Newspaper Articles in the Columbia Gazette


Newspaper Articles in the Columbia Gazette


Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.
Two articles in the Columbia Gazette, published in Lake City Florida on Tuesday, May 21, 1929 "Inquest proceedings In the Romeo Case: Transcript Of Testimony: In the Court of the Justice of the Peace, Tenth District, Columbia County" and "Woman Shoots Chief of Police And is Killed: E.R. Romeo, Husband of Woman Taken From City Jail By Mob and Killed". The first article presents a partial transcript of the inquest held by city officials into the death of Hasna Romey and lynching of Nola Romey. The inquest focused on interviews within the police department and concluded that Chief Baker had shot Hasna Romey in self defense and Nola Romey was lynched by "parties unknown to the jury". The second article relates the main events in the murder of Hasna Romey and lynching of Nola Romey and reports the finding of a coroner's jury that Hasna was killed by Chief Baker in self-defense and Nola was lynched by "parties unknown to the jury". A transcript of both articles by Khayrallah Center staff are also included. The original article belonged to Emeline Romey Stewart, daughter of Nola and Hasna, who made notations.


Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies


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The Columbia Gazette, “Newspaper Articles in the Columbia Gazette,” Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies Archive, accessed January 14, 2025,