Browse Items (593 total)

  • Collection: SFSLAC Records Series 4: Administrative Documents

Date: undated
A brief history of Syrian-Lebanese immigration to Texas.

A letter to Houston Affiliates, from Jim Banfill, Executive Board member, awarding them the 1981 convention dated August 11, 1980.

An invitation addressed to President Ronald Reagan from General Chairman Adelene Abercia requesting his presence at the 50th Anniversary Convention in Houston, Texas dated March 31, 1981.

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An invitation addressed to Vice President George Bush from General Chairman Adelene Abercia requesting his presence at the 50th Anniversary Convention in Houston, Texas dated March 25, 1981.

An invitation to the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation ground breaking on October 17, 1989.

The Meeting Minutes of the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Board Meeting in Orlando, Florida on July 9, 2009.

Date: undated
A Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation pamphlet.

A pamphlet and RSVP card for the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Reception dated September 30, 1989.

A pamphlet for the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Reception dated August 5, 1989.

A letter to Kamal Antone from Ted Nardin dated March 15, 1976. A letter from Kamal Antone to Ted Nardin dated March 22, 1976.

A letter of thanks from Howard W. Thorne to Kamal Antone dated August 27, 1976.

Date: 1975 April 4
A letter sent to Maurice Acers from Kamal Antone expressing his thanks dated April 4, 1975.

A letter addressed to Franklin and Rena Jeffers from Kamal Antone expressing his gratitude for their tribute of flowers in memory of his recently deceased mother dated September 20, 1974. A letter addressed to Ervine and Irma Luedtke expressing his…

The Lebanon Monitor Vol. 5 dated December 1988.

Date: 1981 May 6
A letter addressed to Affiliate Members of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from General Chairman Adelene Abercia in regards to the 50th Anniversary Convention dated May 6, 1981.

A letter addressed to Affiliate Members of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from General Chairman Adelene Abercia notifying them of the time and place of the General Assembly Meeting during the Annual Convention dated March…

A letter addressed to Affiliate Members of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from General Chairman Adelene Abercia notifying them of the time and place of the General Assembly Meeting during the Mid-Winter Conference dated…

A letter addressed to Kamal Antone from Donald E. Hanna dated August 22, 1974.

Letter written to Mr. and Mrs. Huffignton from Sharon M. Benson, the Secretary of Treasury of the Houston Chapter, in regards to the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Dinner.

A letter to Affiliate Members announcing the time and place of the General Assembly Meeting from Adelene Abercia, the General Chairman, dated September 10, 1980.

Date: 2000 June 20
A letter from Donald E. Hanna to Peggy Anawaty dated June 20, 2000.

A thank you note from Pastor Bernard C. Khachan to Kamal Antone for his gift toward St. George's Maronite Church dated September 13, 1977.

A letter from George B. Mowad to Members of the Executive Board and Past Presidents of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated August 8, 1997.

A letter addressed to Minteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, from J.M. Abraham, a member of the Executive Board, enclosed with a signed resolution on April 16, 1942.

Date: undated
A letter from Jake Jorishie, Jr., the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs to Richard, Peggy, and Friends.

A letter from John B. Whyman to Kamal Antone dated November 17, 1977.

Date: 1975 May 21
A letter from Kamal Antone to William Baroody, Assistant to the President, dated May 21, 1975.

A letter from Karen Kassouf to Ralph Abercia, George Korkmas, Dr. J.W. Jorishie, Jr., Dr. George Mowad, Peggy Karam, Richard Karam, Henry Ackels, Robbie Matook, Bill Frank, and Sharon Benson dated September 8, 1997.

A letter from Karen Kassouf to Ralph Abercia, George Korkmas, Dr. J.W. Jorishie, Jr., Dr. George Mowad, Peggy Karam, Richard Karam, Henry Ackels, Robbie Matook, Bill Frank, and Sharon Benson dated August 28, 1997.

Date: 1981 June 18
A letter from Margrette and Bill Anawaty to Adelene Abercia in regards to the upcoming 50th Anniversary Convention in July 1981 dated June 18, 1981.

A letter addressed to Mrs. Robert Knuckley to Mitchell S. Tibshrany dated November 5, 1942.

Date: 1942 May 17
A letter from Mitchell Tibshrany, Chairman of the Executive Board, to Miteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury, on May 17, 1942.

A letter from Olga Hykil, the Secretary of the Syrian Lebanese American Society of South Carolina, to Minteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, dated February 17, 1942.

A letter from Richard J. Karam to George B. Mowad dated September 25, 1997.

Date: 1997 June 20
A letter from Richard J. Karam to George B. Mowad in regards to the Save the Federation Endowment Fund dated June 20, 1997.

A letter from Richard J. Karam to Karen Kassouf with the Articles of Incorporation, Texas Charter, and IRS Determination Letter dated October 21, 1997.

A letter from the National Federation of Syrian Lebanon Societies of the United States to the Honorable Cordell Hull, the United States Secretary of State, and addresses the impaired rights of American citizens of Syrian and Lebanese descent.

A letter of congratulations from Kamal E. Antone to John for the winning the John E. Wolf Citizenship Award dated September 27, 1977.

A letter of greeting from Governor Ann W. Richards to the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated April 24, 1992.

A letter of greeting from Mayor Nelson W. Wolff to Salah E. Diab and the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated April 29, 1992.

A letter of thanks from Lloyd P. Fadrique to Kamal Antone for the Kahlil Gibran 1978 Diary dated October 5, 1977.

Date: 1997 July 27
A letter to all past presidents of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from William E. Frank dated July 27, 1997.

A letter from Adelene Aberica to Bill Anawaty in regards to the 50th Anniversary Convention dated October 14, 1980.

A letter from Kamal Antone to Bill Anawaty dated February 4, 1977.

Date: 1975 May 7
A letter addressed to Emil Morey from Kamal Antone dated May 7, 1975.

A letter from Norma Hanna, Charity Director, to Federation Friends dated October 23, 2002.

A letter to Federation Friends from Norma Hanna in regards to the September 11th Fund dated October 22, 2001.

A letter to Federation Friends from Norma Hanna, the Southern Federation Foundation Director, dated February 19, 2001.

A letter to George B. Mowad from Fayes F. Thomas, Jr. in regards to the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Fund Raising Project dated August 18, 1997.

Date: 1997 July 25
A letter to George B. Mowad from Henry J. Ackels dated July 25, 1997.
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