A photograph of a man standing on a balcony above a cityscape with a large crowd below. Mawsim al-Nabi Musa - A man overlooking a crowd of people in by the Jerusalem Citadel from the rooftop of Amdursky's Hotel.
A photograph of a young child in a studio. Note in French on the back translates to "keepsake/memory to my dear Parisian. M. Harfauche. Mansourah 5-1-1918."
A large bound photo book belonging to Margaret Oussani and containing images from her school years, of travels with her family to Europe and Africa, of family and friends, and from the beach.
Envelope with photo negatives. There are some from a trip abroad, possibly to Egypt. Includes photographs of Isabel Oussani, Margaret Oussani, Leonard Oussani, and Nasri Fuleihan.
A photograph of a group of five ladies laying on the ground in front of a bush with two children in the foreground. Includes Margaret, Isabel, and Leonard Oussani.
A photograph of a group of Fuleihan family members standing outside of a building. Label on the back notes that the person on the left is Melhem. Nasri and Anis Fuleihan are the second and third from the left.
A photograph of a group of people sitting on a lawn, listed on the back as "Margaret, Meropie, Joseph, ?, Nasri, Najla, ?, Meropie." Photo is actually Margaret, Meropie, Joseph, Nasri, Najla, ?,?