
A letter from Anne Tyler to Nell Kahdy in which she is overjoyed to have heard from Nell. She reflects on her education from Needham Broughton and says she thinks it provided a better education than current schools. Dated July 20, 2001.

A report card from Mettrie Lari's time at the Lovett School located in Atlanta, Georgia. Dated December 5, 1985.

Newspaper clipping featuring Barbara Kahdy Estes as Broughton's new teen writer. It commends the activities she participates in and her summer trip to Europe. Dated September 1, 1962.

Date: 1950s
Young Barbara Kahdy stands with her eyes closed in graduation attire next to two unknown people. An unknown woman in a matching graduation robe stands behind Barbara Kahdy and a young boy who is also wearing the graduation robe. The back of the photo…

Date: 1950s
Nell Kahdy sits down with a binder in her lap while Georgette, George Jr., and Barbara Kahdy surround her. George Jr. and Georgette are right next to her while Barbara Kahdy sits in front of her and reads "The Tale of the Crow" to them.

Date: 1950s
As Nell Kahdy sits with a binder in her lap, George Jr. and Georgette Kahdy sit on both sides of her. In front of Nell Kahdy sits Barbara Kahdy who is reading "The Tale of the Crow" to all of them. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Kahdy teacher with…

Date: 1944
Nell Mettrey sits with the students in the class of 1944 on a set of stairs. The photo notes that Nell is the teacher amongst the students, dated 1944.

Date: 1941
Nell Kahdy's list of certificate credit from North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering in Raleigh, North Carolina. This lists the three classes she was able to gain credit for during the 1941 summer session.

Date: 1939
George Kahdy dressed in a suit and tie. Caption on the back reads, "George 1939. Graduate Lanier High School."

Letter to Nellie Mettrey informing her of her election as French instructor at Warsaw Public Schools in Warsaw, NC. Date at the top of the letter reads, August 18, 1938.

Date: 1934 May 16
Nell Kahdy's high school diploma from Hugh Morson High school in Raleigh, North Carolina. Dated May 16, 1934.

Date: 1934
Nell Kahdy smiling in her graduation cap and gown at Hugh Morson High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. Caption on the back reads, "Hugh Morsen High School diploma. Raleigh. Nellie Mettrey."

Date: 1934
Nell Kahdy dressed in graduation attire. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Kahdy. High School graduation."

Date: 1933 May 02
Program from the Junior-Senior banquet at Elizabeth City High School. Inside there is a menu and a list of individuals who would be involved in the ceremony. Nell Kahdy's name is listed next to "solo." Dated May 2, 1933.

Date: 1931
Nell Kahdy's eighth grade report card from her time at Elizabeth City High School in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Dated 1931-1932.

Date: 1930 June 05
Nell Kahdy's seventh grade certificate of honor from the Elizabeth City Graded School in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Dated June 5, 1930.

Date: 1930
A newspaper clipping about "The Gypsy Rover" musical that the seventh grade class of Elizabeth City Graded Schools put on. The newspaper goes into detail about the musical and mentions the shock the audience felt when they discovered Nell Kahdy's…

Date: 1923
Nell Kahdy's third grade report card from Elizabeth City graded schools in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Dated from 1923-1924.

Date: 1962 June
Brochure for 1962 Europe Tour with Mrs. Nell Kahdy. $986/student for 5 week trip, June 16-July 21 1962.

Five poems clipped from the "Today's N.C. Poem" column and two articles all by Nell Mettrey Kahdy


Date: undated
A draft of an article titled 'if leaders want to demolish prisoners, let them build schools first'. The writer supports the building and expanding of religious schools. Undated

Date: 1934 June 30
A document regarding conditions to open private schools according to law no. 2679, dated June 30, 1934.

Date: undated
Portrait of Dolores Joseph, sister of Charlie Joseph. Note on backs states that she taught Spanish.

Date: 1980
Portrait of Genevieve "Genny" Joseph taken when she was in the 11th grade at Poughkeepsie High School.

Date: 1981
Portrait of Genevieve "Genny" Joseph taken for her high school graduation from Poughkeepsie High School. This photo includes a note to her Aunt Lorice and Uncle Bill.

Date: 1985
Photograph of Genevieve R. Joseph with her brother Michael and mother Genevieve Norman at her graduation from SUNY Albany.

Date: 1985
Photograph of Genevieve R. Joseph and her father Charlie Joseph at her graduation from SUNY Albany.

Date: 1973
Portrait of Genevieve "Genny" Joseph at Krieger Elementary School in the 5th grade.

Date: 1951 Sep 11
Photograph of three children, including Beatrice Ann Joseph, in the doorway of St. Mary's School in Poughkeepsie.

Date: 1951 Sep 11
Photograph of three children, including Beatrice Ann Joseph, at St. Mary's School in Poughkeepsie.

Date: 1951 Sep 12
Photograph of three children, including Beatrice Ann Joseph, in the doorway of St. Mary's School in Poughkeepsie, looking at a nun.

Date: circa 1959
Newspaper article featuring the attendees of the Poughkeepsie High School Class of 1944 15 year reunion.

Date: circa 1987
A newspaper clipping of Bearta Al-Chacar receiving scholarship award at Vance-Granville Community College.

Date: undated
A group photograph of young people in winter dress, standing outside of a building. Likely a group of students, though the location and identities are not included. The photograph is mounted on a damaged cardboard backing.


Date: 1996
A photograph of Vera and Moise Khayrallah taken at Moise Khayrallah's graduation from the doctoral program in psychology at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
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