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  • Date is exactly "Circa 1920"

Date: circa 1920
A photo of the Mokarzel sisters in Cranford, New Jersey. Left to right: Rose Mokarzel Tanous, Yemna Mokarzel, Mary Mokarzel, and Alice Mokarzel Jaoudi. On the back is a caption by Salloum Mokarzel.


Date: circa 1920
A photo of the Mokarzel sisters with relatives on their mother's sides: Charles Kalil, Katherine Kalil, Ethel Kalil. Included is a long caption written on a separate piece of paper.

Date: circa 1920
A photo of a young Yemna Mokarzel (front) with other girls, likely her sisters.

Tags: ;

Date: circa 1920
This manuscript by Ameen Rihani recalls the historic contributions of Arabia to Civilization and includes some of the poetry of Arabia. He begins with a brief history on Arabia it is also within this portion of the book that he includes poetry from… PDF.pdf

Date: circa 1920
A photograph of Mother Marie Rose and her class, Angele Ellis is the figure in the back row, second from the left, circa 1920.

Date: circa 1920
A copy of a photograph of Angele Ellis and Mariam Hobeiche (Sister Mary Joseph Hobeiche) at the Hobeiche Antonine Mar Elias Convent in Ghazir, Lebanon circa 1920.

Date: circa 1920
A photograph Toufic Ellis wearing traditional sherwal, c. 1920

Date: circa 1920
An application for an employment certificate for James Kalil to work at the Pacific Mills. It lists his residence as 68 Hampshire St., place of birth as Syria, and present age as 15 years, 11 months.

Date: circa 1920
An application for educational certificate for Salem Mansour. It lists his age as 19, employer as Washington Mills, and residence as 215 Hampshire St.
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