Browse Items (26 total)

  • Date is exactly "1945 October"

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman and his mother standing outside of a house in Bay Village, OH. His mom wears a light-colored blouse and skirt while he stands next to her wearing a formal Navy uniform. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Pop Murman, Mom Murman, Aunt Marge, and Uncle Lester Murman standing in front of a house in Bay Village, OH. Pop Murman wears a light-colored shirt and patterned tie, Mom Murman wears a dark-colored patterned dress, Aunt Marge wears a…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Uncle Lester Murman, Agnes Murman, Charles Murman, and Aunt Marge standing outside next to a car in Bay Village, OH. Lester Murman wears a dark-colored suit, Agnes Murman wears a light-colored plaid patterned skirt suit, Charles…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Aunt Marge, Agnes Murman, and Mom Murman standing in front of a house in Bay Village, OH. Aunt Marge wears a dark-colored skirt and blouse with a white front, Agnes Murman wears a light-colored plaid patterned skirt suit, and Mrs.…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Pop Murman working in the yard in Bay Village, OH. He wears a dark-colored hat and matching pants with a light-colored long-sleeved shirt. Dated October 1945.

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Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman standing outside of a house in Bay Village, OH, wearing a formal Navy uniform. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman standing outside of a house in Bay Village, OH. She wears a light-colored plaid skirt suit. Dated October 1945.

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Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman walking across the lawn of a house in Bay Village, OH. She wears a light-colored plaid skirt suit. Dated October 1945.

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Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman walking up the steps of a house in Bay Village, OH. He wears a formal Navy uniform and looks back at the camera. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Uncle Lester Murman, Agnes Murman, Pop Murman, Aunt Marge, and Mom Murman standing in front of a house in Bay Village, OH. Lester Murman wears a dark-colored suit, Agnes Murman wears a light-colored plaid skirt suit, Pop Murman wears…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman and Agnes Murman standing in front of a house in Bay Village, OH. Charles Murman wears a formal Navy uniform and Agnes Murman wears a light-colored plaid skirt suit. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman standing in front of a large building on his honeymoon in Asheville, NC. He wears a light-colored trench coat and dark-colored pants. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman standing on the lawn of a large house while on his honeymoon in Asheville, NC. He wears a light-colored trench coat and dark-colored pants. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman standing in front of a large building while on her honeymoon in Asheville, NC. She wears a dark-colored coat and matching skirt. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman standing on the lawn of a large building while on her honeymoon in Asheville, NC. She wears a dark-colored coat and matching skirt. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman and Agnes Murman standing outside while on their honeymoon in Asheville, NC. Charles Murman wears a light-colored trench coat while Agnes Murman stands next to him wearing a dark-colored coat and matching skirt. Dated…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman sitting on the arm of a low lawn chair while on his honeymoon in Asheville, NC. He wears a formal military uniform and behind him is a large cobblestone building. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman and Charles Murman standing next to a waterfall while on their honeymoon in Asheville, NC. Agnes Murman wears a plaid dress while Charles Murman stands next to her in his formal military uniform and garrison cap. Dated…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman sitting on a tall stone wall while on her honeymoon in Asheville, NC. The back of the photograph states that this was taken at the Newfound Gap Road, which runs along the Tennessee-North Carolina border. Agnes Murman…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman standing in the forest while on his honeymoon in Asheville, NC. He wears a light-colored trench coat and garrison cap. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Zaytoun standing on a path and looking into the distance while on her honeymoon in Asheville, NC. She wears a striped coat and dark-colored skirt. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Zaytoun on a hill while on her honeymoon in Asheville, NC. In the background is a forest covered hill with a large building. Agnes Murman wears a striped coat, pearl necklaces, and a dark-colored skirt. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman leaning against the Smokemont Campgrounds sign located near the Newfound Gap. This photograph was taken while on his honeymoon with Agnes Murman in Asheville, NC. He wears his formal military uniform and garrison cap.…

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman standing on stone steps in the forest while on his honeymoon in Asheville, NC. He wears his formal military uniform and holds his garrison cap in his hands. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Agnes Murman sitting on a wooden bridge over a river. This photograph was taken while on her honeymoon with Charles Murman in Asheville, NC. She wears a plaid dress and dark-colored heels. Dated October 1945.

Date: 1945 October
A photograph of Charles Murman and an unknown man on the side of a dirt road. This photograph was taken while on his honeymoon with Agnes Murman in Asheville, NC. Charles Murman wears his formal military uniform with his jacket placed over a wooden…
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