Browse Items (9 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Family trees"

Date: undated
A copy of the Kalil family tree drawn up by Mary Mokarzel.

Date: undated
A copy of a list of names connected to the names of their parents and record numbers, perhaps related to finding genealogical records of Naham Mokarzel.

Date: undated
A hand-drawn family tree of Marsha El-Khouri and her two children based on genealogy from Lebanon.

Date: 2009
This video was donated by the Mack family. It was first created in 2007 and updated in 2009. It contains a history and pictoral family tree of the Mack family, and was created for use at family reunions and celebrations.

Date: undated
A drawing of the Hobeiche Kmeid Ellis family tree.


Date: undated
Oussani family history notes with names, birth and death dates, of Joseph Oussani siblings. A pedigree chart of the descendants of Milhelm and Yasmine Nassif Fuleihan. A pedigree chart of the descendants of Thomas and Catherine Oussani.

Date: undated
A notecard with information about family history written on it.

Date: undated
A notecard with information about family history written on it.

Date: undated
A hand-drawn family tree depicting the Rabil family dating back to 1600. Other branches depict the Sarkis, Farah, and Nassif branches of the tree.
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