A black-and-white framed photograph of women dressed in all white, wearing pearls, and their hair coiffed. Seated left to right, in the front row is Margaret Mansur, Vicky Kalleen, Idella Banfill, Louise Gani. In the second row is Edna Musey,…
Room keys taken from the hotels that hosted Southern Federation Conferences, including the Rice Hotel of Houston, Texas, the Jung Hotel of New Orleans, Louisiana, the Shamrock Hotel of Houston, Texas, and the Statler Hilton of Dallas, Texas.
Quotes from attendees to the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Club conventions, including James P. Hayek, Nesib Nader, Jameel Kahalley, Michael Zoghby, Norman Topshe, Betty McKool, Jim Banfill, and Naz Gattas.
A Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs press release regarding the election of Elizabeth Marie Habeeb, President of the Youth Federation, in Mobile, Alabama.
Four black-and-white photographs from the Operation Lebanon Meeting. On the back of the first photograph, "Operation Lebanon", "MBR Monday + Dec. 22", and "Return photo to Bill Anawaty" is written in red pencil.
A black-and-white photograph from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs assembly featuring a man speaking at a podium and another man sitting beside him.
A black-and-white photograph from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs gathering. Men and women are standing in a registration line with three female workers attending to them.
Two black-and-white photographs from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs assembly. The men and women photographed are in cocktail attire.
Two black-and-white photographs from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs social gatherings. The first photo features three men and a woman on a stage overseeing an event. One of the men is speaking at a podium and is flanked by…
A black-and-white photograph from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs social gathering featuring four men and one woman wearing cocktail wear.
A black-and-white photograph from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs social gathering featuring two women- a young woman standing in a floor-length white dress and veil, and an older woman in formal wear standing and smiling…
A black-and-white photograph from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs social gathering featuring a woman accepting flowers from another woman, both in cocktale attire standing on a stage.
A black-and-white photograph from a Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs social gathering featuring 11 individuals standing outside a plane on a runway tarmac.
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.